Written By Imogen Crispe
Course Report strives to create the most trust-worthy content about coding bootcamps. Read more about Course Report’s Editorial Policy and How We Make Money.
Course Report strives to create the most trust-worthy content about coding bootcamps. Read more about Course Report’s Editorial Policy and How We Make Money.
When it comes to data science programming languages, you have two options: Python and R. Both Python and R will help you analyze data to see valuable business insights, but which one should beginners learn first to maximize their chances of landing a job? We asked Galvanize Lead Data Science Instructor, Sean Reed, to explain the differences between Python versus R, what each language does best, and which language he suggests data science students should learn first.
Both Python and R are used for:
Employers hiring data scientists look for:
The Galvanize curriculum covers:
Find out more and read Galvanize reviews on Course Report. Check out the Galvanize Data Science website.
Imogen Crispe, Content Creator and Entrepreneur
Imogen is a writer and content producer who loves exploring technology and education in her work. Her strong background in journalism, writing for newspapers and news websites, makes her a contributor with professionalism and integrity.
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