This school is now closed. Although Concordia Bootcamps is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Concordia Bootcamps alumni reviews on the school page.
Concordia Bootcamps
Average Rating4.58
138 Reviews
4 Courses
Concordia Bootcamps partners with universities to offer online coding and data science bootcamps. These bootcamps prepare students for careers in tech, and offer a university certificate upon graduation. The bootcamps also teach students how to navigate the job market, how to market themselves, and how to network. Concordia Bootcamps is headquartered in Montreal, Canada.
Concordia Bootcamps formerly went by the name DecodeMTL and Journey Education.
Master the skills necessary to become a successful Data Scientist - from fundamentals of math & stats to machine learning, data engineering, and so much more. As a graduate, you will earn a university certificate, as well as gain access to our career services team and employer partnerships.
Master the skills necessary to become a successful Data Scientist - from fundamentals of math & stats to machine learning, data engineering, and so much more. As a graduate, you will earn a university certificate, as well as gain access to our career services team and employer partnerships.
Our flagship 12-week online coding bootcamp focuses on teaching you full-stack web development, with a heavy focus on JavaScript. As a graduate, you will earn a university certificate and have access to our team of career coaches and employer partners.
Our flagship 12-week online coding bootcamp focuses on teaching you full-stack web development, with a heavy focus on JavaScript. As a graduate, you will earn a university certificate and have access to our team of career coaches and employer partners.
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Jayden Joseph
Graduate • Online
Verified by GitHub
Jul 21, 2023
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Intense but worth it
I had little programming knowledge prior to attending this bootcamp. But after going through with it, I am doing things today that I could have never imagined myself doing a year ago. This course definitely no joke and is very intense. It may be easy to lose motivation at times, but as long as you tell yourself you won't give up and approach it with the mindset that your hard work and discipline can get you through it, you'll be a graduate before you know it. All it takes is the right mi...
I had little programming knowledge prior to attending this bootcamp. But after going through with it, I am doing things today that I could have never imagined myself doing a year ago. This course definitely no joke and is very intense. It may be easy to lose motivation at times, but as long as you tell yourself you won't give up and approach it with the mindset that your hard work and discipline can get you through it, you'll be a graduate before you know it. All it takes is the right mindset, the skills will develop as time goes.
They say bootcamps are rough - and they are. But they're also incredibly satisfying. I learned more in the 3 month span of attending Concordia bootcamp than I probably have in any other 3 month period of my life. There's in-depth instruction across all the fundamentals of Data Science - from statistics and probability to the implementation of deep learning networks. For someone without a formal background in any of the subjects, it was definitely challenging. However, if you're truly com...
They say bootcamps are rough - and they are. But they're also incredibly satisfying. I learned more in the 3 month span of attending Concordia bootcamp than I probably have in any other 3 month period of my life. There's in-depth instruction across all the fundamentals of Data Science - from statistics and probability to the implementation of deep learning networks. For someone without a formal background in any of the subjects, it was definitely challenging. However, if you're truly committed to the process, you will not regret it.
After graduation, Concordia offers a series of workshops and lectures, as well as individual coaching from their in-house career coaches. They really set you up to succeed in your job search and help provide all the tools and direction you need to market yourself effectively to employers, and shine through the interview process.
I highly recommend Concordia to anyone looking to make a life-changing move into a career in tech.
After taking this intensive course for 4 months, including job search, there is a lot to say. Starting with the positive, the organization of the curriculum is the best part. I knew I wanted to learn data science but did not know where to start which is why them feeding you the topics in an easily digestible way is the best advantage. Another is the post course job assistance support. Though they don't find the job for you (obviously), my amazing advisor was always available to help with...
