

Average Rating4.7
61 Reviews
7 Courses

DataScientest is a learning institution, which includes aspects of a coding bootcamp, while delivering full-time or part-time online courses in Data Science, Data Analysis, Machine Engineering, and Data Management. The content of the different courses of DataScientest are available in either French or English. Students can access a ready-to-code environment through DataScientest’s full SaaS platform that includes over 1,000 hours of learning content. 

To enroll in the Data Analyst bootcamp, an understanding of mathematics and general analytical skills are required. To enroll in the Data Scientist bootcamp, a good knowledge in mathematics, statistics and informatics is required. The Data Manager course does not require any specific skills or diploma to apply. To enroll in the Machine Learning Engineer bootcamp, applicants are required to have a good understanding in mathematics, statistics and informatics. To enroll in the Data Engineer bootcamp, applicants must have knowledge of mathematics, statistics and informatics. In addition, Data Engineer applicants should already have a basic understanding of programming, but it is not obligatory to have a bachelor's or master’s degree in one of these fields. 

The Data Analyst bootcamp curriculum includes several coding languages and data analysis tools, such as Python, NumPy, Pandas, SQL, PySpark, PowerBi, Tableau, Dataiku, web scraping and text mining. Students will also learn the art of storytelling and dashboard creation as well as machine learning concepts. Data Analyst students will learn how to develop segmentation criteria for a CRM database. They will perform market research through data extraction from sites and social networks. 

Students of the Data Scientist bootcamp will learn Python for Data Science and SAS/Excel, Object Programming, Web Scraping, SQL, PyMongo and PySpark. Students will learn to use tools (especially Python libraries) for Data Visualization, such as Matpilotlib, Seaborn and Bokeh. The Data Scientist bootcamp curriculum includes concepts of Machine Learning, such as clustering methods and concepts of Deep Learning, such as TensorFlow, CNN, RNN and Gans. Students will learn recommendation systems, reinforcement learning, Deep RL and algorithms. 

Data Engineer bootcamp students will learn Bash, Python, OOP for Python, SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, ElasticSearch and Neo4J. Data Engineer students will learn theories of big data architecture and streaming architecture, such as Hadoop, Hive, HBase, Pig, Spark and Kafka. Finally, the students will learn APIs with Flask, Docker and Airflow. Data Engineer students work on developing segmentation criteria for a CRM database and perform market research through data extraction from sites and social networks. 

Machine Learning Engineer bootcamp students will learn Pandas, Numpy and Python. They will get to know methods of Data Visualization, such as Matplotlib, Seaborn and Bokeh. The Machine Learning Engineer curriculum includes concepts of Machine Learning, such as clustering methods and concepts of Deep Learning, such as TensorFlow, CNN and RNN, Pytorch. The students will learn APIs with Flask, Docker and Airflow. Finally, the students will learn SQL, PySpark, Linus Bash, Git/Github, Bootstraps, Kubernetes, MLFlow, Power BI, Make. 

The Data Manager course teaches Python, Pandas, Data Quality, the acculturation Data, SQL and Data intelligence with Power BI and Make. 

The DataScientest courses are certified by the University Paris La Sorbonne. The course graduates who pass a certification exam will receive a diploma from La Sorbonne University upon program completion, as well as the official certification by DataScientest.

61 DataScientest Reviews

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  • Nina
    Graduate • Data Scientist Bootcamp • Online
    Dec 21, 2020
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    I highly recommend!

     DataScientest is a school I met during some job dating sessions. Seduced by the very human and professional character of the team during the coaching sessions, and having seen that their Data Scientist program matched my expectations to develop skills in this position in a company, I decided to do their bootcamp of September 2020. The quality of the course content, the different cases studied during the master classes and exams, the follow-up and the availability of the teach...
  • Nikhil Suresh
    Nikhil Suresh
    Data Scientist • Graduate • Data Scientist Bootcamp • Online
    Jul 24, 2020
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    Simplilearn is really great. the Curriculum is really good compared to other DataScience courses offered by others. There is a deep dive into every aspect of ML. the trainers went to great length to explain the the concepts. Trainers like  Shohini Kar & Nishant for Capstone Project, Mr Srinivas for Python, Mr Bhupendra for ML, and Maria for Big Data  all were really great ....Thank You all
    Resp Qualité • Student • Online
    Jul 01, 2020
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    parcours bien structuré et support réactif

     Passées les premières certifications pour lesquelles l'examen en temps limité peut être source de stress et de contre-performance, le parcours est bien structuré, les exemples pertinents, et surtout le support est réactif (merci Daniel et Charles). Quelques coquilles et approximations orthographiques à corriger mais le fond est robuste 
  • Nicolas
    Data Scientist • Online
    May 13, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    Une auto-formation au top !

