

Average Rating4.73
84 Reviews
1 Course

Microverse offers an online, full-time, 40-week full stack software development course with no upfront costs. Microverse believes that learning should be accessible to everyone, no matter where you live. Their methodology uses remote collaborative learning and mastery learning so that students worldwide can learn together and support one another. Courses are available to students in all countries, with two time zones available for study.

The full stack software development course includes 28 weeks of core curriculum followed by about 12 weeks of job searching. Every Microverse student works with a pair programming partner, a standup team, a mentor, and code reviewers to achieve mastery learning of front end and back end technologies, including computer science foundations, Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, algorithms and data structures. A portion of the program is dedicated to professional skills, interview preparation, salary negotiation, and job searching, where students work with career coaches. Throughout the program, students work together to build real-world projects and contribute to open-source projects.

Microverse requires that students are fluent in English. To apply, applicants must solve coding challenges and take part in a collaborative project with another applicant via pair programming. Microverse offers an Income Share Agreement. Every Microverse education costs $0 until a student lands a job making more than $1,000 a month, at which point, the student pays back 15% of their salary until they’ve reached $15,000.

84 Microverse Reviews

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  • Odufu James Chigozie
    Odufu James Chigozie
    Software Developer • Student • Software Development Program • Online
    Jan 18, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    A remote full-stack software development school

    Enrolling at Microverse is one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. Here at Microverse, you don't pay tuition upfront until you land your dream job and earning at least 1,000 USD. As a student of Microverse, I've learned a whole lot here as regards software development, remote work, pair-programming, communication skills, mentorship, and collaborative skills.
    The way the program is structured is entirely amazing. Here, the methodology is project-based. There're five module...
  • Rayan
    Student • Student • Software Development Program • Online
    Jan 18, 2021
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    -  Microverse has a significant and rare support feature other schools\bootcamps don't offer, which is no upfront payment, without such facilitation 
       wouldn't be able to study, I know this applies to many other students too.
    - Overall very good study experience
    - Learning with partners or collaborators
    - Help graduates with landing a job

    Can be improved:
    - No live chat support
    - Insufficient study material, especially for Ruby. It is time-consuming to...
  • David Auza
    David Auza
    Full Stack Developer • Graduate • Software Development Program • Online
    Jun 21, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    My review

    I'm going to be brief. Are you learning to program and you feel there is still something missing between you and getting a great job? That's exactly the space Microverse will fill. There you will not only learn the technical knowledge but also a really important skill: Working with people. You will be working full time focused on learning relevant skills while working with someone else every day in English. Trust me there is no better experience you can have out there in order to get a j...
  • Sanel Hodzic
    Sanel Hodzic
    Web developer • Software Development Program • Online
    Jun 20, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    My best life decision!

    Microverse is not just a school, they are a global family. At this school I find the great friends for the rest of my life, I learned a lot and I they changed my life and my mindset.
  • Nyaga Andre Roy
    Nyaga Andre Roy
    Student • Software Development Program • Online
    Nov 21, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    A suitable environment to grow your software development skills

    Microverse is a global school for software developers. From my experience, it emphasizes two main aspects: technical skills and soft skills, both of which are very important for a software developer.

    I studied Biology and am new to programming. I started coding in January 2018 and it’s amazing how quickly I am growing. I remember the excitement and fulfillment I felt after completing the tic-tac-toe game project using Ruby.

  • Vlad
    Software Dev • Student • Software Development Program • Online
    Nov 12, 2019
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    In my journey to become a Global Citizen!

    I've been a student in Microverse for 4 months already, i think this has been a great experience overall since day 1. 
    New students are grouped in teams of 5(like scrum), this methodology helps improve the student's abilities by allowing them to share their daily experiences with others students from around the world(amazing huh?) while also improving communication and team work.
    Personally i can give testimony of the amazing staff Microverse has, they are always open to hear you...

