

Average Rating4.87
71 Reviews
9 Courses

JayJay is an Indonesia-based tech training provider offering online, self-paced bootcamps covering topics like UI/UX design, QA engineering, and social media specialization. The bootcamps include hands-on projects to help create a portfolio to show potential employers. JayJay also offers online training courses for experienced professionals to help them build on existing knowledge.

Beginners and students with no experience are welcome to apply to JayJay bootcamps.

Career support is included in the curriculum at JayJay. Career services include resume building, LinkedIn profile assistance, interview prep, and career coaching. Students have lifetime access to JayJay career assistance after graduating.

71 JayJay Reviews

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  • Muhamad Imaduddin
    Muhamad Imaduddin
    Freelance • Student • Digital illustration • Online
    Oct 27, 2023
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    review adobe ilustrator class

    setelah mengikuti kelas adobe ilustrator ini dan mentor yang jago dibidangnya. saya merasa banyak ilmu yang didapatkan mulai dari teori hingga praktek diajarkan sehingga ketika muridnya ada kesusahan akan dibantu 
  • Dermawan Silaen
    Dermawan Silaen
    Student • QA Manual • Online
    Oct 26, 2023
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    Saya sangat senang belajar di JayJay, Sebagai pemula dalam Quality Assurance, kursus ini memberikan pengantar yang komprehensif tentang pentingnya peran QA dalam siklus pengembangan perangkat lunak. Materi meliputi prinsip dasar QA, strategi pengujian, identifikasi bug dll,
    Materi disajikan dengan cara yang mudah dipahami, memberikan pemahaman yang kuat tentang pentingnya standar kualitas dalam proses pengembangan.
    Instruktur dalam kursus ini sangat berpengetahuan dan memiliki kete...
  • Michaella Prawatya
    Michaella Prawatya
    Student • Digital illustration • Online
    Oct 25, 2023
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    Good Digital Illustration Class

    Saya seorang guru dan ibu rumah tangga. Saya sudah lama tertarik dengan bidang ilustrasi digital. Tidak sengaja saya menemukan iklan jayjay school ini dan mencoba ikut kelas illustrasi digital. Materi yang diberikan cukup mudah dipahami oleh pemula seperti saya dan setiap tugas yang diberikan juga selalu diberikan komentar dan masukan yang membangun. Live session yang dibuat oleh mentor juga sangat bermanfaat. Kita juga diberikan arahan bagaimana memulai karir di bidang ini dan diberikan...
  • Mohammad Iqbal
    Mohammad Iqbal
    Student • QA Engineer • Online
    Oct 25, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Good to learn new knowledge here

    Hal yang menjadi nilai utama dari kursus yang saya ambil adalah mentor yang responsive, berpengalaman dan solutif
    Perlu diperbaiki dalam penyajian modul-modul yang ada, agar lebih memudahkan lagi bagi peserta dalam mengikuti alur pelajaran. Karena dari modul yang saya ikuti masih terkesan silahkan baca sendiri isinya dan pembawa/ personil yang mempresentasikan modul kurang menyajikan pengalaman yang mereka punya agar lebih mudah bagi awam seperti saya untuk betul bisa mencerna dan men...
  • florence edwina Sinay
    florence edwina Sinay
    freelance artist • Student • Digital illustration • Online
    Oct 24, 2023
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    Digital illustrator jayjay

    saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga yg tertarik dengan bidang desain illustrasi. pada akhirnya saya melihat iklan jayjay dan saya berminat. setelah mengikuti kursus saya mendapatkan banyak ilmu. materinya mudah dipahami dan mentornya juga sangat komunikatif. thank you jayjay
  • Rizki Adi Saputra
    Rizki Adi Saputra
    Student • Social Media Specialist • Online
    Oct 19, 2023
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    Jayjay is the best course class

    A digital class school that is interesting, informative and up-to-date, I study social media specialist classes here get very valuable insights and knowledge, the content is all meat from research, planning, management, and execute. Well, besides that, the mentors and customer service are very friendly and kind, they are always there 24 hours for us students, this is perfect for me who wants to switch careers to pursue a future with my passion. Thank you  jayjay ✨✨✨
  • I Wayan Bali Arnate
    Student • Digital illustration • Online
    Dec 03, 2024
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    Digital Ilusttasion, happy and fund

    Sebagai seseorang yang selalu tertarik pada dunia seni visual, belajar di Jay Jay School adalah pengalaman yang benar-benar menginspirasi dan membuka wawasan saya. Dari awal pendaftaran hingga proses belajar, semuanya berjalan sangat profesional dan terstruktur dengan baik.

    Salah satu hal yang paling berkesan adalah pendekatan pengajarannya. Para mentor di Jay Jay School bukan hanya ahli dalam bidang ilustrasi digital, tetapi juga sangat peduli terhadap perkembang...
  • Begawan jagath
    Mahasiswa • Student • Online
    Nov 25, 2024
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    Setelah saya masuk ke Jay Jay Online School ini saya mengetahui banyak tentang apa itu graphic design, dan disinilah juga saya banyak belajar desain grafic semuanya itu saya ucapkan terimakasih jepada jay jay online school yang sudah banyak memberi materi tentang graphic design ini, semoga tambah banyak wawasan lagi dan tmbah banyak peserta lagi yang mau ikut join ke jay jay ini, terimakasih🥰☺️
  • Sopranita Panjaitan
    Student • Student
    Feb 15, 2024
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    FrontEnd Web Developer from JayJay

    Studying in Jayjay's course really helped me to understand how to actually become a good frontend web developer. With the assignments given, it is very helpful to understand the material especially for beginners who are new to the world of coding. The mentor is also very helpful with the zoom meetings that are held regularly to evaluate how far I have understood the course and if I don't know it, the mentor is happy to help me in doing the assignments given.  The curriculum provided is a...
  • Aryaseta
    QA • Student • QA Engineer • Online
    Feb 15, 2024
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    Good experience and easy to learn

    Jayjay helped me to develop my skill as a QA engineer. The study cases are easy to learn and well effectively created. I would recommend entry level QA to join this course to expand their knowledge about software testing.
  • Vynz
    Student • UX/UI Design • Online
    Feb 03, 2024
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    •  is interesting, informative and up-to-date, I studied the Social Media Specialist class here to gain very valuable insight and knowledge, the contents of which include everything from research, planning, management, and execution. Wow, apart from that, the mentors and customer service are very friendly and kind, they are always there 24 hours for us students, this is really suitable for me who wants to switch careers to pursue a future with my passion. Thank you, Sis Jayjay ✨✨

JayJay Alumni Outcomes

Recent JayJay News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated October 02, 2023
Happy Fall! AI was all everyone wanted to talk about this September, and rather than reading more doomsday headlines, we saw more nuanced (and longer!) articles on how AI integration will actually improve and create more jobs. We saw two tech training programs receive sizable gifts from MacKenzie Scott’s charitable foundation, and a new coding bootcamp merger in south Florida. We’ll let you k...

JayJay Alumni Reviews Summary

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Recent JayJay News

How much does JayJay cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but JayJay does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

What courses does JayJay teach?

JayJay offers courses like Digital illustration, Front End Web Development, QA Automation, QA Engineer and 5 more.

Where does JayJay have campuses?

JayJay teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is JayJay worth it?

JayJay hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 71 JayJay alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed JayJay on Course Report - you should start there!

Is JayJay legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 71 JayJay alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed JayJay and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Does JayJay offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like JayJay offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read JayJay reviews?

You can read 71 reviews of JayJay on Course Report! JayJay alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed JayJay and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Is JayJay accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. JayJay doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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