Bogotá Bootcamp is closed
This school is now closed. Although Bogotá Bootcamp is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Bogotá Bootcamp alumni reviews on the school page.
Bogotá Bootcamp offers a full-time, 5-week Ruby on Rails bootcamp and a 10-week full stack web development in Bogotá, Colombia. Students will learn web development basics like Ruby on Rails, Git and Github, HTML, and JavaScript. The courses include a combination of lectures, code-alongs, pair programming, and coding assignments. Students will complete one or two web applications and a final project to showcase new technical skills to employers. Bogotá Bootcamp also assists students with the job search by helping with updating Linkedin profiles, Github profiles, resumes, personal websites, and connecting students to recruiters.
In order to apply, prospective applicants can email their resume to the bootcamp. Bogotá Bootcamp aims to offer an affordable tuition price, smaller class sizes, and a positive attitude, in a city with a lower cost of living.
Super great teachers, team and course.
100% recommended.
I’m a designer and in France I always had work. Since living in Bogota, life became more complicated.
I decided to learn something new, for me and my family web development has been the best profession I could have chosen. Finally taking the leap and doing Bogota Bootcamp is certainly in my top 3 best decisions. It totally changed my life. The way I work, the way I see the world.
Granger has years of expe...
I’m a designer and in France I always had work. Since living in Bogota, life became more complicated.
I decided to learn something new, for me and my family web development has been the best profession I could have chosen. Finally taking the leap and doing Bogota Bootcamp is certainly in my top 3 best decisions. It totally changed my life. The way I work, the way I see the world.
Granger has years of experience in development, he worked for 2 different companies in NYC and it shows in code. Not only is he an experienced developer, but he is an experienced teacher. I speak French, Spanish and English is my third language, Granger understands how to communicate with me and is invested in my skills.
When I started this Bootcamp my level was an absolute zero in code. Five weeks post graduating from Bogota Bootcamp, I’m about to finish a website project for my first client! I’m so proud now to be part of the amazing developer’s community.
El Bootcamp es muy completo y me atrevo a decir que se ajusta a todos los perfiles. En menos de tres meses adquieres la habilidades para desarrollar proyectos web y tener una base solida para iniciar tu carrera como desarrollador de aplicaciones web.
Además ofrece un ambiente muy agradable y de muy buena conversación.. no solo software!
I was interested in this bootcamp when Nicolle welcomed me and asked me to write my name in a sticker to paste it over my shirt. I did like that because I felt part of a group. Then I saw everyone were also wearing their stickers. Nicolle told me the Meetup was hosted by her and Granger, we ate fruits and coffee. I am shy, so I preferred to overheard their conversations in order to figure out if I could fit there, that's how I did, and I started to look after the possibility of studying wi...
I was interested in this bootcamp when Nicolle welcomed me and asked me to write my name in a sticker to paste it over my shirt. I did like that because I felt part of a group. Then I saw everyone were also wearing their stickers. Nicolle told me the Meetup was hosted by her and Granger, we ate fruits and coffee. I am shy, so I preferred to overheard their conversations in order to figure out if I could fit there, that's how I did, and I started to look after the possibility of studying with them, I was always curious about coding but needed a guide to start, so I finally decided to do it because I really liked their attitude.
I am an artists and I have always like to hang around places, meeting new people, also learning from them and teaching -if they want-. The teacher's lessons came and I looked at it as something natural, I can use development to many practical things in life. For example, we did simple exercises with concise lessons where I found that creating an app is not easy, that's why it is important to look for a place surrounded by laptops, books, students and professionals to make the best code ever. For me it was not easy to find a place like this, where I can be calm and open to hear everyone's opinions and experiences.
Now that the course is almost over I am wondering how long it took me to come to this place. I want to keep on learning here at Bogotá Bootcamp because it is clean, and the people are focus on their projects, and also I can like to ask Granger, he is good at communicating things to me, also he has so many things to teach because he is experienced. Like Nicolle, when she comes to class she is helpful and considerate when helping me to find solutions to my every-day problems because she is sweet and comprehensive. They both make a great team, thank's to them Bogota Bootcamp is the best place, they also have a good taste in arts and music. In fewer words I recommend this place a lot.
I have got so much out of the course already. I started a few weeks ago with very minimal coding experience and have been able to catch on quickly. Granger is a great communicator and his experience as a professional coder and a teacher are a great combination. I would highly recommend the course as it is unbeatable for price and is run in an organised and professional manner.
Matt - Australia
How much does Bogotá Bootcamp cost?
Bogotá Bootcamp costs around $2,799. On the lower end, some Bogotá Bootcamp courses like MERN Stack Series cost $40.
What courses does Bogotá Bootcamp teach?
Bogotá Bootcamp offers courses like Fullstack Web Development Course, Javascript Fullstack, MERN Stack Series.
Where does Bogotá Bootcamp have campuses?
Bogotá Bootcamp has in-person campuses in Bogotá. Bogotá Bootcamp also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.
Is Bogotá Bootcamp worth it?
Bogotá Bootcamp hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 17 Bogotá Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bogotá Bootcamp on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Bogotá Bootcamp legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 17 Bogotá Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bogotá Bootcamp and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.
Does Bogotá Bootcamp offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Bogotá Bootcamp offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Bogotá Bootcamp reviews?
You can read 17 reviews of Bogotá Bootcamp on Course Report! Bogotá Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bogotá Bootcamp and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.
Is Bogotá Bootcamp accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Bogotá Bootcamp doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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