Concordia University Coding Bootcamp is closed
This school is now closed. Although Concordia University Coding Bootcamp is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Concordia University Coding Bootcamp alumni reviews on the school page.
Concordia University Coding Bootcamp is a collaboration between Concordia University and e-learning company The Learning House. The bootcamp, slated to start in January 2015, is Minnesota's first coding bootcamp, aiming to transform beginners into entry-level software developers. Students will learn to code, as well as gain the soft skills needed to work as professional developers in a startup or on a development team.
Overall, it was a really interesting class. I had some prior experience working for Digital River, Inc. as a web designer and developer and then I went back to practice medicine again so that I could possibly make enough money to pay off some of my remaining student loans. I have all kinds of mental health problems, and my mother was dying from cancer during the class so I quit the class and was given an opportunity to finish it after the class had ended.
The instructor, Alec ...
Overall, it was a really interesting class. I had some prior experience working for Digital River, Inc. as a web designer and developer and then I went back to practice medicine again so that I could possibly make enough money to pay off some of my remaining student loans. I have all kinds of mental health problems, and my mother was dying from cancer during the class so I quit the class and was given an opportunity to finish it after the class had ended.
The instructor, Alec W'ojciechowski "Where are your house keys", was really good, and many of the students were really attentive and worked hard throughout the class.
I even used some of the skills that I learned to work on another project for telemedicine and teleradiology later on, but that business opportunity did not work out, so now I have been traveling around Europe from March 2017 until now trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. I get about $1600.00 per month from the government for a disability, so I might not have to do much of anything except supplement my income a little bit with some other work.
Jamin Tcimpidis and I often sat next to each other, and I believe that he is at C.H. Robinson now. Helge Johnson looks like he might still be looking for a programming job but he might have a job as a professional driver. Andrew Verville is working for some company. I would have to get on an alumni list of some type to catch up with what everyone is doing.
Here's what I got from Concordia University in Saint Paul, and The Learning House:
● An instructor ill suited to teach beginners. The instructor responded to questions with condescension, sarcasm, and deflection. This created a hostile learning environment in which students became afraid and ashamed to ask questions.
● An instructor who was unprepared for class. Most of the time he was seeing lectures for the first time while h...
Here's what I got from Concordia University in Saint Paul, and The Learning House:
● An instructor ill suited to teach beginners. The instructor responded to questions with condescension, sarcasm, and deflection. This created a hostile learning environment in which students became afraid and ashamed to ask questions.
● An instructor who was unprepared for class. Most of the time he was seeing lectures for the first time while he was presenting them. He often disagreed with information in the presentations which made it extremely difficult for students to sort out what information was important and accurate.
● An incomplete curriculum. The curriculum purchased from the Software Craftsmanship Guild was missing important context for the instructor. Because of the aforementioned lack of preparation by the instructor, he often had to spend time during lectures trying to figure out what the slides were actually saying or asking. Potentially less important, but still concerning, the curriculum also contained many grammatical errors which should not be acceptable at an accredited institution of higher education.
● A lack of direction on what to work on independently outside of class. After the first four weeks of class, students were unsure of what to be working on at home. When we asked the instructor for further direction beyond "the labs", he was unable to provide any. When Eric Wise visited from the Guild and told us his students work until 9pm most days, we asked our instructor what they were working on and he told us that he "had no idea".
● A lack of opportunities to practice what we learned during lectures in class. Many lectures included an opportunity for a "follow along" exercise. Our instructor oftentimes did not have the patience to walk us all through the exercises together, so he just said he would demonstrate it and we could watch him do it. This was not an effective way to learn the material.
● A lack of action by Learning House to address deficiencies early on in the program. We estimate that Dave Clinefelter, CAO of The Learning House, was in class an average of two to three days per week during the 12 week program. He should have been observing the difficulties students were facing, and taking action to correct inappropriate instructor behavior. Instead he was often distracting students by taking calls in the classroom and discussing business opportunities to open bootcamps at other universities.
● A lack of opportunity to build a "strong portfolio". Realistically, the only project we were prepared and equipped to complete was a project in week four, which was a Console application, not a website. The instructor removed the requirement to complete the only other project we were assigned. Those items do not constitute a strong portfolio in the traditional sense of the word. On the second to last day of class, the instructor sent us an email explaining the Guild's definition of a strong portfolio ("code snippets"). If this was the nontraditional definition they wanted us to accept, it should have been presented to us prior to signing up for the program, not at the end.
We all quit our jobs and made a big investment to attend this program and by the time we realized how bad things were, it was really not an option to quit. We realized we would have to finish the program, as is, in order to hopefully scrape by at an entry level role with what we were able to learn.
We were told mutiple times that as entry level developers we would be "expected to know nothing". I got an entry level job, and let me tell you, that was NOT the case. I had to spend significant time outside of work playing catch up, and doing online tutorials via CodeSchool, and other online learning sites. Of course, I'm really glad I got a job, but I didn't expect to pay $10k to an accredited university for a half-baked bootcamp.
Learning House staff had zero respect for participants, and Concordia staff didn't care when concerns were brought to them. I was offered an opportunity to retake the course, which is ridiculous considering I would have to quit my job and be out of work for another 12 weeks.
How much does Concordia University Coding Bootcamp cost?
The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Concordia University Coding Bootcamp does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!
What courses does Concordia University Coding Bootcamp teach?
Concordia University Coding Bootcamp offers courses like .
Where does Concordia University Coding Bootcamp have campuses?
Concordia University Coding Bootcamp has an in-person campus in St. Paul.
Is Concordia University Coding Bootcamp worth it?
Concordia University Coding Bootcamp hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 12 Concordia University Coding Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Concordia University Coding Bootcamp on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Concordia University Coding Bootcamp legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 12 Concordia University Coding Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Concordia University Coding Bootcamp and rate their overall experience a 4.67 out of 5.
Does Concordia University Coding Bootcamp offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Concordia University Coding Bootcamp offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Concordia University Coding Bootcamp reviews?
You can read 12 reviews of Concordia University Coding Bootcamp on Course Report! Concordia University Coding Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Concordia University Coding Bootcamp and rate their overall experience a 4.67 out of 5.
Is Concordia University Coding Bootcamp accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Concordia University Coding Bootcamp doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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