Ask a Career Coach

What to Do in the First 90 Days After Bootcamp Graduation

Jess Feldman

Written By Jess Feldman

Jennifer Inglis

Edited By Jennifer Inglis

Last updated on October 1, 2024

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Welcome to Ask a Career Coach, an advice column where bootcamp career coaches answer a question from a Course Report reader. Today, Dr. Zeerak Haider, a career coach for TripleTen’s Data Science and Business Intelligence Analytics programs, gives us her insights on how to be productive in the first 90 days after graduating from a bootcamp. With tips on how to continue your skill-building and how to boost your job-searching, find out what recommendations Dr. Haider shares with her students!

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A coding bootcamp student writes:

“I’m about to graduate from TripleTen. What should I do in my first 90 days after graduation to further develop my new tech career and land my first tech job?”

A quick answer to this question is…

Make sure you have a dedicated set space on your calendar to fully take advantage of TripleTen’s Career Acceleration and the coaching support provided to our students in the six weeks post-bootcamp. If you come into that time prepared with your job artifacts (resume, cover letter, Github, etc.), it will help you jumpstart your job search much sooner and get ahead of the game! 

How does TripleTen prepare students for the job-seeking process

We have a thorough, six-week Career Acceleration program where we help students refine their job materials so they are ready for submission. We offer continued support after the six weeks to students in the active job search process. Additionally, coaches host career workshops and encourage students to take advantage of internships, hackathons, and other skill-building opportunities like the recent Code Pudding Challenge hosted by TripleTen. 

Is there a certain schedule you recommend for new bootcamp graduates? Something that will help them stay on track with projects, networking, and job-seeking? 

My typical calendar suggestion is:

  • Monday-Wednesday: Apply to jobs early in the morning as this time frame is when most jobs are posted. Then work on your Career Acceleration content.

  • Thursday: Network! Send messages (LinkedIn or email) to recruiters and the companies you applied to and express your interest in the role and that you would like to interview with them. 

  • Friday: Take the day off and have some fun! The job process can be quite taxing on your mind and body, so have at least one day for yourself. 

  • Saturday: Spend time on professional development. This may mean improving your SQL skills, securing an internship, or participating in a hackathon. I strongly recommend that you do all three of these activities so that your skills stay sharp! 

  • Sunday: In the afternoon, send follow-up messages to the recruiters and companies so that your messages are in their inbox early Monday morning. 

The job-seeking process can take some time — What realistic goals do you recommend recent bootcamp graduates set for themselves?

Pace yourself and keep reaching out to your coach for support. TripleTen has built-in career services for a reason! We as coaches are here to help you adapt and pivot as you continue on your job search so that you don’t feel stuck and alone. The biggest advantage you can have is taking advantage of all of the support services and opportunities TripleTen has to offer.   

What job-seeking or productivity tools are you suggesting to your students and recent graduates? 

Prentus was recently acquired by TripleTen and has helped our students organize their networking and job applications. This has saved students and graduates time and made things much more streamlined for their job search. Additionally, Prentus has a job board that has opportunities for students to utilize! 

How can a recent graduate grow their network in the first 90 days post-bootcamp?  

During the Career Acceleration time frame, coaches work with students on their job search and networking strategies. This helps to serve as a personalized map for each student’s interests and career goals. 

The two tips that I tell my students are:

  • Informational interviews are a great way to make connections with those who are on LinkedIn and belong to the companies you would like to work with.

  • Attend tech conferences and volunteer. I cannot emphasize enough how great of an opportunity these are for establishing strong networking connections with the speakers and panelists as well as other professionals attending and organizing the conference. 

Job-seekers can get hit with a lot of rejection as they find their way to the right role. What are your tips for staying positive, especially in those first 90 days post-bootcamp? 

Keep your eyes on the prize! If you have a weekly game plan and keep in touch with your coach for the support that is offered, you will be able to pace yourself through the program. Through networking, you will learn a lot of information that will make you a stronger and more prepared candidate for the opportunities that arise. Finally, through internship and hackathon opportunities you will learn how to work with your peers while keeping your skills fresh.  

Is there anything you recommend students begin to work on before graduating to get ahead of their job-seeking? 

Network! Attend conferences and have a strategic game plan on how to do so.

What are your tips to TripleTen students and graduates on making the most of their time with a career coach? 

Come prepared to learn and grow. Be open to the process! Coming in with a growth mindset will be powerful for your career. Be ready with goals that will set you up for your active job search period. Take the time to review the Career Acceleration content that is provided and be ready to network! 

Can TripleTen graduates reach out to coaches for support?

Always! Your career coaches are just a Discord message away from helping you and offering support. Be sure to set up an appointment via Prentus with your coach. 

Find out more and read TripleTen reviews on Course Report. This article was produced by the Course Report team in partnership with TripleTen.

About The Author

Jess Feldman

Jess Feldman

Jess Feldman is an accomplished writer and the Content Manager at Course Report, the leading platform for career changers who are exploring coding bootcamps. With a background in writing, teaching, and social media management, Jess plays a pivotal role in helping Course Report readers make informed decisions about their educational journey.

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