
Boot Camp Digital

Average Rating4.74
73 Reviews
1 Course

Boot Camp Digital is a tech training provider offering an online, self-paced Digital Marketing Master Certification. The Digital Marketing Master Certification covers topics like Google Analytics, email marketing, SEO, digital advertising, digital measurement, and social media strategy. Boot Camp Digital students will receive discounts on marketing tools. Boot Camp Digital is designed for beginners and no experience is necessary. Boot Camp Digital is designed to help students gain experience and land a job in the digital marketing industry. Students receive monthly 1:1 coaching calls to help plan for their careers. Graduates of the Digital Marketing Master Certification will receive an industry-accredited certification.

73 Boot Camp Digital Reviews

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  • Himanshu Panchal
    Himanshu Panchal
    Graduate • Online
    Jan 06, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Simple way to understand

    I recently completed the Scrum Master training, it was a great experience, trainer made the concept so easy and understandable. KH is Best in the market training source.  The trainer gave training along with practical which made it easier.   
  • Kelly Sutton
    Kelly Sutton
    Marketing Director • Graduate • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 03, 2023
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    Outstanding Digital Marketing Course

    The online digital marketing Boot Camp was great! I loved the ability to access the content online at my own pace. The instruction was high quality. Very practical and easy to understand and apply to my business. I'd highly recommend this if you are looking to upskill in digital marketing.
  • Bagus
    Applicant • Online
    Jan 03, 2023
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    bagus keren mantap

    Course ini cocok bagi siapapun yang ingin mengeksplor ilmu dan belajar tentang digital atau tech industry. banyak ilmu yang bisa kamu dapetin dari course ini, salah satunya dengan hadirnya project digital marketing. Di project kamu bisa bangun relasi kamu dengan orang baru dan connect ke linkedin. pokok ya banyak deh pengalamannya. btw 200 kata minimum kepanjangan kayanya.
  • Salma Syifa Azizah
    Student • Graduate • Online
    Oct 23, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Sangat baik

    Digital Skola merupakan platform pembelajaran yang luar biasa bagi siapa saja yang ingin meningkatkan keterampilan digital mereka. Kursus yang ditawarkan sangat beragam, mulai dari pemasaran digital hingga pengembangan web, dan setiap materi dirancang dengan cermat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar yang terus berkembang.

    Salah satu keunggulan Digital Skola adalah kualitas pengajaran. Instruktur yang berpengalaman tidak hanya menguasai materi, tetapi juga mampu menyampaikan informasi ...
  • Caroline Koskie
    Apr 23, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Digital Marketing Bootcamp Brainstation

    I enjoyed the digital marketing boot camp! As someone who had studied marketing and advertising several years ago, I felt it would be beneficial to take a course to get up to speed on current digital marketing industry trends and knowledge. I believe this course is great for those who are looking to either introduce themselves to marketing or have a desire to better understand the different avenues to take within the industry and what areas your skillset may shine the most. The teachers ...
  • Sarah Doss
    Jan 16, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Great Course, Instructors, and School!

    I took Digital Marketing at Brainstation and have all good things to say! Everything about the experience was pleasant, insightful, and enriching from the content (which included AI and other relevant up-to-date resources), instructors real life experience, and the overall atmosphere of the school/Brainstation community. I would definitely recommend - thank you!
  • Wenyan Xu
    Assistant director of admissions • Student • Online
    Aug 02, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Best bootcamp

    I really enjoy my digital marketing bootcamp in George Washington university. I like the live classes. It gives me chances to talk and work with my classmates. I also really appreciate my instructor team. They work very hard and provide us the best knowledge in the industry. I really learned a lot from them. I will definitely recommend this bootcamp. 
  • Achmad Azis Fauzi
    Graduate • Online
    Jul 16, 2023
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    Sangat bermanfaat untuk pemula. Cocok untuk yang ingin ganti karir ke bidang yang baru karena ilmu yang diberikan dari basic hingga advance

    Sangat bermanfaat untuk pemula. Cocok untuk yang ingin ganti karir ke bidang yang baru karena ilmu yang diberikan dari basic hingga advance. Mentor yang mengajar sangat seru dan menjelaskan materi dengan baik. Selain belajar, kami diberikan fasilitas mini project untuk mengelola media sosial UMKM sebagai bekal bekerja di dunia sesungguhnya sebagai seorang Digital Marketing Specialist.
  • maurisa mattis
    Student • Online
    Jun 27, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    informative, fast pace, fune

    I enjoyed taking this course as this is a new career path I want to embark on. I just wish it was longer it length but this course as inspired me consider further my education in this industry. 
  • Jennifer Mastrobuono
    Graduate • Online
    Mar 28, 2023
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    K State UI UX design boot camp

    Don’t waste your money, I scraped and sold property to afford what I thought would be a wonderful career change to be sadly disappointed by nothing. So many applications and no response, no interviews, many hours spent on my portfolio and job searching and nothing. I am not the only one, others in my class with related experience have not had any luck. They sell you on the idea that work from home design careers are abundant and easy to get. This is so far from the truth, no one will giv...
  • Bunga
    Student • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 31, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Worth your money

    Suasana kelas enak, kondusif untuk belajar, pertanyaan-pertanyaan juga banyak yang terjawab. Tugas kecil yang diberi setiap selesai kelas membantu banget untuk belajar. Tugas akhir juga seru dan menambah wawasan
  • Rana Farida
    Graduate • Digital Marketing Master Certification • Online
    Jan 22, 2023
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    It’s a literal scam. Horrible. Don’t waste your money. They make a bunch of promises they don’t keep. Literally you’re better off watching YouTube videos. I wish I could get my time and money back. 

Boot Camp Digital Alumni Outcomes

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Boot Camp Digital Alumni Reviews Summary

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Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Boot Camp Digital News

How much does Boot Camp Digital cost?

Boot Camp Digital costs around $997.

What courses does Boot Camp Digital teach?

Boot Camp Digital offers courses like Digital Marketing Master Certification.

Where does Boot Camp Digital have campuses?

Boot Camp Digital teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Boot Camp Digital worth it?

Boot Camp Digital hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 73 Boot Camp Digital alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Boot Camp Digital on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Boot Camp Digital legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 73 Boot Camp Digital alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Boot Camp Digital and rate their overall experience a 4.74 out of 5.

Does Boot Camp Digital offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Boot Camp Digital offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Boot Camp Digital reviews?

You can read 73 reviews of Boot Camp Digital on Course Report! Boot Camp Digital alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Boot Camp Digital and rate their overall experience a 4.74 out of 5.

Is Boot Camp Digital accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Boot Camp Digital doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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