49 Best Back End Development Bootcamps
4.9652Reviews7CoursesCodingNomads is a technical training provider that offers online, self-paced coding bootcamps in skills like Java, Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, De... Learn more about CodingNomads.CodingNomads is a technical training provider that offers online, self-paced coding bootcamps in skills like Java, Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning/AI, Spring Framework, SQL, Django, AWS, and more. Online programs are self-paced with monthly or annual access to course material, or students can sign up for mentor support on a monthly, 4-month, or 12-month basis. Learn more about CodingNomads.Nathan Lively5Graduate • Course: Java + Spring + AWS Enterprise Career Track • Online
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Says: Rebuilt my Bubble app from the scratch in Java
During the pandemic I started learning some MATLAB so I could try building my own tools. It became a minor obsession. I was listening to podcasts about it, takiDuring the pandemic I started learning some MATLAB so I could try building my own tools. It became a minor obsession. I was listening to podcasts about it, taking classes, watching videos, and staying up way too late.
Last November I subbed for a guy at a theater who was leaving to take a coding bootcamp. I was like, wait, a what camp? You mean I can learn how to do this coding thing for real?
Last week I launched my app, built from the ground up in Java and Spring, with the things I learned from Coding Nomads. Feels great!
Coding Nomads has been great. I liked it so much that I started their Javascript course recently. Here's what the founder said about my capstone project: "Your capstone is among the best we've ever seen here at CodingNomads and we've worked with hundreds of students. So, job well done!"
My intention is not to leave pro audio, but I do see software development as my next career act. Ideally, I'd like to keep building Tracebook and SubAligner, while doing freelance development work for manufacturers, AV companies, and the live event industry.
I want to say a huge thank you to my wife, Elis, who is/was patient with my new obsession and all of the friends who I haven't reached out to a while. Thanks for your support! ❤️- 51Reviews4CoursesArtefact School of Data is an AI and data science training provider that offers full-time, immersive data science (10 weeks), data engineering (5 weeks), dat... Learn more about Artefact School of Data.Artefact School of Data is an AI and data science training provider that offers full-time, immersive data science (10 weeks), data engineering (5 weeks), data product manager (4 weeks), and data analytics (8 weeks) bootcamps that can be completed online or in Paris, France. Classes are small with expert mentors, and students learn via projects and real-world examples. The courses are taught in French, but content is in English. Artefact’s training courses are recognized by Qualiopi and France compétences. Learn more about Artefact School of Data.Nathalie Roussel
5Student • Course: Data Product Manager • Paris
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Says: New intensive Data Product Management course in Paris
4 weeks of intensive courses on data product management : from discovery to large overview. I really enjoyed my time at Artefact school of data. The welcoming a4 weeks of intensive courses on data product management : from discovery to large overview.
I really enjoyed my time at Artefact school of data.
The welcoming atmosphere, the training conditions, and the course material was impeccable.
As for the trainers, they had a high level of expertise, and were always available to answer questions and provide support.The pedagogical framework is complete, covering theory, methods, and practical cases. I suggest they include less Maths & more product management feedbacks & case studies.
I definitely learned a lot & recommend this course. NEOLAND
4.7350Reviews5CoursesNEOLAND offers 10-week full-time and 20-week part-time digital bootcamps in UX/UI Design, Data Analytics, Full Stack Web Development, and Cybersecurity in Ma... Learn more about NEOLAND .NEOLAND offers 10-week full-time and 20-week part-time digital bootcamps in UX/UI Design, Data Analytics, Full Stack Web Development, and Cybersecurity in Madrid, Spain, or live online. NEOLAND courses are taught by industry professionals with numerous years of experience and training. The methodology at NEOLAND is based on learning by doing. Class content includes working on code problems, lectures, individual and group projects, code reviews, and various group activities. NEOLAND also offers master classes that are taught by active professionals, where students can learn and expand their network. Learn more about NEOLAND .Giulia Guglielmetti5 • Course: UX/UI Design Bootcamp • Madrid
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Says: UX/UI Bootcamp - Best experience of my life
I can't even find an adjective to describe how much I am grateful for this course. I've attended the Full-time UX/UI Bootcamp and it's more than worth it. RaúlI can't even find an adjective to describe how much I am grateful for this course. I've attended the Full-time UX/UI Bootcamp and it's more than worth it. Raúl Marín, your future UX teacher, without exaggerating is the most interesting person I've ever had the pleasure to listen, learn from and collaborate with. You will finish this course with tons of projects ( We did UI challenges, Medium articles, 3 group projects and 1 person and more!) a gigantic amount of information and the help and support 24/7 of a great teacher. When I say 24/ I mean it! Is not just a course that once you are done, you say goodbye and that's it. There is a full team ready to help you and support even once the course is done. I a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y recommend it ♥️
The Jump
4.9449Reviews6CoursesThe Jump offers part-time and full-time bootcamps covering Full-Stack Software Engineering, DevOps, Front-End Web Development, and JavaScript Development, wh... Learn more about The Jump.The Jump offers part-time and full-time bootcamps covering Full-Stack Software Engineering, DevOps, Front-End Web Development, and JavaScript Development, which can be accessed online via Zoom from anywhere. These programmes provide in-depth technical training and career-change support, and will take students from little or no experience to a professional standard. Founded by three family members in 2018, The Jump is on a mission to help students master the awesome power of tech so that they can make the jump to where they want to be, whether that’s starting a new career as a Software or DevOps Engineer, upskilling, or bringing their ideas to life. Learn more about The Jump.Gustavo Passarella5Graduate • Course: Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp | Full-Time (Live Online) • London
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Says: Career change to Software Engineer!