After taking this intensive course for 4 months, including job search, there is a lot to say. Starting with the positive, the organization of the curriculum is the best part. I knew I wanted to learn data science but did not know where to start which is why them feeding you the topics in an easily digestible way is the best advantage. Another is the post course job assistance support. Though they don't find the job for you (obviously), my amazing advisor was always available to help with any questions and gave excellent advice. The instructors during the course were solid, though the course was missing an essential element that would have improved my ability to learn the numerous topics, this was to have real world examples WITH the answers. In the course, we are given workshops which we complete but we never find out what the answers are or what we should have done as a solution, so what's the point of the workshop? They should be giving us at least 5 questions per topics WITH the answers and then have the workshop. I'm very happy I took the course because I now know so much about Data Science and have a job but this course is absolutely not for everyone, but is certainly right for many
Jr full-stack web developer • Graduate • Web Development Remote • Online
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Aug 31, 2022
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
From no coding experience to career as developer
I wanted to wait until I was settled into my new career in before I wrote this review. At the time of writing this I’ve been working as a junior web developer for almost 6months.
The 3 months I spent in the bootcamp were not easy. Many nights and weekends were spent second guessing my decision. I had no social life and lived in front of my computer. However, all that effort paid off and I’m glad I stuck through. There are a lot of challenges being a junior developer. I’ve had...
I wanted to wait until I was settled into my new career in before I wrote this review. At the time of writing this I’ve been working as a junior web developer for almost 6months.
The 3 months I spent in the bootcamp were not easy. Many nights and weekends were spent second guessing my decision. I had no social life and lived in front of my computer. However, all that effort paid off and I’m glad I stuck through. There are a lot of challenges being a junior developer. I’ve had to learn new languages and frameworks that weren’t taught in the bootcamp. I had to integrate into a new work environment and keep up with the workload. The bootcamp doesn’t just teach you how to code but how to learn quickly and ask the right questions. I went from 0 JavaScript knowledge to being able to build my own full stack project. The career services are a great help at the end of the bootcamp and they work with you to find what your strengths and weaknesses are also while interviewing.
All that being said I’m happy I did the bootcamp. I’m no longer working minimum wage jobs and feeling stuck. I have a stable job with good benefits and just enough flexibility to allow me to do the things I want to do! You get out what you put in!
Java developer • Graduate • Web Development Remote • Online
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May 11, 2022
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Web Development Diploma
It was a very nice and very demanding experience, during 3 months I had to work hard and focus exclusively on the Bootcamp, but at the end it was a very fructuous experience, you dont spend your time in theory (theory is scattered everywhere, you can Google it easily), most of the day is spent in coding workshops, hat off to all the staff that knows how to make you busy with useful projects all the time. The career coaching service is outstanding, it was beyond my expectation, I never me...
It was a very nice and very demanding experience, during 3 months I had to work hard and focus exclusively on the Bootcamp, but at the end it was a very fructuous experience, you dont spend your time in theory (theory is scattered everywhere, you can Google it easily), most of the day is spent in coding workshops, hat off to all the staff that knows how to make you busy with useful projects all the time. The career coaching service is outstanding, it was beyond my expectation, I never meat people like those professionals, I have to mention Coach "Penny Mancuso" who was very helpful and knew how to show me the right path to success, Thank you again "Penny". I recommend this Bootcamp to anyone who want to start working in web development.
Solutions Developer • Graduate • Web Development Remote • Online
Verified by LinkedIn
Mar 05, 2022
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Highly Recommended
Program: Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) Remarks: 1. Awesome Curriculum, intuitive and timely for the current job market. 2. Instructors and Career Service team fully Engaged. 3. Well recognized program in the Linkedin community. 4. Professional and resourceful Team.
Data Scientist • Graduate • Data Science Diploma • Online
Verified by LinkedIn
Feb 16, 2022
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Went beyond my expectation
I was part of the full-time Concordia Data Science Bootcamp. Finished it in December 2021, and landed a very good job in mid-February 2022, about 5 weeks after my first job application.
Before the bootcamp, I was in a completely different field and all my coding experience came from a few online courses. Through this bootcamp, I learned so many things that I didn't know before about data science, and also significantly improved my coding skills in python. The instructors are very...
I was part of the full-time Concordia Data Science Bootcamp. Finished it in December 2021, and landed a very good job in mid-February 2022, about 5 weeks after my first job application.
