Learn Swift at These 25 Swift Bootcamps

Swift is a multi-paradigm compiled programming language developed by Apple for iOS and OS X mobile development. Swift is intended to be more concise and resilient to erroneous code than Objective-C. Swift is super user-friendly for beginners and it’s used to create mobile apps for iOS. Swift is used by high-value companies like Lyft, LinkedIn, Khan Academy, Yahoo, Strava, VSCO, and more. If you’re interested in becoming a Mobile App Developer, Swift is definitely a language you should learn. Find the best courses and bootcamps in Swift on Course Report. 

Andrew, BloomTech’s iOS Swift Bootcamp lead says, “I think Swift is a great first programming language to learn, and that’s not a coincidence. When Apple was developing Swift, one of their goals was to be more approachable for beginners than Objective-C.”

A Swift coding boot camp will also teach you frameworks for Swift like UIKit, Foundation, MaKit, and Core Motion. However, you should also learn Objective-C because most older, more established apps still need developers to work on their codebase. You can find a Swift bootcamp online or in-person. They range from 6-weeks to 16-weeks.

For more information, read our Ultimate Guide to Mobile Development Bootcamps, watch this webinar about developing with Swift, and read this Beginner's Guide to Learning Swift for iOS.


There are 25 bootcamps that teach Swift skills around the world – which is best for you? This list has top-rated bootcamps like Udacity, Makers Academy, The Tech Academy. As you do your research, look for Swift bootcamps with great alumni reviews, proven student outcomes, and a strong Swift curriculum.


25 Best Swift Bootcamps

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