DaVinci Coders is closed

This school is now closed. Although DaVinci Coders is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and DaVinci Coders alumni reviews on the school page.


DaVinci Coders

Average Rating4.4
21 Reviews
0 Courses

The DaVinci Coders training programs are full-immersion web development courses in Westminster, Colorado. After an intense 12 to 13-week training period, students will transition into an 8 week course working on applying coding skills in a real-world work environment. Courses are designed to teach people with drive and passion the fine art of computer programming while balancing their personal lives. For each course, students are required to attend class 3 times a week. In addition to this requirement, most students have found they spend 30-40 hours on additional class-related work outside of the classroom. Along with the immersive program, DaVinci Coders also offers 24/7 co-working space in addition to other workshop and networking events. Students in the Learn to Code training programs will write full-stack web applications while learning the fundamentals of programming, and quickly come up to speed with the process for writing software. They will finish the class with a working application, portfolio, and industry experience. Most importantly, the DaVinci program focuses on working in teams and solving problems like a seasoned programmer would. 

The program culminates with a Demo Day where students can show off their accomplishments. There is also integrated career development curriculum training including the chance to build a working portfolio, and go through a mock interview to help them sell their newly learned skills in the job market. DaVinci Coders full offerings include immersion courses in Ruby on Rails Back End Programming, Swift Mobile Application Development, JavaScript Front End Development, and Learning to Program with Video Game Development. 

DaVinci Coders recently acquired a provisional certification to operate as a school by the Colorado Division of Private Occupational Schools, which allows students to apply for the H1B Federal Grant. The School has also established MicroDegree™ accreditation.

21 DaVinci Coders Reviews

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  • Allen
    Managing Partner • Graduate • Back-end Development with Ruby on Rails • Denver
    Dec 30, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Want to be challenged? Take this course.

    I have 30 years consulting industry experience and currently own a Firm that relies on a Rails-based platform. I highly recommend the Ruby on Rails course to serious-minded individuals who hope to become professional developers.

    Instructor Jason Noble:   Well known in Denver’s RoR community,  Jason emphasizes the use of best-practices,  understands how learning occurs, and encourages his students to see their problems as learning opportuni...

  • Doug
    Dec 14, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Foundation

      I have always believed that a course is only as good as the instructor who teaches it and this belief was certainly validated by my experience in the Ruby on Rails bootcamp.  Jason Noble's  extensive experience as a developer and as an instructor provided the majority of the value in the course.  Jasons considerable knowledge and patience made him an exceptional educational resource that anyone could feel comforatable approaching with any manner of inquiry. The courses extensive document...

  • Rebecca
    Developer • Graduate • Back-end Development with Ruby on Rails • Denver
    Dec 06, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Loved It - Process extremely valuable

    I took the Ruby on Rails course with Jason Noble as the instructor May-Aug 2015. Jason was very knowledgable and was a great teacher. I will admit that the code that was learned in class probably could have been learned on your own outside of class. What I thought was so valuable (and my current employer agrees), is the processes that were taught. I was able to start my first job and start wiriting code on day one. This was because I already knew the processes... I knew all about version c...

  • Laurie
    Graduate • Back-end Development with Ruby on Rails • Denver
    Dec 05, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Class

    I really enjoyed this class. When I started, I had no programming experience. I appreciate the systematic way that the instructor moves through the material building on it as you go. The classes are very fun and engaging, while homework give you a chance to practice.    The instructor is passionate and really interested in how to best teach this material. He is also a very knowledgeable industry professional. He is extraordinary patient and helpful....
  • Tim
    Software Developer • Graduate • Back-end Development with Ruby on Rails • Denver
    Dec 05, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    You get out what you put in

    I graduated from the DaVinci Ruby on Rails course in December 2015. Overall, I had a very positive experience with the course. The instructor, Jason Noble, was incredibly knowledgeable and insightful and helped me learn a lot. However, I will say that this course is definitely heavy on self-learning. The curriculum was very structured and I knew exactly what we would be learning each week. However, I felt like the pacing was a little slow. So a lot of the things I learned in class I read a...

  • Anonymous
    product manager • Graduate • Back-end Development with Ruby on Rails • Denver
    Feb 24, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    I hope it got better

    Disclosure: I took the part time RoR course 2 years ago so my data may be out of date but I don't think so, from what I have heard.