Before enrolling at The Jump, I was working in hospitality for several years. I joined The Jump’s full-time immersive full-stack software engineer bootcamp witBefore enrolling at The Jump, I was working in hospitality for several years. I joined The Jump’s full-time immersive full-stack software engineer bootcamp with the goal of changing to a career in software engineering.My experience at The Jump was great overall. The bootcamp not only sharpened my skills in modern web technologies but also equipped me with a strong foundation in JavaScript. The instructors are knowledgeable and exceptionally supportive, providing personalised guidance throughout the course.I thoroughly enjoyed the fast-paced, collaborative environment at The Jump. Working on projects that simulated real-world challenges was exciting and provided me with a deep understanding of the tech industry. It was in these intense, hands-on projects that I truly found my passion for technology and coding.Choosing The Jump was one of the best decisions I have made for my career in technology. It has truly set me on a new path, and I am excited to see where my new skills will take me next.
- 26Reviews6CoursesDigital Career Institute (DCI) is a 12-month long coding bootcamp based in Germany with campuses in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Leipzig. The courses are ... Learn more about Digital Career Institute.Digital Career Institute (DCI) is a 12-month long coding bootcamp based in Germany with campuses in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Leipzig. The courses are fully immersive and cover entry-level basics in stack HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. DCI also specialize in technologies like Angular, Node.js, and Databases. DCI was launched as an initiative to integrate refugees into the growing IT industry. Today it is committed to training anyone who wants to pursue a tech career. In addition to coding languages, students will master best practices on platforms like GitHub. They will learn agile project management and development methodologies like SCRUM. Learn more about Digital Career Institute.Kai Weinem
5Graduate • Course: Web Development Course • Düsseldorf
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Says: Nuova Speranza
Nuova Speranza - meine Reise zum Regenbogen. Nuova Speranza, so mein Desktop Hintergrund und DCI Mantra, in Anlehnung an einen meiner fantastischen Lehrer mit bNuova Speranza - meine Reise zum Regenbogen.
Nuova Speranza, so mein Desktop Hintergrund und DCI Mantra, in Anlehnung an einen meiner fantastischen Lehrer mit biografischer Verbindung nach Sardinien (sentimental bewundernde Grüße an Giaco und Rami, an Gaël, Anton, Nicole, Louisa, Ash, Metin, Albert, ...). Denn genau DAS beschreibt umfassend auf das Maximum reduziert in zwei Worten meine durchgehend/ausnahmslos positive Erfahrung mit diesem auf so vielfältige Weise großartigen Bildungsträger.
Nuova Speranza.
"Neue Hoffnung" also. Im Sinne von neuen, tragfähigen beruflichen Perspektiven, die vor meiner DCI experience schlicht nicht vorstellbar gewesen sind - und das war nur der Einstieg.
Mit Bewilligen der Fortbildung durch die Agentur gab es nach gefühlten Nanosekunden auch schon ein detailliertes Kursangebot per Mail gefolgt von einem Anruf meines DCI-Bildungsberaters Bogdan Cosma., der Kursdetails nicht nur leicht verständlich erklärte, sondern in beeindruckend liebenswürdiger Geduld aber auch jede Frage sofort kompetent beantwortete, gar anbot, man könne ihn jederzeit mit jedem Kursanliegen anrufen selbst an Wochenenden. Ein schönes Beispiel für "normative Kraft des Faktischen", solches Engagement setzt Standards, schafft Erwartungen, ist Referenz, die andere erstmal erreichen müssen. So war Bogdan ganz nebenbei Markenbotschafter für DCI, sein Verhalten ließ einiges erhoffen für den inhaltlich durchaus sportlich-ambitionierten Kurs.