Before the bootcamp, I was in a completely different field and all my coding experience came from a few online courses. Through this bootcamp, I learned so many things that I didn't know before about data science, and also significantly improved my coding skills in python. The instructors are very helpful and supportive. Concordia also provides free access to a lot of online resources, like Udemy and DataCamp. Take advantage of it, learn as much as you can. The bootcamp is intensive, but if you want to excel, you need to put in more work.
The Career Service after the bootcamp is simply AMAZING! The career coach will help you with every step of your job searching, from the resume, CV, LinkedIn profile, to mock interviews, interview preps, and a lot of moral support! There is also a great team trying their best to connect you with amazing employers. Almost half of my interview opportunities came from the job fair.
My transition to Data Science went very smoothly thanks to the Concordia Bootcamp. Best investment I had, it's so worth it! Recommend it to anyone who wants to switch to Data Science!
Junior full stack developer • Graduate • Full-Stack Immersive • Montreal
Verified by LinkedIn
Jan 25, 2022
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
One of the best decisions to have joined
It was one of the best decisions that I've ever made to join Concordia Bootcamps just when I had finished my plan for self teaching web development. As I always heard about their good reputation I was impressed by how organized and well-structured the curriculum was and how supportive and helpful the instructors were, all of which play a big role in motivaring you to strive to learn and achieve your goal. Their career coaching service was outstanding with coaches being there when you'd n...
It was one of the best decisions that I've ever made to join Concordia Bootcamps just when I had finished my plan for self teaching web development. As I always heard about their good reputation I was impressed by how organized and well-structured the curriculum was and how supportive and helpful the instructors were, all of which play a big role in motivaring you to strive to learn and achieve your goal. Their career coaching service was outstanding with coaches being there when you'd need them. As long as you put the right effort and dedication, everything else is there to help you make your dream come true. I would choose Concordia Bootcamps again if I have to start all over again.
Software Engineering, Full Stack Development, Analyst • Graduate • Concordia University Coding Bootcamp • Montreal
Verified by LinkedIn
Dec 21, 2021
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Concordia Bootcamps Web Development Diploma
Before enrolling in the Concordia Web Development Bootcamp, I had very little experience coding. I had only done about 30 hours of HTML, CSS and JavaScript combined. Starting this Bootcamp was definitely a leap of faith, but I am so glad I did it! Throughout the course, instructors were so helpful. I also learned to leverage my cohort, all of whom taught me so much. Bootcamp was REALLY hard work, but I made it through. Three months after graduating I am starting a really good job at a...
Before enrolling in the Concordia Web Development Bootcamp, I had very little experience coding. I had only done about 30 hours of HTML, CSS and JavaScript combined. Starting this Bootcamp was definitely a leap of faith, but I am so glad I did it! Throughout the course, instructors were so helpful. I also learned to leverage my cohort, all of whom taught me so much. Bootcamp was REALLY hard work, but I made it through. Three months after graduating I am starting a really good job at an exciting company. One of the best parts of Concordia Bootcamp is Career Services. First I was paired with an excellent career coach and technical coach. They helped me polish up my CV, LinkedIn and technical knowledge and had encouraging words along the way. Next, Career Services offered information sessions with prospective employers, career fair and practice job interviews. It was through Career Services that I was connected with my current employer. I can't wait to start my new job! Thank you Concordia Bootcamps!
Software Developer • Graduate • Web Development Remote • Online
Verified by LinkedIn
Dec 09, 2021
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Only as great as the work you put into it
The overall experience was wonderful. There was a lot of in-depth knowledge and practices you can learn as a newcomer to programming and coding in this bootcamp and the stack you mostly will learn here (from my experience at the time of graduation in October 2021) is the M.E.R.N. web development stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS) with strong foundations in fundamentals in HTML/CSS and JavaScript. But as I did the full time bootcamp, this is not for the lax and easy-going wor...
