Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart is closed

This school is now closed. Although Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart alumni reviews on the school page.


Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart

Average Rating4.32
22 Reviews
3 Courses

Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Online and Continuing Education offers non-credit online bootcamps in web development, cybersecurity, and cloud engineering. Online students will complete real-world IT projects, collaborate with their peers, and develop a portfolio highlighting their career readiness.  

The 24-week Cybersecurity Bootcamp curriculum covers hardware and operating systems, network implementation, TCP/IP addressing and implementation, routing/switching, and Python. Students will prepare for CompTIA A+ certification. Ethical hacking, fundamentals of forensic tools, and incident responses for security analysis will also be covered.  

In the 24-week Cloud Engineering Bootcamp, students learn the fundamentals of networking and cloud computing. Students will receive hands-on training in Azure and AWS (Amazon Web Services) functionalities. Students will prepare for four IT certifications, including Azure fundamentals (AZ-900) and CompTIA Cloud+.  

The 26-week Web Development Bootcamp focuses on front-end and back-end programming languages, such as JavaScript, HTML5, React, and MySQL. Students build static web pages using HTML and CSS, and interactive web pages using JavaScript and jQuery. Responsive web design and using open-source design frameworks will also be covered. Students will learn Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, React.js, Bootstrap, and WordPress, and engage in at least four hours of live coaching each week. 

Career services are included in all FAU bootcamps, and students have access to IT mentors while enrolled in coursework and for up to 12 months following program completion. Upon program completion, students can have access to resume guidance, LinkedIn profile review, job search assistance, and mock interviews. 

Florida Atlantic University, Center for Online and Continuing Education bootcamps are powered by QuickStart. 

22 Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart Reviews

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  • Mark Ratliff
    Mark Ratliff
    Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp • Online
    Nov 18, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    The best web development bootcamp you will find

     The only language I knew before signing up was JavaScript. I’ll say basic Javascript picked up from Youtube. I was difficult taking online courses, especially if you lack self-motivation. That has always been my issue. But this course was different. Once I started, I never looked back. The motivation was just there. I might attribute it to the support that provided answers to any questions you have, but that’s just it. 

    The lectures were also well arranged....
  • Mike Ward
    Mike Ward
    Graduate • Cybersecurity Bootcamp • Online
    Nov 14, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Cyber security at its best

    As an intern on cybersecurity, my horizon has broadened in this aspect of tech-savviness.. Career support was rich and encompassing. I was adequately equipped for life during and after the course without leaving my destiny to fate. The instructors properly mentored everyone. 

    The online and self-paced courses allowed me to practice appropriately offline and apply the knowledge garnered in real-time, learned ethical hacking - by discovering the methods engaged in by hackers to a sy...
  • Michael Woodland
    Michael Woodland
    Web Developer • Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp • Online
    Nov 14, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    There was good support

    I have grown so passionate about web development since I started this course. I owe this all to the level of committed tutoring I am receiving here. The virtual classrooms are such an experience. It feels so real; almost like being there in person except I am even more relaxed and learning at my own pace. Should I talk about the live mentoring sessions where seasoned web professionals take you through different levels of career coaching, how to get prepared for a job interview and what a...
  • Herschel Bartiromo
    Herschel Bartiromo
    Graduate • Cloud Engineering Bootcamp • Online
    Nov 13, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Ideal for preparing for certification exam

    This course is excellent for certification exam preparations. I loved the layout of the system and how in-depth each of the topics was.

    The course curriculum was well composed and great. All the materials provided were presented correctly and were linked to the course of study.

    I found the virtual labs very helpful as they added a practical experience to this Bootcamp. From the get-go, this course was very hands-on, and I liked that about it.

    The tutors for this cour...
  • Aurther Corke
    Aurther Corke
    Graduate • Cloud Engineering Bootcamp • Online
    Nov 12, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very Well structured course with great support

    I'm so happy to have taken the bold step in learning cloud computing. This course presented the entire landscape of Cloud Infrastructure in a concise and easy to learn format.

     The tutors were so professional and knowledgeable. They made it very easy to learn and practice. The flow of the course was natural and concise, even for a newbie. The self-paced nature ensures you understand each topic or concept before moving on to the next. Many mistakes that I made were corr...
  • Jacob Stan
    Jacob Stan
    Student • Web Development Bootcamp • Online
    Nov 09, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Still on it

    Well, I will say that my encounter with this program was accidental. As a graduate of computer engineering, I knew I needed to upgrade my knowledge on relevant topics like JavaScript, JQuery, and Python but never had the opportunity. Again, I am never a fan of online tutorials; I still prefer the traditional method. But everything changed when I stumbled on this Web Development Bootcamp. Funny enough, I just had a convention with a former course mate of mine about the need to further adv...
  • Candice Miller
    Full Stack Developer • Graduate • Online
    Feb 22, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Was very informative but there are cheaper ways to learn the same things

    I went through the AI/ML course and I had a mixed experience. My first mentor resigned partway through and I had to restart the course from the beginning with a new instructor even though I had already half-completed the course and done well. On the other hand both mentors I had were incredibly helpful, experienced, and knowledgeable. I'm going to be honest though this course is way too expensive for information that is freely available on youtube and through o'reilly textbooks. I really...
  • Dan Yeoell
    Graduate • Cybersecurity Bootcamp • Online
    Nov 01, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Cybersecurity Bootcamp

    Great opportunity for a career change at any point in your life! The program went by super fast and for someone new to IT the projects helped me understand what I was learning. The resume building and having professional look after the resume absolutely critical to my success in landing a job right after the certification. Quickstart has given me a new and promising career after graduating.
  • Ian
    Didn't get the job • Student • Web Development Bootcamp • Online
    Mar 30, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Full Stack Web Development

    You will be spending 5 thousand dollars for them to not teach you how to write a login page. Their course work does not apply to the projects and they only ever teach you 90 percent of the way so you have to abandon what they teach you and learn everything from youtube videos. Your instructor does care but he won't be able to teach how to write a login page. They also should start the coursework with javascript. They end up teaching you jquery in depth, then hardly use of for any project...
  • Anthony
    Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp • Online
    Mar 12, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Affordable and Flexible

    While looking for bootcamps, I was trying to find something that was flexible with my current work schedule, but also give me the experience I need to be job ready.  This bootcamp was able to accomplish that with the flexibility of the instructor and support staff and way the course was designed. I was able to go to work and come home and spend time learning at my own pace while also experiencing an online classroom with an instructor twice a week.

    My instructor Karl was great at ex...


Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart Alumni Outcomes

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Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart Alumni Reviews Summary

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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart News

How much does Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart cost?

Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart costs around $7,900.

What courses does Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart teach?

Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart offers courses like Cloud Engineering Bootcamp, Cybersecurity Bootcamp, Web Development Bootcamp.

Where does Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart have campuses?

Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart worth it?

Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 22 Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 22 Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart and rate their overall experience a 4.32 out of 5.

Does Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart reviews?

You can read 22 reviews of Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart on Course Report! Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart and rate their overall experience a 4.32 out of 5.

Is Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Florida Atlantic University Bootcamps by Quickstart doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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