Diese positive Ahnung wurde dann ein ganzes Jahr lang weit übertroffen in einer mir davor nicht vorstellbaren Weise.
Konkret bezogen auf DCI Staff: tatsächlich wären mir in durchaus abwechslungsreicher beruflicher Vita nie zuvor engagiertere Mitarbeiter:innen begegnet, die einen in jeder Form, jeder Funktion, in jedem denkbaren Kursaspekt, bei allen Schwierigkeiten bestmöglich unterstützt haben weit über die eigene Stellenbeschreibung hinaus. Genuin glaubwürdig authentisch mit Herzblut Lichtjahre über "Dienst nach Vorschrift" hinaus.
Tatsächlich alle, denen ich das Privileg hatte, zu begegnen.
Sie wollen Deinen Erfolg.
Wenn Du also das tolle Privileg einer bewilligten Fortbildung im Digitalbereich hast, wirst Du einen qualifizierteren, philanthropischeren, engagierteren Bildungsträger kaum finden können.
Idee und Konzept meines Kurses fand ich ohnehin super, sie entsprechen meinen Idealen von einer knallbunten Welt der Gleichen, die in liebevollem Respekt einander wertschätzend unterstützen. Was auch sonst. So hat man schlicht mehr Spaß.
Von der Idee zur Tat:
Die konkrete Umsetzung schöner Ideale in gelebten Kursalltag fand dann auch konsequent statt, es war angenehmer Spiritus Rector des täglichen Miteinanders und machte den Stress sehr vielen Lernens neuer, bisweilen komplizierter Inhalte deutlich einfacher.
Wenn auch nicht unbedingt einfach:
Der Kurs insgesamt ist durchaus anstrengend und fordernd, konnte mich an Grenzen bringen, was Leben ja erst spannend macht. Grenzen finden, überwinden, sich entwickeln.
Seriöse Ambition und Motivation sind unbedingt erforderlich für erfolgreiches Bestehen.
Eine tolle, manchmal schwierige, aber immer inspirierende Erfahrung mit wunderbar verschiedenen, klugen, anregenden Menschen, die ich nicht missen möchte.
Ob DU dafür geeignet bist im Sinne von "ist es meine Tasse Tee", lässt sich prima herausfinden im "Orientierungskurs" genannten Eingangsmodul von ca. 4 Wochen Dauer, in den einem verschiedene Aspekte des Web Developments näher gebracht werden. Das macht allen Beteiligten, also auch Dir, die Entscheidung leichter.
Hast Du Dich für den Kurs entschieden und qualifiziert, erwarten Dich außer dem Tsunami neuen Fachwissens über modernes Web Development, das täglich mit praktischen Übungen vertieft wird, weitere klug konzipierte, praxisorientierte Module, die Dir den Einstieg in Dein späteres berufliches Setting erleichtern.
Neben erwartbaren "how to" - Aspekten also (wie CD/Ci, git Workflow, Microservices vs. monolithic approach, Datenbankanbindungen ans selbst entworfene Frontend, Aufbau, Architektur, Gestaltung einer performant skalierbaren web application mit on demand rendered functionality etc.) noch die Vermittlung und das Üben sehr hilfreicher Softskills, die über Deinen späteren Erfolg entscheiden können. Alles im Team natürlich, wie es später auch wahrscheinlich im Job zu erwarten ist.
Das Ganze spielerisch mit viel Lachen, dabei didaktisch klug wie inspirierend aufbereitet.
Schließlich war noch Erwerb oder Vertiefen von Sprachkompetenz Teil des Pflichtprogrammes, in unserem Fall Deutsch oder Englisch.
Schul- und Unibesuch sind bei mir nun schon einige Sommer her, aber ich kann mich nicht erinnern, je so komprimiert gelernt zu haben auf so vielfältige Weise, wie in diesem Kurs.
Was gab es alles zu lernen, wen alles kennenzulernen. Eine tolle Erfahrung.
Abschließend wünsche ich noch möglichst vielen Privilegierten nach mir diese sehr außergewöhnliche und schöne Gelegenheit zur Entwicklung eigenen Potentials, ihnen selbst und der Gesellschaft zum Gewinn.
