
How to Pay for Flatiron School

Jess Feldman

Written By Jess Feldman

Jennifer Inglis

Edited By Jennifer Inglis

Last updated January 9, 2025

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Don’t let the cost of a coding bootcamp hold you back from achieving your tech career dreams! Flatiron School has many cost-effective ways to pay for a coding bootcamp, from upfront discounts to monthly payment plans and financing. Jem Millett, the Senior Director of Admissions at Flatiron School, breaks down Flatiron School’s three scholarships, and how to determine the best payment plan for your needs. If you’re still unsure if paying for a bootcamp is right for you, Flatiron School has free resources to see if attending a coding bootcamp is your next step.

The 4 Main Payment Options at Flatiron School


Deposit Required?

Repayment Terms



Upfront Payment



This may be the best payment option because you will get $1,000 off a full bootcamp tuition.

You will need to pay the entire tuition amount at the start of the bootcamp. 

“Pay As You Learn” Monthly Payment Plan


You will make monthly payment plans throughout the bootcamp.

There is 0% interest with this plan!

You will be paying for the tuition while you’re studying in the bootcamp.

Financed Loan


APRs on loans range from 0.00%–36.00%. The APR includes an up to 5% origination fee. Your actual origination fee may be lower depending on your state of residence. Repayment typically happens over 12-24 months.

You may be able to defer payment until you finish the bootcamp, so you can focus on your studies.

These loans have interest, so you will pay more for the bootcamp than if you paid tuition upfront. 

Grants (such as WIOA)



You may be eligible for a state or city grant to cover your tuition!

You will need to do research and submit the correct paperwork to get the grant in time to cover your bootcamp tuition. 

  1. Upfront payment - This option is the best value since Flatiron School offers a $1,000 discount for a full bootcamp tuition when paid upfront.
  2. “Pay As You Learn” Monthly Payment Plan - This is a great option for students who can’t pay tuition upfront and do not want to take out an education loan.
  3. Personal education financing loans -  Education loans can be a good option for bootcamp students who want to pay tuition after graduation.
  4. Grants - Partial and full-tuition grants offered through states or cities can be a great option for qualifying students! 

When a student applies to Flatiron School, who will they speak with about tuition payment options?

Students will speak to the Admissions team. They will work with an admissions representative from the time that they fill out their initial application to the time they start day one in class bootcamp. 

Bootcamp tuition can be expensive! What is your advice on choosing the best payment option for them?

It’s important to know what you’re trying to optimize for before you start applying. For example: Are you trying to optimize for the longest amount of time without a payment? Are you trying to optimize the longest time to pay or the least total possible? 

Many people who are not already in careers are breaking into tech for the first time and typically optimizing for the lowest payment possible. Those options are very different because payment could be deferred, where you pay nothing while you're in the course but start paying it back six months after graduating, for up to five years. Keep in mind that you end up paying more for tuition with a deferred loan than if you paid tuition upfront. 

When looking at the financial options, determine your needs so you can have an effective conversation with our admissions reps. We have created partnerships with multiple payment facilitators to create these options that work for different types of people. 

Overall, what kind of ROI can Flatiron School students expect?

It’s hard to give a specific number because it will depend on your starting point. A data scientist will make a different amount than a cyber security analyst, and if you’re coming from a $15/hr job or a 10-year career, the ROI will be different. That said, compared to a four-year college degree, bootcamp graduates often see a substantial increase in salary within a year of starting their new position. A bootcamp also costs less than a traditional degree. At Flatiron School, we’re creating careers, not just jobs. 

Deep Dive Into Flatiron School’s Payment Options

Is the tuition discount for paying upfront available to full-time and part-time students?

Yes ! The $1,000 discount for paying upfront is available to full-time and part-time students. 

Which financing partners does Flatiron School have a relationship with?

Flatiron School works with EdAid as well as Ascent and Climb. 99% of Flatiron School enrollment qualified students are approved for EdAid, but you can give additional information to get approved for a loan from a different provider. 

What kinds of APR rates for a bootcamp tuition loan can Flatiron School students typically expect?

It varies, and you will know the APR when applying. We see APRs range from 0-36% with most of them under 20%. 

Depending on the loan product you're selecting, the APR will be adjusted according to the terms of the loan. Ascent and Climb are very transparent in showing you what that APR is before you decide to accept the loan. 

How can an incoming student get the best rate from a lender?