    The course was not well laid out. We started out doing through Learn Ruby the Hard Way in class. I am paying to go through the work we could do online. But it's going OK. We are learning VIM, middle-stack, etc... but there appears to be no focus, or at least we're not shown what that is. I implore with the instructor/admins to help with that, but not...

  • Matt
    Feb 08, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    DaVinci Disappointment

    I met with the program manager at DaVinci Coders at noon on Saturday, January, 23. The interview went well and I was told I'd be contacted on Monday whether or not I was accepted. Monday came and went. Tuesday I woke up with a head cold and had to work. I called the office on Wednesday and was told that I had indeed been accepted. The program manager then proceeded to tell me that if she remembered correctly I was on the fence about which program to attend. Mind you I knew that I wanted th...

  • Hsin Tsao
    Hsin Tsao
    Graduate • Web Development with JavaScript • Denver
    Jun 30, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Huge Difference

    The hands-on environment made a huge difference. I learned more about programming in 11-weeks at DaVinci than I did in an entire year at home.

  • Megan Milan
    Megan Milan
    Graduate • Web Development with JavaScript • Denver
    Jun 30, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great JavaScript Class

    DaVinci provided a great introduction to JavaScript and coding.

  • Jon Kohne
    Jon Kohne
    Graduate • Web Development with JavaScript • Denver
    Jun 30, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Ready to Be A Developer

    Great class! There are so many things I've learned.  I'm ready to be a developer. If you are passionate about learning and do the work you will be ready to be a junior web developer by the end of this course. Caron Newman (our instructor) is the best!

  • Mark Sargent
    Mark Sargent
    Graduate • Web Development with JavaScript • Denver
    Jun 30, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A Great Alternative

    If you are willing to work hard and study, DaVinci can give you an advantage in the coding job market. A great alternative to all the outdated university programs out there.

    Davinci was invaluable to me in the creation of http://enclosedworld.com The program gave me the skill set to produce and maintain my entire site. I would recommend this class to anyone, even if they have no knowledge of front end programming. I ...

  • Grace Yu
    Grace Yu
    Graduate • Back-end Development with Ruby on Rails • Denver
    Jun 17, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Thank You

    In this course I learned how to build a web application from the ground up, using pair programming among other methodologies. The whole class became my family.   Thank you DaVinci! Thank you Jason!

DaVinci Coders Alumni Outcomes

Recent DaVinci Coders News

Lauren Stewart
Lauren Stewart
Updated December 30, 2016
It’s that time again! A time to reflect on the year that is coming to an end, and a time to plan for what the New Year has in store. While it may be easy to beat yourself up about certain unmet goals, one thing is for sure: you made it through another year! And we bet you accomplished more than you think. Maybe you finished your first Codecademy class, made a 30-day Github commit streak, ...
Nick Toscano
Nick Toscano
Updated March 03, 2025
The independent game development market has never been more alive marking this as an opportunistic time to press start learning the trade. As of March 2015, Epic’s Unreal Engine, Unity 5, and Valve’s Source 2 are all free for developers.  The rise of independent game titles being funded through Kickstarter campaigns has opened the door for small groups of aspiring developers to gain funding f...
Harry Hantel
Harry Hantel
Updated January 25, 2018
Video games might be lots of fun, but making them isn’t easy. If you want to put yourself on the road to great game design, consider these programs that put game design into the bootcamp model. Game on!   DaVinci Coders Why: Located in Boulder, DaVinci Coders’ Video Game Development course is taught by an industry expert and features technologies like Unity, C#, and Java, along w...

DaVinci Coders Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does DaVinci Coders cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but DaVinci Coders does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

What courses does DaVinci Coders teach?

DaVinci Coders offers courses like .

Where does DaVinci Coders have campuses?

DaVinci Coders has an in-person campus in Denver.

Is DaVinci Coders worth it?

DaVinci Coders hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 21 DaVinci Coders alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed DaVinci Coders on Course Report - you should start there!

Is DaVinci Coders legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 21 DaVinci Coders alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed DaVinci Coders and rate their overall experience a 4.4 out of 5.

Does DaVinci Coders offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like DaVinci Coders offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read DaVinci Coders reviews?

You can read 21 reviews of DaVinci Coders on Course Report! DaVinci Coders alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed DaVinci Coders and rate their overall experience a 4.4 out of 5.

Is DaVinci Coders accredited?


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