Fertig. Können wir jetzt endlich Coden?
Nuova Speranza – My Journey to the Rainbow
Nuova Speranza – this phrase adorns my desktop background and serves as my personal mantra, inspired by one of my fantastic teachers with biographical ties to Sardinia (sending heartfelt, admiring regards to Giaco and Rami, to Gaël, Anton, Nicole, Louisa, Ash, Metin, Albert, ...). These two simple words perfectly encapsulate, in the most concise manner possible, my consistently positive experience with this exceptional educational institution, which is outstanding in so many ways.
Nuova Speranza.
In other words, "New Hope" – representing new, sustainable career opportunities that were simply unimaginable to me prior to my DCI experience. And that was just the beginning.
Upon approval of the training program by the agency, it felt like mere seconds before I received a detailed course offer via email, swiftly followed by a call from my DCI educational advisor, Bogdan Cosma. Not only did he explain the course details in a clear and comprehensible manner, but he also exhibited remarkable patience and kindness, promptly and competently answering every question. He even offered his availability for any course-related inquiries, including weekends. A wonderful example of the "normative power of the factual": such dedication sets a standard, creates expectations, and establishes a benchmark that others must first strive to match. In doing so, Bogdan became a brand ambassador for DCI, his conduct inspiring confidence in what was already shaping up to be an ambitious and challenging course.
This initial positive impression was not only fulfilled but consistently exceeded over the course of a year in ways I had never imagined.
Specifically, in terms of DCI staff: in my varied professional career, I have never encountered more dedicated individuals. Regardless of their role, every staff member I had the privilege of engaging with provided optimal support in every conceivable aspect of the course and every difficulty that arose – far beyond the scope of their job descriptions. They were genuinely, authentically committed, demonstrating a passion that extended light-years beyond mere "duty by the book."
They genuinely want your success.
If you have the privilege of approved training in the digital field, you will struggle to find a more qualified, philanthropic, or dedicated educational institution than DCI.
The idea and concept of my course already resonated deeply with me, aligning perfectly with my ideals of a vibrant, inclusive world of equals who support each other with loving respect. What else could one wish for? It simply makes life more enjoyable.
From theory to practice:
The consistent implementation of these beautiful ideals into the daily course routine was a constant theme. This uplifting spiritus rector of our interactions made the stress of intensive learning – including occasionally complex new material – far more manageable.
That being said, it was not always easy:
The course as a whole is quite demanding and challenging. It pushed me to my limits, which is precisely what makes life interesting. Finding boundaries, overcoming them, and evolving. Serious ambition and motivation are absolutely essential to succeed.
It was an extraordinary, sometimes difficult, but always inspiring experience with wonderfully diverse, intelligent, and engaging people I am grateful to have met.
Whether you are suited for this program – in the sense of “Is this my cup of tea?” – can be easily determined in the “Orientation Course,” an introductory module of approximately four weeks. This provides an overview of various aspects of web development, helping everyone involved – including you – make an informed decision.
If you decide to pursue and qualify for the course, you can expect not only a "tsunami" of new technical knowledge about modern web development, reinforced daily through practical exercises, but also additional well-designed, practice-oriented modules that will ease your transition into a professional setting.
In addition to the expected “how-to” aspects (such as CD/CI, Git workflow, microservices vs. monolithic architecture, connecting databases to self-designed frontends, building and structuring a scalable, high-performing web application with on-demand rendered functionality, etc.), you will also gain valuable soft skills. These are practiced extensively and can be critical to your success. Everything is, of course, team-based, as it is likely to be in your future workplace.
All of this is presented in a playful, laughter-filled environment, with didactically clever and inspiring methods.
Finally, language skills were also part of the mandatory curriculum, in our case German or English.
It has been several years since my school and university days, but I cannot recall ever learning so much, so intensively, and in such a multifaceted way as I did in this course.
There was so much to learn, so many wonderful people to meet – a truly enriching experience.
In conclusion, I sincerely hope that many more fortunate individuals after me will have this unique and beautiful opportunity to develop their potential, for their own benefit and that of society.
Done. Now, can we finally start coding? :)
Product Hall
4.9225Reviews2CoursesProduct Hall is a 10-week, online Product Management bootcamp that focuses on hands-on, practical learning. The bootcamp features live, interactive classes w... Learn more about Product Hall.Product Hall is a 10-week, online Product Management bootcamp that focuses on hands-on, practical learning. The bootcamp features live, interactive classes where students receive training, tools, and 1:1 mentorship from experienced instructors. The Product Hall curriculum covers customer development, strategic thinking skills, product design, agile methodologies, and product management technology and software. Learn more about Product Hall.Ramen Benyamin5Graduate • Course: Product Management Certificate Program (Online) • Online
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Says: Unparalleled access to mentorship and real world experience.
