Redwood Code Academy is closed

This school is now closed. Although Redwood Code Academy is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Redwood Code Academy alumni reviews on the school page.


Redwood Code Academy

Average Rating4.7
70 Reviews
2 Courses

Redwood Code Academy offers 12-week full-time, and 24-week part-time full-stack software development bootcamps in Orange County, CA. Technologies taught include HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJS, C# .NET Core, Node.js, SQL, MongoDB, RESTful API, AWS, Git Workflow, and Agile Development. Redwood Code Academy covers full stack software development, with a focus on web application, but also includes mobile applications, desktop applications and cloud services. The Academy focuses on real world skills training by helping students learn the fundamentals of full stack development, work in teams to build a portfolio and gain the skills necessary to interview and land a dream job. 

To apply candidates should fill out an online questionnaire, schedule a visit to the Redwood campus to meet with a mentor, attend a beginner workshop, and participate in a final interview.

Upon completion of the curriculum, Redwood Code Academy provides students with career guidance including resume prep, optimization of LinkedIn and Github profiles, mock job interviews, and introductions to local recruiters and employers in Redwood's hiring network.

70 Redwood Code Academy Reviews

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  • Andrew Hwang
    Student • Full Stack Immersion • Irvine
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Apr 30, 2018
    Overall Experience
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    Redwood Rocks

    I came into Redwood with a very limited background in comp sci and software development and as of 3 days ago, I've successfully completed 12 weeks of their full-stack development bootcamp. The huge amount of material we were able to get through was very well laid out and taught by Harrison and their instructors. The lessons themselves were very helpful to get an introduction to all the moving pieces that are involved in web development and I believe I have a strong foundation to start my c...

  • Corey Morinaka
    Corey Morinaka
    Student • Full Stack Immersion • Orange County
    Verified by GitHub
    Jan 29, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Redwood Review

    As of three days ago, I completed Redwood Code Academy's full-stack immersion program. While it may be premature to say it was the best career choice I've ever made, it has the potential to be. I cannot be more excited to embark on a new career and take the skills I've learned and apply them. Harrison, Billy, Taylor, and Karim were integral parts in my acquiring the foundational knowledge and best practices that will help me succeed in the field of software development. Each had their own ...

  • Michael Meute
    Graduate • Full Stack Immersion • Irvine
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jan 26, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Grow with Redwood

    If you're looking to go into the field of coding and you're thinking about going through a bootcamp, Redwood Code Academy should be at the top of your list. Learning to code will be one of the most difficult things you ever do. Making sure you pick the right bootcamp is crucial. Redwood Code Academy offers amazing instructors who genuinely care about you succeeding. Check your attitude at the door, and Redwood will make sure you get everything you need to become a full stack developer with hi...
  • Natalia
    Graduate • Full Stack Immersion • Orange County
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jan 26, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best code school in the OC

    Redwood is the code school to go to! 

    I have a little bit of a unique experience because I have previously completed the course at Orange Count Code School and worked for a year and a half as a front end developer. 

    Redwood has exceeded my expectations as a code school. We learned far more technologies than I thought was even possible to learn in 12 weeks. The teaching and support here is incredible and the teachers really care if you understand what you’re learning. 

  • Darlene Kim
    Student • Orange County
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jan 14, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Full Stack Dev

    Redwood has proved to me that they are efficient as a school and as a business. The staff maintains a great balance exhibiting professional and personable manners. I was never treated in any condescending way, as I had been at a previous coding bootcamp. The course is streamlined to guarantee every student picks up the languages at the same pace, build applications accordingly as individuals and as a group. Assistance is available at any time, after class and even when you're at home. 

  • Jerri Ho
    Jerri Ho
    Student • Full Stack Immersion • Orange County
    Verified by GitHub
    Sep 04, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    I Only Wish I Had Done This Sooner!

    When I was 18, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted do, had my entire life planned out to the very last detail, and put in countless hours to get to where I wanted to be. After graduating from UC Irvine, I received an amazing offer at an established company that provided me with many opportunities. Although everything was falling into place, I began to feel a great sense of emptiness. I was very fortunate have an extremely patient supervisor that provided me with the resources to succeed...