  • Afani Martin
    Afani Martin
    Full Stack Ruby on Rails Developer • Student • Software Development Program • Online
    Nov 07, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Microverse is the best remote developer school.l

    Joining Microverse was the best decision of my life.

    I studied Computer Science in college, but I learned more in 3 months at Microverse than I learned in 3 years at university. The difference was my college's curriculum was built around theory instead of practice.

    Microverse helped me learn how to use real-world tools and connect with passionate students like myself from all over the world. I never had that while at my university....

  • Zina Talaa
    Zina Talaa
    Graduate • Software Development Program • Online
    Nov 04, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Achieve your dream to became web developer by joinning Microverse Bootcamp

    I am an Algerian woman, married with 5 children, who gave up her professional career as a computer engineer to start a new one at 'Microverse'. The desire to grow in my field has been steadily increasing since my graduation from university in 1996, however, I have encountered many obstacles "The internet, child-rearing, the nature of my work and others, "which prevented me from realizing my dream.
    My admission to 'Microverse' last January, put me in a great dilemma, either leaving my ...

  • SHEY Louis CHIA
    SHEY Louis CHIA
    Technical Support Enginner • Student • Online
    Nov 04, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Software Engineer

    This program is good. Most bootcamps has few teachers lecturing you and guiding projects. But this one is self-learning most of the time meaning u actually reach a higher state of mastery. While you can also study on your own without this program, the program brings the added advantage to have have taken the time to select the best web ressources for each stage ( sometimes currated internally by the Microverse team or students in the program). You can even take a twist to reading extra mat...

  • Sava Vuckovic
    Sava Vuckovic
    Software Developer • Student • Software Development Program • Online
    Dec 21, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Software Developer Program offered by Microverse is definitely worth doing!

    I graduated high school and decided to learn software development instead of going to college. At first, I learned on my own with freeCodeCamp, Udemy, Udacity, and YouTube videos.

    I learned about Microverse and that they would help you become a software developer free of charge until you had a job. I also read that everything was done in pairs, and I was interested because I wanted to try working with another developer. I also saw they had co...

  • Ifza Rasool
    Student • Software Development Program • Online
    May 16, 2022
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    Microverse doing Amazing Job to become a Software Developers.

    Microverse! A Great Platform. Actually, I have no words to describe microverse but for me, it's a life-changing Platform. The really great things I inspired are quick response, corporation, and the way of learning, I learned many many new things that I never learned in my bachelor's in software Engineering and even master's but yes now I have skills and now I can say I am Programmer just even passed 3 modules and you earn in just 4 months rather than expanding 4 years in bachelors. 
  • andy
    Student • Online
    Mar 23, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    The concept is great, but the support is not enough

    Pros overview- We can get experience in working with non-English native people from especially developing countries- We can get experience in collaborating in a remote pair-programming with non-English native people - We can get confident to some extent in base technical knowledge on the fields that we learn in the curriculum
    Cons overview- Most of the male students don't have enough mo...

Microverse Alumni Outcomes

Recent Microverse News

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Updated February 04, 2025
Deferred tuition and income share agreements (ISAs) are becoming more widely available and can be attractive to students who don’t have $20,000 in the bank. ISAs and Deferred Tuition align a school’s incentives with those of their students – essentially, a school isn't successful unless their students get jobs. Plus, deferred tuition and ISAs remove the barrier of an upfront tuition, expandin...

Microverse Alumni Reviews Summary

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Recent Microverse News

How much does Microverse cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Microverse does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

What courses does Microverse teach?

Microverse offers courses like Software Development Program.

Where does Microverse have campuses?

Microverse teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Microverse worth it?

Microverse hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 84 Microverse alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Microverse on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Microverse legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 84 Microverse alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Microverse and rate their overall experience a 4.73 out of 5.

Does Microverse offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Microverse offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Microverse reviews?

You can read 84 reviews of Microverse on Course Report! Microverse alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Microverse and rate their overall experience a 4.73 out of 5.

Is Microverse accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Microverse doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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