Unlike many other courses I've taken, this was a far more intimate and catered experience, allowing me to be more proactive in my learning and project work. TheUnlike many other courses I've taken, this was a far more intimate and catered experience, allowing me to be more proactive in my learning and project work. The course provides an in-depth dive into the product field, while examining real world examples and experiences. There is a lot of consideration into your own career path throughout, and they are committed to helping you reach your goals.- 23Reviews3CoursesThe Hacking School offers 13-week full stack web development, 24-week cybersecurity, and 24-week data science at campuses in India and Australia. The Hacking... Learn more about The Hacking School.The Hacking School offers 13-week full stack web development, 24-week cybersecurity, and 24-week data science at campuses in India and Australia. The Hacking School has a long list of hiring partners, and offers career services to students, such as placement assistance. Learn more about The Hacking School.Vaishnavi
5Graduate • Course: Full Stack Web Development (online) • Hyderabad
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Says: Had an amazing experience!
THS is the best place to enhance your coding skills. The whole journey in the Bootcamp was awesome. My instructors Prashanth, Pranish, and Akhil are excellent.THS is the best place to enhance your coding skills. The whole journey in the Bootcamp was awesome. My instructors Prashanth, Pranish, and Akhil are excellent. They will teach you from every basic thing and will make you a professional.The atmosphere is very awesome. They
Motivated me in every way possible to improve myself.
Thanks to the whole team for improving my skills. Metana
4.8222Reviews6CoursesMetana offers self-paced, online bootcamps covering Solidity (24 weeks) and Rust (24 weeks). The bootcamps are project-based and students will finish the cou... Learn more about Metana.Metana offers self-paced, online bootcamps covering Solidity (24 weeks) and Rust (24 weeks). The bootcamps are project-based and students will finish the course with a portfolio to show to potential employers. Metana holds office hours throughout the week and students can receive support from industry professional instructors. Learn more about Metana.Kanan Santin5Student • Course: Web3 Solidity bootcamp (Ethereum Blockchain) • Online
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Says: Life-Changing Experience
Metana is more than just a bootcamp, it's a life-changing experience. You'll not only gain technical skills, but you'll also join a vibrant community and becomeMetana is more than just a bootcamp, it's a life-changing experience. You'll not only gain technical skills, but you'll also join a vibrant community and become part of the exciting Web3 revolution. If you're looking for a career challenge and a chance to make a real impact, Metana is the answer.CodeSpace
4.921Reviews3CoursesCodeSpace Academy is an internationally recognized, online education institution that specializes in teaching coding and technology skills. Students can choo... Learn more about CodeSpace.CodeSpace Academy is an internationally recognized, online education institution that specializes in teaching coding and technology skills. Students can choose to study part-time for 10 hours per week or full-time for 25-40 hours per week. All students at CodeSpace are taught not only how to code, but how to learn new languages and technologies. All of the programs teach industry-standard technologies and practices so that bootcamp graduates are ready to step into jobs in the tech industry. Learn more about CodeSpace.Nuhr van der schyff5Graduate • Course: Software Development • Cape Town
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I got a job four weeks after graduating. I was assisted in preparing for my interviews and got an interview through CodeSpace's employer network.CodeSpace AcadeI got a job four weeks after graduating. I was assisted in preparing for my interviews and got an interview through CodeSpace's employer network.
