
Desafio Latam

Average Rating4.55
29 Reviews
5 Courses

Desafio Latam offers part-time courses in full-stack and front-end web development, mobile game development, and digital marketing in various cities in Latin America. Desafio Latam's intensive courses seek to develop technology professionals by teaching the best practices of the industry. If you want to enter a labor market with ample opportunities and learn the skills needed most by today's leading companies in Latin America, then this school is a good choice. There is a giant shortage of developers in the world, and even more in Latin America, so Desafio Latam is trying to improve that problem. Students have access to leading industry professionals and an online learning platform to review materials taught in person.

Ensuring that students get the most out of their experience, Desafio Latam believes in an education based on a community of constant and permanent support, highlighting 3 fundamental pillars: companionship, respect, and curiosity. These pillars are forged in events such as parties, hackathons, barbecues, and talks, which manage to unite the community and connect students of different generations and backgrounds.

29 Desafio Latam Reviews

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  • Felipe Veloso
    Felipe Veloso
    Student • Carrera Data Science • Santiago
    Jun 06, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Desafio latam

    Excelente lugar para aprender, muy al dia con los contenidos.

  • Trinidad Swinburn
    Trinidad Swinburn
    Graphic Designer and Fullstack Developer • Graduate • Carrera Desarrollo Full Stack Presencial • Santiago
    Feb 04, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Fullstack Ruby on Rails (RoR) Bootcamp

    Haber realizado el Bootcamp Fullstack me abrió muchísimas puertas que ahora me permiten desarrollarme exitosamente en el rubro TI. Combinar diseño con programacion fue la mejor decision! Los profesores son excelentes y muy bien calificados, el ambiente es muy entretenido, las redes de contacto que se adquieren son impagables y el haber superado el desafío me lleno de convicción en mi misma. Lo recomiendo MIL!

  • Cuauhtemoc Trevino
    Cuauhtemoc Trevino
    Business Analyst Jr • Graduate • Monterrey
    Jun 20, 2016
    Overall Experience
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    Very complete coursework

    I am currently on the 7th week of the bootcamp, and the concepts and techniques I have learned are 100% practical. Rather than focusing on any given programming language, they start in the first weeks teaching us the basis of programming logic (algorithms, pseudocode, etc.), and afterwards they enter into front-end functionalities. Right now, we are starting back-end, and I can only hope to learn even more skills!

  • Ignacio Arias
    Graduate • Carrera Desarrollo Full Stack JavaScript • Santiago
    Nov 22, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Mucho aprendizaje y ágil, luego buen trabajo

    Muy buena experiencia y comunidad, me apoyaron bastante en empleabilidad, siento que estan creciendo bastante y asi eso ayuda para empresas para contratar. Importante la carrera es bien exigente, no es fácil, es clave dedicarle tiempo
  • A Navarro
    Graduate • Carrera Diseño UX/UI • Santiago
    Nov 11, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    sólo una pincelada

    Está bien para comenzar a aprender sobre la carrera de diseño ux, pero muy lejos de que se puede cambiar el futuro laboral, eso de que no se necesita experiencia previa no es así. Se necesita mucho tiempo para investigar por cuenta propia, además del autoaprendizaje que ellos entregan. Acabo de terminar mi curso y no me siento 100% preparada para entrar a trabajar en mi carrera, los docentes nos entregaron sus propias experiencias laborales y creo que me falta mucho aún para lograr desem...

Desafio Latam Alumni Outcomes

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Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Desafio Latam News

How much does Desafio Latam cost?

Desafio Latam costs around $14,616. On the lower end, some Desafio Latam courses like Carrera Marketing Digital cost $1,000.

What courses does Desafio Latam teach?

Desafio Latam offers courses like Carrera Data Science, Carrera Desarrollo Front End, Carrera Desarrollo Full Stack JavaScript, Carrera Diseño UX/UI and 1 more.

Where does Desafio Latam have campuses?

Desafio Latam has in-person campuses in Córdoba and Santiago.

Is Desafio Latam worth it?

Desafio Latam hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 29 Desafio Latam alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Desafio Latam on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Desafio Latam legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 29 Desafio Latam alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Desafio Latam and rate their overall experience a 4.55 out of 5.

Does Desafio Latam offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Desafio Latam offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Desafio Latam reviews?

You can read 29 reviews of Desafio Latam on Course Report! Desafio Latam alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Desafio Latam and rate their overall experience a 4.55 out of 5.

Is Desafio Latam accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Desafio Latam doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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