Concordia University Coding Bootcamp is closed

This school is now closed. Although Concordia University Coding Bootcamp is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Concordia University Coding Bootcamp alumni reviews on the school page.


Concordia University Coding Bootcamp

Average Rating4.67
12 Reviews
0 Courses

Concordia University Coding Bootcamp is a collaboration between Concordia University and e-learning company The Learning House. The bootcamp, slated to start in January 2015, is Minnesota's first coding bootcamp, aiming to transform beginners into entry-level software developers. Students will learn to code, as well as gain the soft skills needed to work as professional developers in a startup or on a development team.

12 Concordia University Coding Bootcamp Reviews

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  • TJ
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Sep 09, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    My Review & Experience

    I have a college diploma in computer science, but never pursued it as a career. I took this program as a refresher and because there were services provided to help you find a position upon completion.

    The 3-month program was tough, but because of my background, it was not as challenging as it might be to someone without any coding experience. If you're in a position similar to mine, I would highly recommend this program to get yourself up to speed. For everyone else, this program ...
  • Ziyin Chen
    Ziyin Chen
    Front end developer
    Verified by GitHub
    Mar 30, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    concordia web development bootcamp changed my life

    As a complete beginner of coding, I can't imagine I got a job after 6 weeks since I finished my CV.  Why faster than I thought?
    1. The courses we learnt during these 3 months are tremendous comprehensive and trendy. 
    2. Amazing classmates are helping each other during study and the instructors are so helpful, many of them work overtime to help the students.
    3.the career service during job searching is beyond my expectation. They hold events to provide a platform for us to practi...
  • Mohammed Al-Kaf
    Jr Full-Stack • Student • St. Paul
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 24, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Bootcamp was Beyond By Expectation

    Taking the Web Dev Bootcamp really helped me with my career. I was impressed to see how much I learned within only 3 months! Bootcamp material is well-designed for students who are new to this field and for those who already have some experience with coding. The instructors were well-prepared to assist students and you will get the help that you need effectively. Also, the career service helped me land on my dream job as a full-stack developer.

    If you are thinking about pursuing a...
  • Matthew Cote
    Full Stack Developer • Graduate
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 03, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great experience!!

    Best school experience of my life. Each day you learn more and more that builds on what you learned previously. You learn from doing, building, and creating rather than through studying. My instructor was super nice and always approachable, as were the technical coaches. There are always people you can turn to if you're struggling a bit, but honestly I didn't often find the pace too too hard to keep up with.
    Once graduated, there was quite a bit of help provided as well. We were taugh...
  • Bradley Campbell
    Full-Stack Developer • Graduate
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 03, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Hard Work Pays Off!

    I applied to the Coding Bootcamp because I needed a career change but didn't want to do another multi-year university program. My overall experience was very positive - it was a lot of work and there were many moments of frustration but this is all part of the experience of learning a new skill. Every step of the way there are people there to cheer you on and remind you that YOU CAN DO IT! If you can keep coming back to this mindset you are sure to succeed. The most gratifying part of th...
  • Etienne Giroux
    Developer • Graduate • St. Paul
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jan 22, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Full stack web development

    TLDR: I would recommend this bootcamp to anyone who in interested and isn't too sure about making the jump into development. With these teacher, anyone who puts in the work will be a developer!!

    I had a great time with Concordia's full stack development program. The school proved to be very flexible, since COVID happened right as we were starting the class, and within weeks they implemented an online structure for us to follow the course remotely instead of in-person as planned.
  • Nathalie Benarroch
    Front end developer
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Dec 15, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great experience with job possibilities

    This was a wonderful experience that has expanded my horizons greatly. The course material is challenging so it is really important to be surrounded by generous and conscientious tutors and staff and this was the case here. Thanks so much to a great team!
  • Stephen Douglas Scotti
    Some Idiots Are Savants Startup Company • St. Paul
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Dec 01, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Modern Web Design, Object-Oriented Programming, Server-Side Development

    Overall, it was a really interesting class.  I had some prior experience working for Digital River, Inc. as a web designer and developer and then I went back to practice medicine again so that I could possibly make enough money to pay off some of my remaining student loans.  I have all kinds of mental health problems, and my mother was dying from cancer during the class so I quit the class and was given an opportunity to finish it after the class had ended.

    The instructor, Alec ...

  • Jeffrey Placido
    Jeffrey Placido
    Nov 16, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Boot Camp

    Overall a great experience with great instructors. In the span of three months it really forces you to get out of your comfort zone and push yourself. Personally I have learned a lot and had a great experience. The technical help and job support were amazing and I would highly highly recommend this course to anyone.
  • Rony Kordahi
    Rony Kordahi
    Web Developer
    Jul 27, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best decision I ever made

    I signed up to this bootcamp after quitting my old job. Best decision I ever made! It's a very fast and concentrated course! Very hard and challenging, but definitely worth it! The professors and coaches are always there to answer questions and help you through the problem by helping you understand (rather than just giving you the solution). 

    During our session we got hit with COVID-19 and had to switch to remote classes but the transition was so smooth and seamless, we had almost...
  • Vincent
    Web dev • Student
    May 09, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very supportive

    The course itself is very good and having multiple  teachers to ask for help was the best thing I could ask for and the team of career helpers are super effective. I loved my experience there and would recommend to others.
  • Anonymous
    Graduate • St. Paul
    Jun 11, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Do not recommend

    Here's what I got from Concordia University in Saint Paul, and The Learning House:

    ●  An instructor ill suited to teach beginners. The instructor responded to questions with condescension, sarcasm, and deflection. This created a hostile learning environment in which students became afraid and ashamed to ask questions.

    ●  An instructor who was unprepared for class. Most of the time he was seeing lectures for the first time while h...


Concordia University Coding Bootcamp Alumni Outcomes

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Concordia University Coding Bootcamp Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Concordia University Coding Bootcamp News

How much does Concordia University Coding Bootcamp cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Concordia University Coding Bootcamp does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

What courses does Concordia University Coding Bootcamp teach?

Concordia University Coding Bootcamp offers courses like .

Where does Concordia University Coding Bootcamp have campuses?

Concordia University Coding Bootcamp has an in-person campus in St. Paul.

Is Concordia University Coding Bootcamp worth it?

Concordia University Coding Bootcamp hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 12 Concordia University Coding Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Concordia University Coding Bootcamp on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Concordia University Coding Bootcamp legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 12 Concordia University Coding Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Concordia University Coding Bootcamp and rate their overall experience a 4.67 out of 5.

Does Concordia University Coding Bootcamp offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Concordia University Coding Bootcamp offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Concordia University Coding Bootcamp reviews?

You can read 12 reviews of Concordia University Coding Bootcamp on Course Report! Concordia University Coding Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Concordia University Coding Bootcamp and rate their overall experience a 4.67 out of 5.

Is Concordia University Coding Bootcamp accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Concordia University Coding Bootcamp doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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