    Pédagogique, ludique, la formation nous force à repousser nos limites. L'équilibre entre quantité et difficulté est maîtrisé, donnant envie de s'investir sans avoir peur d'être découragé.Depuis la formation, je passe la moitié de mon temps de travail à retranscrire mes modèles sur Python !
  • Aurelia
    Data Scientist Bootcamp • Online
    May 06, 2020
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    Formation adaptée et qui répond à des besoins concrets

    Cette formation très complète que j’ai commencé il y a maintenant 5 mois m’a permis de rapidement monter en compétence et de mettre en application concrète mes sujets appris lors de la formation. Grace à des exercices pratiques centrés sur des problématiques orientées métiers.
  • Leslie
    Data Scientits • Graduate • Data Analyst Bootcamp • Online
    May 04, 2020
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    Une formation efficace, agréable et rapide

    Cette formation hybride m’a permis de monter en compétence rapidement. Les modules sont agréables et claires, la plateforme est intuitive et facile d’utilisation, l’accompagnement et le support sont personnalisés et continus ! Je recommande fortement DataScientest à ceux qui veulent se former efficacement au métiers des Data Science.
  • Shai Laloum
    Shai Laloum
    Graduate • Data Scientist Bootcamp • Online
    May 04, 2020
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    Super formation

     Cette formation a parfaitement répondu à mes attentes. Le format est idéal et permet une flexibilité bienvenue pour des emplois du temps chargés. Les cours sont très didactiques et adaptés à tous les niveaux. Je recommande cette formation qui sera, sans aucun doute, une plus-value pour la suite de ma carrière. 
  • Nicolas
    May 04, 2020
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    Les cours sont clairs et agréables à lire, et les mises en pratique permettent de bien appréhender les outils présentés. La formation permet de comprendre les enjeux (la puissance, les possibilités offertes) des technos présentées et de pouvoir ensuite les utiliser dans d'autres contextes que les jeux de données des cours ; les cours donnent également les clé pour pouvoir approfondir de son côté les notions qui m'intéressent le plus.
  • Marylene Henry
    Marylene Henry
    Statisticienne • Graduate • Data Scientist Bootcamp • Online
    May 04, 2020
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    Se former à la Datascience efficacement

    Je suis ravie de cette expérience de formation. C’est une chance d’accéder à la fois à une formation de qualité et à un soutien aussi efficace. Pourtant mes compétences en Python sont limitées(je fais traditionnellement du R) mais j’ai fait un bond avec cette formation. Tout est expliqué ce qui permet de voir des progrès et de rester motivée. La formation fournit de solides bases que j’aurai le loisir d’approfondir par la suite. 
  • Giuseppe Rumore
    Student • Machine Learning Engineer Bootcamp • Online
    Dec 04, 2024
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    Por and cons Machine Learning and MLOps Course

    Course Attended: Machine Learning and MLOps Course

    1. Certification from University Pantheon Sorbonne
    The course provides a certificate from the prestigious University Pantheon Sorbonne, offering a valuable credential for career growth. This is a major attraction for prospective students.

    2. Flexible Learning Structure
    The online format, combined with self-paced study materials, allows for flexibility—ideal for individuals managing multiple responsibilities.
  • Juan Felipe Forero Pulido
    Student • Berlin
    Sep 10, 2024
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    Great intense experience

    It has great content. The notebooks are an effective way to learn, but for the bootcamp it can be a very intense and hard experience, especially at the beginning. But if you have the time, it is going to be great.
  • Tarik ANOUAR
    System engineer • Graduate • Data Analyst Bootcamp • Online
    Dec 22, 2022
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    Data Analyst Courses

    The Data Analyst continue is a 6 months, part-time and requires a prerequisite of a diploma or a level 6 title (equivalent to a bachelors degree). You will learn languages, such as Python, NumPy, Pandas, SQL, PySpark, CSS, HTML, PowerBi, Tableau, web scraping, and text mining. We also learn the art of storytelling and dashboard creation as well as machine learning concepts.

DataScientest Alumni Outcomes

Recent DataScientest News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated May 27, 2020
Course Report · April 2020 Coding Bootcamp News As much of the world sheltered in place this April, we’re sharing musings about the future of work and how alternative education like coding bootcamps can help with reskilling. And we’ve continued keeping tabs on how coding bootcamps are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, plus all the new hardship scholarships and initiatives now avai...

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Recent DataScientest News

How much does DataScientest cost?

DataScientest costs around €10,990. On the lower end, some DataScientest courses like Data Analyst Bootcamp cost €5,990.

What courses does DataScientest teach?

DataScientest offers courses like Analytics Engineer Bootcamp, Cloud Engineer Bootcamp, Data Analyst Bootcamp, Data Engineer Bootcamp and 3 more.

Where does DataScientest have campuses?

DataScientest has in-person campuses in Berlin and Paris. DataScientest also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is DataScientest worth it?

DataScientest hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 61 DataScientest alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed DataScientest on Course Report - you should start there!

Is DataScientest legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 61 DataScientest alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed DataScientest and rate their overall experience a 4.7 out of 5.

Does DataScientest offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like DataScientest offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read DataScientest reviews?

You can read 61 reviews of DataScientest on Course Report! DataScientest alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed DataScientest and rate their overall experience a 4.7 out of 5.

Is DataScientest accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. DataScientest doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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