The overall experience was wonderful. There was a lot of in-depth knowledge and practices you can learn as a newcomer to programming and coding in this bootcamp and the stack you mostly will learn here (from my experience at the time of graduation in October 2021) is the M.E.R.N. web development stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS) with strong foundations in fundamentals in HTML/CSS and JavaScript. But as I did the full time bootcamp, this is not for the lax and easy-going work habit person. While I did wish the bootcamps did cover a bit of other alternative technology stacks that are also popular with developers today such as TypeScript (Angular), PHP, and Ruby/Rails, having that in-depth foundational knowledge in programming and algorithms/sorting was in my opinion was more important as they were particularly important if you were doing technical interviews down the road with larger companies (FAANG/next-generation-tech companies and JSOC/cybersecurity positions particularly) that required you to think and create a algorithm with time complexity (think Big O notation) in mind.
The instructors at Concordia Bootcamps are extremely helpful (without giving you obvious answers) but you as the student is only good as the effort and the work you put into this. Bootcamps aren't cheap, and if you are serious about pursuing a career in web development, whether to complement your current career or switching into it, the profession requires self-discipline and the constant hunger to learn. Your technology knowledge stack and bootcamp experience should not be the endgame, but rather the starting point. While it is important to retain that knowledge and add current trends and updates on top of that, and it is difficult to do so in a rapid-changing environment like this one, but the learning curve mindset is important before you consider anything like this will change your life forever. With the backing of a well-known public university like Concordia University, just having the name recognition can also have a minor impact when job hunting, especially when applying to larger and well known organizations.
The career services after graduation (and only they will provide after passing all the required modules) is extremely important and highly recommended to participate, unless you already been know your way around job hunting in the tech world or already have a job/company waiting for you for onboarding/transitioning. Don't think of this as your mediocre run-of-the-mill college or university career centers with underpaid undergraduates/graduates or HR associates giving generalized or less than enthusiastic advices, although I'm sorry to say I do have to also include Concordia University's CAPS in that unfortunate group. The bootcamps' career services (not affiliated with CAPS) however, are much different and tailored to technology sector. Think of the bootcamp career services more like a combination of one-on-one career counsellors/coaches guiding and advising you on your job search journey with the introduction of career fairs and information sessions from various companies to get you more engaged and personalized contacts with potential employers. Like in the bootcamp, make the most of your effort pursuing this as you are learning from the experience of job rejections (and likely you'll get many before landing an offer).
I've personally went through this and it was great, went through 150+ applications from FAANG companies to budding startups from my locale in Toronto to job postings across Canada and some across borders in the U.S. and U.K. before landing not one, but two great offers (one from a subsidiary of tech giant in Seattle and a medium sized multimedia solutions provider in Halifax). Your career coach at the bootcamp can help navigate through your job offer and determine if you should accept it as is or negotiate in a few areas (like relocation costs if not remote or IT reimbursements for new electronics, utility costs, etc. if working nearly 100% remotely), but as a career-switching, newly minted junior developer with no leverage on skills or experience (the only leverage I really had was "another offer" pending), just accepting it as is (unless the salary/comp was outright horrible that you had no other choice but to decline) would be a much better option and wait for a better one. The career services will start from your graduation date, and will end if you accept or decline an offer (they will only continue services if you show them the offer was downright below market rate, exploitative, etc.) or after 6 months elapsed. My only criticism is that career fairs and information sessions should start earlier (within first or second week after graduation, I know people need to decompress after a stressful 3 months for full time bootcamp) and be more frequent as my current job was found (with the help of Concordia bootcamps, but not sponsored) through an external tech career fair.
Full Stack Web Developer • Graduate • Full-Stack Nights & Weekends • Montreal
Verified by LinkedIn
Oct 10, 2021
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Amazing experience
Concordia bootcamps really changed my view of what a good schooling experience could feel like. My instructor, Jordan was phenomenal and extremely knowledgeable. He was almost always able to convey in layman’s terms some of the more complicated concepts of web development and allowed for even someone like me who had little to no coding experience prior to entering the bootcamp to cultivate my skills. The TA’s as well were extremely patient and helpful when it came to helping myself and o...