CodeSpace Academy’s curriculum and project learning structure are amazing, it helped me so much especially with structure within coding. The lecturers, coding coaches, and facilitators are SUPER amazing, very helpful and always pushing you to be better than before and responsible.- 21Reviews8CoursesInstitute of Data is a technical skills and certifications provider that offers online Cybersecurity (24 week part-time, 12 week full-time), Software Enginee... Learn more about Institute of Data.Institute of Data is a technical skills and certifications provider that offers online Cybersecurity (24 week part-time, 12 week full-time), Software Engineering (24 week part-time, 12 week full-time), and Data Science AI (24 week part-time, 12 week full-time) bootcamps. Institute of Data bootcamps are delivered through video conferencing technology featuring virtual break-out rooms, shared screens, digital whiteboards, peer-to-peer collaboration, and instructor support. Learn more about Institute of Data.Samson Liaw
5Graduate • Course: Cybersecurity (Part-Time) • Online
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Says: IOD Cybersecurity Boot Camp
Having recently completed the IOD Cybersecurity Boot Camp, I was extremely impressed by the program’s overall quality. The instructors and assistant instructorsHaving recently completed the IOD Cybersecurity Boot Camp, I was extremely impressed by the program’s overall quality. The instructors and assistant instructors demonstrated exceptional expertise and real-world experience, which was reflected in every session. Their dedication to equipping students with practical skills and up-to-date industry insights stood out. The interactive, hands-on approach made even the most complex topics easy to understand and engaging. For anyone seeking to improve their cybersecurity knowledge in a structured and supportive environment, I would highly recommend this boot camp. - 16Reviews11CoursesGeeksHubs Academy is a coding school that offers 10- and 12-week bootcamps in Full Stack Development, Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cyber... Learn more about GeeksHubs Academy.GeeksHubs Academy is a coding school that offers 10- and 12-week bootcamps in Full Stack Development, Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cybersecurity, and more. The full-time Full Stack Development bootcamp is taught in-person. The part-time Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cybersecurity bootcamps are taught live online. Learn more about GeeksHubs Academy.
4.9315Reviews3CoursesHACK A BOSS is a Spain-based technology company offering 16-week bootcamps in web development and data science & AI live online and at hybrid campuses ac... Learn more about HACK A BOSS.HACK A BOSS is a Spain-based technology company offering 16-week bootcamps in web development and data science AI live online and at hybrid campuses across Spain. Remote bootcamps are offered online for the entirety of Spain. The mission of HACK A BOSS is finding, generating, and developing the best technological talent in Spain and around the world. In addition to technical skills, HACK A BOSS helps students develop their soft skills, learn to work collaboratively on code, develop projects, expand their portfolio, and network with companies. Learn more about HACK A BOSS.Cristhian Medrano Bonora5Graduate • Course: Web Development Bootcamp • Online
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Elegí el curso de full stack porque me encanta programar y ¡la verdad es que no me arrepiento! Todo fue muy fácil desde el principio, la gente que me atendió fuElegí el curso de full stack porque me encanta programar y ¡la verdad es que no me arrepiento! Todo fue muy fácil desde el principio, la gente que me atendió fue súper amable y me ayudaron con todo. Los profes, Pablo y Luis, son unos cracks. Saben muchísimo y te lo explican de una forma que cualquiera entiende. Con mi experiencia previa en informática y tecnología, puedo asegurar que las peronas que trabajan en HACK A BOSS son auténticos profesionales.- 9Reviews2CoursesIT Career Hub is a Germany-based tech training provider offering live online, part-time, 40-week Data Analyst bootcamps. The Data Analyst bootcamp covers top... Learn more about IT Career Hub.IT Career Hub is a Germany-based tech training provider offering live online, part-time, 40-week Data Analyst bootcamps. The Data Analyst bootcamp covers topics like Google Sheets, data visualization, statistics, product analytics, Power BI, Tableau, and Python. Students will build a portfolio of projects throughout the program to demonstrate the skills they learn. Class sizes are limited to ensure quality of education. Learn more about IT Career Hub.Manikant Mahto
5Applicant • Online
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Says: Awesome experience!!!
I had a great experience attending the sessions. The faculty was great and supportive. The environment was electrifying. The content was curated in such a way tI had a great experience attending the sessions. The faculty was great and supportive. The environment was electrifying. The content was curated in such a way that we could learn the concepts in a practical way. Loved the sessions!! - 9Reviews1CourseFounder/Hacker is an all-inclusive, 2-week coding bootcamp hosted near Atlanta, Georgia. Students will spend two weeks learning to use Ruby to build projects... Learn more about Founder/Hacker.Founder/Hacker is an all-inclusive, 2-week coding bootcamp hosted near Atlanta, Georgia. Students will spend two weeks learning to use Ruby to build projects in Rails before designing their own application. Founder/Hacker bootcamps have a maximum of 8 students per cohort to ensure quality of education. Tuition covers food, lodging, airport shuttle, course materials, and extracurricular activities. Learn more about Founder/Hacker.Alexandru Golovatenco
5Student • Course: Full Stack Rails Development • Atlanta
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Says: I made more progress in 14 days than in the last 6 months!
