James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart is closed

This school is now closed. Although James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart alumni reviews on the school page.


James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart

Average Rating4.64
14 Reviews
4 Courses

James Madison University offers self-paced, online Cybersecurity, Web Development, Data Analytics, Data Science, and Cloud Computing bootcamps. All James Madison University bootcamps offer students weekly sessions with an industry expert mentor, and bootcamp students will work on real-world projects.

The 28-week Cybersecurity bootcamp prepares students for CompTIA certification exams. The 28-week Full Stack Web Development bootcamp teaches students HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, React.JS, and MySQL. In the 28-week Data Analytics bootcamp, students learn data visualization, machine learning, predictive analysis, Power BI, Transact, and SQL and analyze data with Excel. In the 26-week Data Science bootcamp, students learn data visualization, predictive analysis, and machine learning. In the 16-week Cloud Computing bootcamp, students will learn CompTIA, Azure, Linux, and AWS.  

There are no prerequisites for the bootcamps, but those interested in the Cybersecurity, Data Science, and Cloud Computing are advised to have basic IT skills. Applicants to the Web Development and Data Science bootcamps are encouraged to know basic programming skills. Those who would like to apply to the Data Analytics program should have MS Excel skills. 

Students will receive assistance with preparing a portfolio and preparing for job interviews. Students will also receive career counseling upon graduation. Students will receive a certificate of completion from James Madison University. 

Scholarships for up to 30% of tuition are available on a merit basis. Scholarships are separate from James Madison University. 

James Madison University bootcamps are powered by Quickstart.

14 James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart Reviews

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  • Jeremy Adama
    Jeremy Adama
    Student • Cloud Engineering Bootcamp • Online
    Nov 09, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    I loved it

    The topics that made up the cause are cumbersome, but completing it, I felt more proud of myself, I felt like I am very much ready to contribute my quota to IT. I couldn’t have felt more accomplished after completing this cause. 
    I was made to go through topics like Cloud Computing,  Cloud Computing Technologies, Cloud Computing Architecture, Cloud Computing Infrastructure, Public Cloud Model, Private Cloud Model, and the host of others which further sharpened my skills. I also love t...
  • Leslie Gordon
    Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp • Online
    Nov 14, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Nice Experience and great tutors

    Enrolling into this program was a good thing after all, online training has always been my source of knowledge, but there’s more to this course. It has helped me in more than one way, one of which is knowing the most advanced tool to use in the niche. The teaching strategy is awesome. As it is, I have full knowledge of Programming Concepts HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.JS, and jQuery.  The training paid off. The instructor's mentoring approach was good, the tutorial v...

James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart Alumni Outcomes

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James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart News

How much does James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart cost?

James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart costs around $6,800.

What courses does James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart teach?

James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart offers courses like Cloud Engineering Bootcamp, Cybersecurity Bootcamp, Data Science & Analytics Bootcamp, Web Development Bootcamp.

Where does James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart have campuses?

James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart worth it?

James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 14 James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart on Course Report - you should start there!

Is James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 14 James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart and rate their overall experience a 4.64 out of 5.

Does James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart reviews?

You can read 14 reviews of James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart on Course Report! James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart and rate their overall experience a 4.64 out of 5.

Is James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. James Madison University Bootcamps by QuickStart doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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