Code Immersives is closed
This school is now closed. Although Code Immersives is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Code Immersives alumni reviews on the school page.
Code Immersives offers a part-time, 11-month web development immersive in New York City. Students receive in-depth training in full stack development, including LAMP (PHP + MySQL) and MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js), along with the latest implementations of HTML5, CSS3, responsive design, Flexbox and CSS Grid layout, APIs, JavaScript ES6 and Amazon Web Services (AWS). During the 900-hour course, students are required to maintain an active Github presence as they push production-level code.
No prior coding experience is necessary to apply to the program, although students with some prior coding background are welcome to apply. Code Immersive instructors teach to the latest standards and best practices by bringing extensive industry experience into the classroom.
My experience: After taking the web development course at Code Immersives in NYC, every aspect of my life has dramatically improved (and that's no exaggeration). I went from zero knowledge of programming, earning minimum wage in a warehouse and hating my job, to loving my highest paying job ever, working for a tech company full-time as a full-stack software engineer -- all in the space of just one year (give or take)!
To be clear: it took a lot of work on my end, and I still ha...
My experience: After taking the web development course at Code Immersives in NYC, every aspect of my life has dramatically improved (and that's no exaggeration). I went from zero knowledge of programming, earning minimum wage in a warehouse and hating my job, to loving my highest paying job ever, working for a tech company full-time as a full-stack software engineer -- all in the space of just one year (give or take)!
To be clear: it took a lot of work on my end, and I still have much to learn; but, to give credit where credit is due, it is only because of the experienced, knowledgable, and patient instructors at the Digital Film Academy, as well as the thoughtful curriculum itself, that my efforts paid off so well. I cannot thank the school enough, nor recommend it more highly.
TLDR: Success is not an accident. Hard work + Code Immersives = Success, on purpose.
Code Immersives is a great start to breaking in the technical field, especially if you have little experience. You will enter that program and be able to fully grasp the concepts, as it is taught in such a manner that allows for your mind to absorb. I like that it runs for 11-months and gives the students a chance to internalize the knowledge. I have a few months left in the program and can say that I’ve gained a lot more skills in software developing than what I went in with.
Code Immersives is a great start to breaking in the technical field, especially if you have little experience. You will enter that program and be able to fully grasp the concepts, as it is taught in such a manner that allows for your mind to absorb. I like that it runs for 11-months and gives the students a chance to internalize the knowledge. I have a few months left in the program and can say that I’ve gained a lot more skills in software developing than what I went in with.
You have to do your homework, though. It’s not a program where you can sit back and just attend class every day and hope that it sticks. You really have to leave there and practice, practice, practice. They structure the program so that you have enough time to master the skills being taught.
It served as a platform for me to explore the different dynamics of the technical industry and while in the program, I discovered that I enjoy Data Science. Code Immersives was instrumental in supporting me in that process. When it was time for me to learn Python, it came fairly easy given the exposure I had had to JavaScript. I was able to venture into the Data Science world equipped with coding skills that helped support my journey. I recommend giving Code Immersives a chance. You’ll enjoy the atmosphere, the people are amazing, and it’s always nice to run into aspiring film-makers who are looking for help with their web presence.
Code Immersives has been a good fit for my learning needs because it covers a similar amount of content to other bootcamps (vanilla HTML/CSS/JS, LAMP/MERN stacks and their components [PHP, mysql, node, react]) but does so over 11 months rather than 12 weeks. This for me allowed me to absorb and practice the content and build up my portfolio projects so that I have something to showcase coming out of the program. The AWS content is also a nice bonus in case you want to get your devops cho...
Code Immersives has been a good fit for my learning needs because it covers a similar amount of content to other bootcamps (vanilla HTML/CSS/JS, LAMP/MERN stacks and their components [PHP, mysql, node, react]) but does so over 11 months rather than 12 weeks. This for me allowed me to absorb and practice the content and build up my portfolio projects so that I have something to showcase coming out of the program. The AWS content is also a nice bonus in case you want to get your devops chops up to speed as well.
Code Immersives is a great coding bootcamp for the complete beginner or intermediate level coder looking to refine their skills. The curriculum is updated often so I'll only be discussing what course work was covered while I attended (1/2018 - 12/2018). In the first half of the program, HTML, CSS, PHP/MySQL, and beginner Javascript is covered. The degree of difficulty goes from very easy and ramps up from there. There is one main instructor during class and two TA's to help those who get s...
Code Immersives is a great coding bootcamp for the complete beginner or intermediate level coder looking to refine their skills. The curriculum is updated often so I'll only be discussing what course work was covered while I attended (1/2018 - 12/2018). In the first half of the program, HTML, CSS, PHP/MySQL, and beginner Javascript is covered. The degree of difficulty goes from very easy and ramps up from there. There is one main instructor during class and two TA's to help those who get stuck. The second half of the program covered advanced Javascript and required more independant project work. The entire program requires you to study outside of class or stay late for extra instruction if need be. Though this program is about a year long, there is so much material to cover that it takes alot of effort to master everything. The instructors are knowledgeable and are willing to give extra help if needed.
Code Immersives is a great foundation for those wanting to learn to become Professional Full Stack Web Developers.
How much does Code Immersives cost?
Code Immersives costs around $18,000.
What courses does Code Immersives teach?
Code Immersives offers courses like Web Development Immersive.
Where does Code Immersives have campuses?
Code Immersives has an in-person campus in New York City.
Is Code Immersives worth it?
Code Immersives hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 13 Code Immersives alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Code Immersives on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Code Immersives legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 13 Code Immersives alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Code Immersives and rate their overall experience a 4.38 out of 5.
Does Code Immersives offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Yes, Code Immersives accepts the GI Bill!
Can I read Code Immersives reviews?
You can read 13 reviews of Code Immersives on Course Report! Code Immersives alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Code Immersives and rate their overall experience a 4.38 out of 5.
Is Code Immersives accredited?
Nationally Accredited by Counsel on Occupational EducationLicensed by New York State Department of Education Authorized by US Department of Veteran Affairs for GI-Bill and Voc-Rehab The only Authorized Amazon Academy in NYC
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