Don't just apply in one place. There's a myth that you will hurt your credit if you are filling out many applications, but you're not. As an example, Ascent and Climb are both soft credit checks, so they will give you offers of what you qualify for, which does not show up on your credit until you accept one of the loans. By doing this, you can see what multiple companies are offering you before you accept a loan without hurting your credit. If you want to find which loan is going to give you the best rate, then apply to all that are available to you. 

Is there interest in the Pay As You Learn plan?

There is 0% interest for Flatiron School’s Pay As You Learn plan. With Pay As You Learn, a student spreads out the grand total across however long they are in class. This means that students will have tuition paid off by graduation. 

How long does it typically take to pay back loans to the financing partners? 

It depends on the loan that's chosen. For some, it can take as little time as a student wants. If a student pays off a loan early, there are no prepayment penalties. We see students select a loan and then land a higher paying job so their budget allows room to pay a loan earlier than expected. This means they are paying less in total interest.

The deferred repayment can be coupled with a five-year term, which is 60 months of repayment. It could be 66 months because you did the deferral where your first payment isn't until six months after graduation and then your payments start.

Additionally, we have two loan options with EdAid which are 12 months and 24 months. If a student is interested in our Pay As You Learn plan but needs a lower monthly payment or needs more time to repay tuition because they are enrolled in a shorter bootcamp, we extend their monthly payment over 12-24 months through EdAid. Our EdAid options require a higher deposit, but they are also 0% interest. 

Can a student have their employer cover their bootcamp tuition?

Absolutely! We can work with the employer directly, but students need to initiate that conversation with their employer. Some employers want a student to pay for it, and after you pass, they reimburse you. Some employers will charge it on the company card.

If your employer likes our programming and wants to send multiple people through a bootcamp, we can do a bulk discount. If it’s more than three students from one employer, we can give an additional discount as well. 

Do Flatiron School’s payment options include a refund policy?

Yes we have a refund  policy, depending on what program you're selecting. Typically, the shortest amount is within seven days of starting. If you withdraw within the refund policy time, you get a 100% refund. Our student catalog has all the details. 

3 Tuition Scholarships at Flatiron School

What scholarships does Flatiron School currently offer?

Flatiron School uses its three scholarships to impact the diversity of being in a technologist field: 

  1. Access Scholarship is for people who are vets, have disabilities, or are people of color. 

  2. Women Take Tech Scholarship for any self-identifying woman. 

  3. Merit Scholarship 

In 2024, our scholarships are $2,000 per student. Students who receive any of these scholarships will also receive invitations to our fellowship. The fellowships offer special programming with career partners and throughout the program, unique programming and education benefits. 

Can Flatiron School scholarships be combined?

No — Scholarships cannot be combined with other scholarships. 

Can scholarships be combined with other payment options, such as monthly payments or financing?

Yes! Students can combine a scholarship with the upfront tuition discount, Pay As Your Learn, or an education loan. 

Does Flatiron School also accept veterans’ benefits?

At this time, we do not accept veteran benefits. However, we have had veterans apply and be eligible for our Access Scholarship. 

Do students need to complete a separate application to be considered for any of these scholarships?

When filling out your application, be sure to select your identifiers and you could automatically get an Access Scholarship or Women Take Tech Scholarship. If you opted not to select your identifiers on the initial application, but you do qualify for one of these scholarships, you will have to fill out a separate scholarship form during the admissions process. 

The Merit Scholarship is for applicants who excel in our CCAT test and is awarded when they are going through the admissions process. 

Free Resources for Flatiron School Applicants

We hold daily info sessions where an admissions team member will answer your questions live. If someone wants an individual session to address their learning goals and financial status, we can do that, too. We also offer a monthly Pay for Your Bootcamp workshop that I host every month. If you’re interested in a bootcamp but want to give it a try before enrolling, you can take our pre-course to get a sense of our teaching style.

Find out more and read Flatiron School reviews on Course Report. This article was produced by the Course Report team in partnership with Flatiron School.

Jess Feldman

Written by

Jess Feldman, Content Manager at Course Report

Jess Feldman is an accomplished writer and the Content Manager at Course Report, the leading platform for career changers who are exploring coding bootcamps. With a background in writing, teaching, and social media management, Jess plays a pivotal role in helping Course Report readers make informed decisions about their educational journey.

Jennifer Inglis

Edited by

Jennifer Inglis, Guest Editor

Jennifer Inglis is a freelance writer, editor, and content creator with extensive professional expertise in advertising, media analysis, teaching,  writing, and literature. Prior to becoming a writer, Jennifer was a Media Analyst for ten years and then earned her master's degree in Teaching, instructing middle-school students in college/career readiness, writing, and public speaking..

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