Concordia bootcamps really changed my view of what a good schooling experience could feel like. My instructor, Jordan was phenomenal and extremely knowledgeable. He was almost always able to convey in layman’s terms some of the more complicated concepts of web development and allowed for even someone like me who had little to no coding experience prior to entering the bootcamp to cultivate my skills. The TA’s as well were extremely patient and helpful when it came to helping myself and other students tackle the daily coding exercises and concepts we would learn. After having graduated from the program, I also felt extremely grateful for my career coaches who bolstered my confidence and were instrumental in guiding me towards landing my first web development job. I am now onto my second job working in a stack that greatly resembles that of the bootcamp’s (React, Golang, Mongo…) and I feel very content. I cannot understate how much of a great decision it was for me to enter and complete this bootcamp, even after coming from a background that has no relation to programming. Definitely recommend to anyone who wants to head down this career path!
Throughout the 3-month full-time Data Science bootcamp, I have learned about data collection, data cleaning data visualization, data manipulation, regression, machine learning and predictive modelling. What I liked about the bootcamp is that you get to practice your Python skills so much in order to achieve goals in terms of data science. As an autodidact who likes programming, I truly enjoyed it! I would recommend this bootcamp to anyone who would like to step into the technical world o...
Throughout the 3-month full-time Data Science bootcamp, I have learned about data collection, data cleaning data visualization, data manipulation, regression, machine learning and predictive modelling. What I liked about the bootcamp is that you get to practice your Python skills so much in order to achieve goals in terms of data science. As an autodidact who likes programming, I truly enjoyed it! I would recommend this bootcamp to anyone who would like to step into the technical world of Data Science. The team at Journey Education makes sure you get the value from your money regarding the quality of the material and advice given by the professor but also everything coming after the bootcamp has ended for the job search. The meetings every week with my coach really helped me both mentally and professionally to grow. As a result of that, I have found my perfect job opportunity and I could not be thankful enough. Thank you to Concordia University, Journey Education, my professor Steven and my coach Penny.
Calling all career switchers who would rather skip the expense of a commute: Kevin Khoury, the co-founder of DecodeMTL, explains why they’ve brought their JavaScript bootcamp online for remote learners. Learn what a typical day looks like and how you’ll communicate with instructors and students. Bonus: DecodeMTL has recently announced a 6-month job guarantee for their in-person bootcamps!...
Should I do a coding bootcamp? This is a question we hear all the time, and for good reason. As more coding bootcamps launch (not to mention the rising media coverage), you’re probably wondering, “should I jump on the bandwagon and learn to code?” A recent TechCrunch article implored you not to learn to code unless you’re ready to put in the work to be great, whereas President Obama wants e...
Scott was a school teacher in Montreal for 17 years before he started teaching himself web design and freelancing on the side. When he decided to make the full career change, Scott enrolled in DecodeMTL coding bootcamp in Montreal. Now he is a front end developer for AppDirect and loving it. Scott tells us about his favorite project at DecodeMTL, the classmates in his cohort, and his surp...
Canadian bootcamps are working hard to develop the talent needed to keep up with Canada’s growing tech hubs. StartUp Genome ranks Toronto and Vancouver amongst the top 20 startup ecosystems in the world. The Canadian tech economy as a whole is being fueled by thriving companies such as Shopify, HootSuite, Kik, Wattpad, and Erkem. Their success has generated a lot of interest among investors.
DecodeMTL is an 8-week Front-End Web Development program that teaches students to build beautifully crafted and well coded simple websites. With their first cohort coming up, we sat down with founder Kevin Khoury to get the scoop on who's teaching the course and the outcomes students can expect when graduating.
What were you doing before you started DecodeMTL?
I am not a techn...
Concordia Bootcamps teaches students Online in a remote classroom.
Is Concordia Bootcamps worth it?
Concordia Bootcamps hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 138 Concordia Bootcamps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Concordia Bootcamps on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Concordia Bootcamps legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 138 Concordia Bootcamps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Concordia Bootcamps and rate their overall experience a 4.58 out of 5.
Does Concordia Bootcamps offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
You can read 138 reviews of Concordia Bootcamps on Course Report! Concordia Bootcamps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Concordia Bootcamps and rate their overall experience a 4.58 out of 5.
Is Concordia Bootcamps accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Concordia Bootcamps doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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