In just 14 days, I made months of progress, and met amazing people. Camp was a memorable experience and went way past my expectations, I highly recommend it! AIn just 14 days, I made months of progress, and met amazing people. Camp was a memorable experience and went way past my expectations, I highly recommend it! A few weeks after camp, I managed to ship a YouTube comment sentiment analysis app in just a few hours, and I'm on my way to building a few more ambitious SaaS! - 9Reviews6CoursesCode Academy Berlin offers six, in-person bootcamps of varying lengths in both Web Development and Data Science tracks. Bootcamps are held on campus in the R... Learn more about Code Academy Berlin.Code Academy Berlin offers six, in-person bootcamps of varying lengths in both Web Development and Data Science tracks. Bootcamps are held on campus in the Rummelsburg neighborhood overlooking the Spree river. The bootcamps are designed with an agile modular structure that echoes the agile project management work environments students will later encounter in the workplace. Learn more about Code Academy Berlin.Faruk Miftari
5Graduate • Course: Full-Stack Web Development with TypeScript and Next.JS • Berlin
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Says: Strongly recommended
My experience at the academy was incredibly enriching. The mentors were highly professional and offered continuous support. Their guidance significantly contribMy experience at the academy was incredibly enriching. The mentors were highly professional and offered continuous support. Their guidance significantly contributed to my learning, and I'm thankful for the valuable knowledge I acquired during my time there. - 7Reviews2CoursesBrightCoders is a Latin American tech training provider offering an online, part-time Web Development bootcamp. Students will work in a collaborative environ... Learn more about BrightCoders Academy.BrightCoders is a Latin American tech training provider offering an online, part-time Web Development bootcamp. Students will work in a collaborative environment to develop web and mobile projects using tools like Ruby on Rails.Throughout the bootcamp, students will master technical skills that are aligned with the current labor market. BrightCoders is dedicated to promoting gender and geographic diversity for students aged 18 to 28. Learn more about BrightCoders Academy.Brayan Diaz C
5Graduate • Course: Ruby on Rails Web Developer • Online
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Says: Excellent Experience and Outstanding Team in Ruby on Rails Bootcamp
The Ruby on Rails bootcamp was an excellent experience, enriched by a fantastic team dynamic. The course offered a comprehensive blend of theoretical knowledgeThe Ruby on Rails bootcamp was an excellent experience, enriched by a fantastic team dynamic. The course offered a comprehensive blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, allowing me to thoroughly grasp Rails while working on real-world projects. The collaborative spirit within the team was a highlight, fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment. I highly recommend this bootcamp to anyone looking to deepen their expertise in web development with Rails, thanks to its top-notch instruction and exceptional team experience. - 7Reviews4CoursesDigital Workshop Center offers four IT certificate programs: Data Science, Digital Marketing, Front End Development, and UX Design. Digital Workshop Center b... Learn more about Digital Workshop Center.Digital Workshop Center offers four IT certificate programs: Data Science, Digital Marketing, Front End Development, and UX Design. Digital Workshop Center bootcamps may be completed at the student’s own pace up to 52 weeks. Bootcamp classes are taught in an experiential workshop style. Learn more about Digital Workshop Center.
- 6Reviews4CoursesNebula Academy is a 22-week, full stack software engineering bootcamp in Syosset, New York. Nebula Academy’s bootcamp is structured in 4-week sprints where s... Learn more about Nebula Academy.Nebula Academy is a 22-week, full stack software engineering bootcamp in Syosset, New York. Nebula Academy’s bootcamp is structured in 4-week sprints where students learn, practice, and implement new and previously covered technologies. Students finish the 4-week cycles by creating real-world projects. Students will learn Javascript, HTML, CSS, DOM manipulation, and React. Bootcamp students will also learn to think critically and computationally and build strong problem-solving skills. All Nebula Academy software engineering bootcamp instructors are AWS certified, and bootcamp content is aligned with the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam. Learn more about Nebula Academy.Deboraht N.
5Graduate • Course: Fullstack Software Engineer (PERN) - Full Time • Long Island
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Says: Software engineer
I learned coding at Nebula, I was part of the first bootcamp. It was not easy at the beginning but it was amazing to see all you can do with a few lines of codeI learned coding at Nebula, I was part of the first bootcamp. It was not easy at the beginning but it was amazing to see all you can do with a few lines of codes and that changed everything. I also learned many other skills among them, problem solving which is very important because it will help you in your entire life either you are in technology or not. Great online environment and support learning, great teachers, great school. - 2Reviews4CoursesChico State, Professional & Continuing Education offers non-credit online bootcamps in Cloud Engineering, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and Visualization... Learn more about California State University, Chico, Professional & Continuing Education Bootcamps by QuickStart .Chico State, Professional Continuing Education offers non-credit online bootcamps in Cloud Engineering, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and Visualization, and Software Engineering. Online students can choose from full or part time programs and will complete real-world IT projects, collaborate with their peers, and develop a portfolio highlighting their career readiness. Learn more about California State University, Chico, Professional Continuing Education Bootcamps by QuickStart .Jura B.
