
Boot Camp Digital

Average Rating4.74
73 Reviews
1 Course

Boot Camp Digital is a tech training provider offering an online, self-paced Digital Marketing Master Certification. The Digital Marketing Master Certification covers topics like Google Analytics, email marketing, SEO, digital advertising, digital measurement, and social media strategy. Boot Camp Digital students will receive discounts on marketing tools. Boot Camp Digital is designed for beginners and no experience is necessary. Boot Camp Digital is designed to help students gain experience and land a job in the digital marketing industry. Students receive monthly 1:1 coaching calls to help plan for their careers. Graduates of the Digital Marketing Master Certification will receive an industry-accredited certification.

73 Boot Camp Digital Reviews

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  • Riski
    Graduate • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Greet best bootcamp

    This course really give me a whole picture about digital marketing. I am feel grateful to be a part of my skill batch 3 digital marketing. From the other course i think so far my skill is course with best value for money. The tutor really expert in this part and bring out multiple new insight to me.
  • Yusi Dwi Purnami
    Yusi Dwi Purnami
    Graduate • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Luar biasa nih my skill.

    Pertama kali liat my. Skill di ig gw sempat blng gini " ah masa iya harga murah gini dapat materi banyak kyk gini? Gak mungkin lah" sempat ragu. Trs aq beli aja kelasnya digital marketing. Ampun speechless.... Keren banget 😭 materi lengkap harga murah, up to date trs, tutor2 yg kompeten.. Gk bakal nyesel ikut kelas intensive bootcamp nya.. 
  • Hisyam nf
    Hisyam nf
    Mencari Pekerjaan • Graduate • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Harga Terjangkau Materi Daging

    Jika kita bersungguh sungguh belajar di MySkill ilmu pasti kita dapatkan asalkan langsung di praktekan , ketika kita tidak mengerti bisa menanya langsung kepada pengisi atau mentor. Digital Marketing material is structured from beginners to expert.
  • Riezka
    Graduate • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Digital Marketing

    Bootcamp terseruu dengan harga yang terjangkau, materinya sangat jelas untuk pemula, study case yang digunakan diambil dari dunia nyata, mentornya asik dan baik. Setelah bootcamp selesai masih suka diinvite event dari myskill gratis.
  • Baiq diella zhaza khara
    Baiq diella zhaza khara
    Graduate • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    bootcamp digital marketing

    Starting from a curiosity to deepen about digital marketing, I finally decided to take a digital marketing class last November at MySkill. I learned a lot about content marketing, how to write good copywriting, learned about SEO and SEM, learned about Paid ads analytics & optimization, and many more.
    sangat insigthful! materi dibungkus dengan baik serta materi yang mudah di pahami. serta tutor yang sangat ahli dibidangnya. ...
  • Agil Alatas
    Agil Alatas
    Applicant • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Mantap ka coursenya

    Mantap coursenya ka. Sangat bermanfaat untuk perkembangan skill teman2 yang membutuhkan upgrade soft skill pasca kuliah. Terus semangat mencerdaskan anak bangsa. Semoga MySkill terus berkembang lebih besar lagi dan semua alumni mendapatkan penawaran kerja atau bisnis yg lebih baik dari yg saat ini sedang dijalani. Aamiin.
  • Alfindo Tri Sambodo
    Alfindo Tri Sambodo
    Social media officer • Applicant • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Digital Marketing Mini Boot Camp

    Pelatihan dari Myskill sangat direkomendasikan untuk fresh graduate yang ingin mempelajari ilmu pekerjaan yang ingin dilamar. Saya sangat terbantu berkat adanya portfolio dari project yang dikerjakan saat melaksanakan Mini Boot Camp, akhirnya saya bisa bekerja sebagai seorang social media officer berkat pelatihan dari Myskill. Selain itu Myskill juga membagikan informasi yang sangat berguna bagi alumni
  • Rina Meimuna
    Rina Meimuna
    Job Seeker • Graduate • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Attending Bootcamp

    I've got 3 bootcamps on myskill : Product Management, Digital Marketing and TOEFL. All of them are the best experience ever i've attended. Affordable Price, Professional Mentor, A lot of Teachings, Real case studies, etc. Its very good bootcamp and worth it. Thanks My Skill.
  • Irayati
    Social Media Admin • Student • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Intensif Bootcamp Digital Marketing

    My skill provides an awesome course I've had.
    the tutor in each section explains really friendly and clearly. They do an interactive meeting. once the student asked the question, the tutor answered it and explained it well until we understood.
    it was an amazing experience to join this course. recommended so much for you who want to start digital marketing or learn more about digital marketing. :)
    Graduate • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Digital Markting

    Sangt bagus 
    Bermafaat untuk menambah skill dan pengetahuan saya da bermanfaat untuk perkerjaan saya sangat sangat mmbatu
    .................................... ....................................
  • Fiona Azzahra
    Fiona Azzahra
    Graduate • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 09, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    A great experience with myskill

    A few weeks ago, I finished my course that held by MySkill on December 6 until 22 2022. This is a good opportunity to improve my skills and knowledge about digital marketing. The course went really good! It was such an insightful experience for me who just started to get into the digital marketing because in this course I learned many things, such as Brand Strategy, Social Media Marketing, Facebook & Instagram Ads, Campaign & Media Planning, CRM Marketing, and get consultation ab...
  • Erni Meilina
    Erni Meilina
    Student • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 08, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Best bootcamp i have ever got

    I was took course of Mastery Digital Marketing at MySkill in December 2022. It was my first time bootcamp within 3 weeks classes. There are many materials and new knowledges that I got. With Kak Angga CEO MySkill as my mentor on that class, I got clear material included real case studies. Furthermore, the class was fun. I very recommend people if they want to learn or gain a new skill and knowledge at MySkill

Boot Camp Digital Alumni Outcomes

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Boot Camp Digital Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Boot Camp Digital News

How much does Boot Camp Digital cost?

Boot Camp Digital costs around $997.

What courses does Boot Camp Digital teach?

Boot Camp Digital offers courses like Digital Marketing Master Certification.

Where does Boot Camp Digital have campuses?

Boot Camp Digital teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Boot Camp Digital worth it?

Boot Camp Digital hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 73 Boot Camp Digital alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Boot Camp Digital on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Boot Camp Digital legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 73 Boot Camp Digital alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Boot Camp Digital and rate their overall experience a 4.74 out of 5.

Does Boot Camp Digital offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Boot Camp Digital offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Boot Camp Digital reviews?

You can read 73 reviews of Boot Camp Digital on Course Report! Boot Camp Digital alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Boot Camp Digital and rate their overall experience a 4.74 out of 5.

Is Boot Camp Digital accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Boot Camp Digital doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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