  • Roger Chavez
    Roger Chavez
    Student • Full Stack Immersion • Irvine
    Verified by GitHub
    Jun 02, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    I was nervous about taking the risk of attending a bootcamp

    I was nervous about taking a risk of attending a full-time bootcamp, but since I've gone through it, I am confident I made the right choice. They helped guide me through a few steep learning curves that would have taken me much longer to get through on my own. This applies to both the languages themselves and the tools used to make it all work. There have been some concepts that seem overwhelming, but Harrison and Billy are very knowledgable and break it down into smaller bits that are eas...

  • Sean Swan
    Front-End Developer • Graduate • Irvine
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 15, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    No better choice for your future

     I was just like anyone else at the beginning of the course. I had a lot of hope that this was not going to be a bust or waste of time and I'm so happy that 9 weeks later I feel I'm doing things I used to watch other techies do and wonder if I'd actually get to learning it in my lifetime. Now I'm mad I just did not do this a long time ago Harrison and Billy really have an excellent way of teaching so that you get the meat of it all.

      I checked out a couple of other boot camps be...

  • Joshua Han
    Joshua Han
    Graduate • Full Stack Immersion • Irvine
    Apr 12, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    No Job Support

    I'm leaving this review in support of my fellow alumni who has experienced the same situation as myself.  I began attending RCA in May of 2019 with a determination to make a career change. RCA seemed and sounded promising at the time, primarily because of the promised job support and the job network that is posted on their site. The instructors were great people and I don't blame them at all. I felt like the course itself is spread too thin and the instructors weren't able to teach every...
  • Arsalan Gazor
    Arsalan Gazor
    Student • Full Stack Immersion • Irvine
    Mar 30, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    An Honest & Detailed Review


    I would like to preface this by saying I am not a spiteful person. If I were I would have made this review months ago (January) when it all began. I had given the owner of this school plenty of time to respond to my loan cancellation request but I no longer have a choice but to leave a review now that it is nearing April.

    I had went onto the school community channel for support and to voice my dissapointment an...

    Patrick of Redwood Code Academy


    Mar 31, 2020

    This review is not true. While Arsalan did request a refund in January he cancelled that request. He was not ignored. Here is the exact copy from our text message exchange in January:
    Arsalan: Hi Patrick; sorry to bother you again. Plans changed again, I'm gonna stay in the U.S. so I would like to stay in the class if possible, and work on my front-end stuff. What do you say? 
    Arsalan:  Sorry I've put you through this back and forth roller coaster. It's not my fault. It's my situation that keeps changing. 
    Patrick:  Yes sir welcome back :) 
    Patrick:  No worries:) 
    Arsalan:  Thank you Patrick; THANK YOU!!! 
    I sent a screenshot of this to Arsalan as a reminder. 
  • Brian
    Graduate • Orange County
    Jun 21, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Scammed. Defrauded. Misinformed. Mislead. I lost $12,500 attending Redwood Code Academy in 2017.

    Hello World, I'm Brian. 

    I went to this "coding bootcamp" from Mar-Jul 2017

    Harrison Spain, Billy Pruden, and Taylor Thomas misled, and misinformed me about their experience and qualifications to teach code, and scammed and defrauded me out of $12,500.

    A LOT of students paid thousands of dollars to this "coding bootcamp" in 2016 and 2017 got scammed and defrauded by Harrison...

  • Eric
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Immersion • Irvine
    Mar 14, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Redwood Review

    Had a great experience attending Redwood. Initially I was trying to teach myself but could not progress at the speed I wanted to go. So I took the plunge and attended Redwood. The instructors were great. Harrison, Taylor and Zack were on hand to guide us to find solutions when needed. The format was perfect in terms of learning the material. Lessons with the daily and weekly labs, followed by a few projects. It was a wonderful learning environment. Harrison and Taylor did excellent jobs pr...


Redwood Code Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does Redwood Code Academy cost?

Redwood Code Academy costs around $13,500. On the lower end, some Redwood Code Academy courses like Part Time - Full Stack cost $11,000.

What courses does Redwood Code Academy teach?

Redwood Code Academy offers courses like Full Stack Immersion, Part Time - Full Stack.

Where does Redwood Code Academy have campuses?

Redwood Code Academy has an in-person campus in Irvine.

Is Redwood Code Academy worth it?

Redwood Code Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 70 Redwood Code Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Redwood Code Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Redwood Code Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 70 Redwood Code Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Redwood Code Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.7 out of 5.

Does Redwood Code Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Redwood Code Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Redwood Code Academy reviews?

You can read 70 reviews of Redwood Code Academy on Course Report! Redwood Code Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Redwood Code Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.7 out of 5.

Is Redwood Code Academy accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Redwood Code Academy doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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