5Student • Course: Data Science & Analytics • Online
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Says: Production Bulletin UC Chico
The UC Chico Production Bulletin System class is a great tool for all upcoming prod coders. The production unit series of courses (TFDP 173) provides instructioThe UC Chico Production Bulletin System class is a great tool for all upcoming prod coders. The production unit series of courses (TFDP 173) provides instruction and felt like an effective boot camp for what I'm getting into with studio system coding. - 1Reviews1CourseTech Joy Academy is an online training provider offering a 12-week, part-time, online Interdisciplinary Internship for AI & Data Science. The Interdiscip... Learn more about Tech Joy Academy.Tech Joy Academy is an online training provider offering a 12-week, part-time, online Interdisciplinary Internship for AI Data Science. The Interdisciplinary Internship for AI Data Science covers topics like Python, AWS, full stack development, mobile development, AI, DevOps, and QA testing. Students will master the basics and have a chance to try different disciplines in tech before choosing a specific focus for their internship. Learn more about Tech Joy Academy.Danielle Arnett
5Graduate • Course: Interdisciplinary Internship for AI & Data Science • Online
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Says: Such a valuable experience!
Tech Joy was the second bootcamp I enrolled in. I was looking for a job and not having much luck, so I decided to try it because it included an internship. ItTech Joy was the second bootcamp I enrolled in. I was looking for a job and not having much luck, so I decided to try it because it included an internship. It was worth every penny! I was able to learn my second programming language as well as experienced being a part of a team, using a ticketing system and collaborating on GitHub. The Discord server was also a great place for networking with other techies with its welcoming atmosphere. Best of all, after being in the program for 7 months, I found a paid apprenticeship in tech! I highly recommend Tech Joy Academy! Fortray
4.01Reviews32CoursesFortray is a United Kingdom-based recruitment agency and tech training provider offering online, full-time or part-time programs in full stack MERN developme... Learn more about Fortray.Fortray is a United Kingdom-based recruitment agency and tech training provider offering online, full-time or part-time programs in full stack MERN development (26 weeks), data science (26 weeks), cybersecurity (12 or 22 weeks), digital marketing (26 weeks), project management (17 weeks) and more. The Career Path programs include live online lectures, mentorship, and support. Students will complete real world projects to give them practical experience in the topics they cover. Learn more about Fortray.- 0Reviews3CoursesBased in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Atlas School is a tech training provider offering 80-week, hybrid bootcamps in machine learning, Linux and blockchain programming, ... Learn more about Atlas School.Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Atlas School is a tech training provider offering 80-week, hybrid bootcamps in machine learning, Linux and blockchain programming, and full-stack web development. Atlas School’s modern campus is located in the Downtown Tulsa Arts District. The bootcamps are project-based to give students practical experience in the topics covered. Students are encouraged to collaborate to prepare them for a career environment. Learn more about Atlas School.
- 0Reviews2CoursesHamburg Coding School is a tech training provider in Germany offering a 26-week, part-time, online or in-person Full Stack Web Developer bootcamp. The Full S... Learn more about Hamburg Coding School.Hamburg Coding School is a tech training provider in Germany offering a 26-week, part-time, online or in-person Full Stack Web Developer bootcamp. The Full Stack Web Developer bootcamp covers topics like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Node.js, React, MongoDB, UI design, web security, Git, and SEO. Bootcamps are limited to 8 students to ensure quality of education. Learn more about Hamburg Coding School.
- 0Reviews1CourseCMU TechBridge Coding Bootcamp is a tech training program offering a live online, full-time, 16-week Software Development bootcamp. The Software Development ... Learn more about CMU TechBridge Coding Bootcamp.CMU TechBridge Coding Bootcamp is a tech training program offering a live online, full-time, 16-week Software Development bootcamp. The Software Development bootcamp covers topics like HTML, CSS, Python. JavaScript, React, Node.js, DevOps, and Agile. Students will also have two opportunities to visit CMU Pittsburgh and immerse themselves in a vibrant tech community. Learn more about CMU TechBridge Coding Bootcamp.