
October 2019 Coding Bootcamp News Roundup

Imogen Crispe

Written By Imogen Crispe

Last updated October 28, 2019

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Fundraising Fall kicked off this October with three multi-million dollar bootcamp fundraises (plus one coding bootcamp was put up for sale). We’re also covering news about why companies like IBM and Accenture hire coding bootcamp grads, which companies are partnering with bootcamps to offer scholarships, and why more universities are launching bootcamps. Plus, find out information about the 8 new schools and countless campuses that launched in October!

October Bootcamp Fundraises & Divestitures 

Scholarships and Financial Incentives

Who is Attending Bootcamps?

Status of Bootcamp Outcomes Reporting

  • 2U just launched a new rubric for reporting outcomes for online program management. The new framework focuses on oversight and accountability, marketplace openness, access, affordability, quality, and outcomes. 2U owns Trilogy Education, which runs coding bootcamps at universities. 

Colleges + Coding Bootcamps

Preparing for bootcamp

Hiring coding bootcamp grads

  • TDWI looks at how to grow a data scientist in the workplace. The article points out that data scientists need technical knowledge and suggests that you can get that through through university programs or organized boot camps. 

  • James Mason, the CTO of MUSO, tells IDG Connect about an initiative he is using in hiring. Some of his team members have been teaching at coding bootcamp, which led to MUSO hiring and mentoring the course's best students and moving away from 100% recruitment of experienced developers, to start nurturing talent.

New Campuses + Partnerships

  • Yahoo Finance reports that a new coding bootcamp is launching in Birmingham, UK to train adults in data and software. The Code Academy is run by AI firm Sidetrade and will be free for 12 students.

  • EU Startups looks at the status of tech skills in the European Union. Codecool, a bootcamp with campuses in Poland, Hungary, and Romania published a report which found that in the last 10 years, the number of tech specialists has increased by more than 40%, but there is still high demand for people with tech skills.

Lambda School News

8 New Schools on Course Report

  • MCC Code School, in Fort Omaha, Nebraska

  • Carleton University COding Bootcamp in Ottawa, Canada

  • Tabit Coding Bootcamp in Munich Germany

  • SVAcademy, an online business development bootcamp

  • Udacity Nanodegrees, which offers numerous online programs

  • Lighthouse, a coding bootcamp in Atlanta, Georgia

  • Kodiri, a coding bootcamp in London, UK

  • Practicum Yandex, an online coding bootcamp

Favorite Articles on the Blog

Liz interviewed Katherine Louie, a Technical Recruiting Manager for Accenture who focuses on diversity and inclusion. Accenture, which is a huge consulting company, partners with Hackbright Academy to hire women software developers – one of their goals is to reach gender parity by 2025. So far, they’ve hired five graduates into their Technology and Consulting Development Programs. Liz asked Katherine about what she looks for in new hires, why bootcamp grads stand out, and what they work on when they get to Accenture. 

Imogen enjoyed interviewing Lighthouse Labs graduate Steve Graves about the final project that he built. The project was a website where you could see which parts of Vancouver were popular or “hotspots” at any time, and it helped Steve and his teammates land jobs when they graduated! A recruiter was at the Lighthouse Labs demo day, and contacted them for job interviews. Steve gives some great tips for people on how to build a final project that will stand out and demonstrate their abilities.

Imogen Crispe

Written by

Imogen Crispe, Content Creator and Entrepreneur

Imogen is a writer and content producer who loves exploring technology and education in her work. Her strong background in journalism, writing for newspapers and news websites, makes her a contributor with professionalism and integrity.

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