Le Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wagon also offers part-time courses in Web Analytics, Python & Machine Learning, Growth & Data Automation, and Data Analytics Essentials. Le Wagon is aimed at individuals seeking to change careers or acquire specific skills. Le Wagon’s training has helped more than 18,000 students accelerate their careers, transition into tech, or launch startups. Le Wagon was founded in 2013 in Paris, and now has in-person campuses in over 40 cities and 25 countries.
Beginners are welcome at Le Wagon. Applicants of the Web Development bootcamp do not need any previous technical experience, but should be motivated, curious, and social. Applicants to the Data Science bootcamp should have basic knowledge of programming and mathematics.
Students at Le Wagon have access to comprehensive career services, such as 1:1 coaching, tech talks, and assistance with job materials and Github. Le Wagon offers students access to their extensive hiring network, and organizes regular recruiting events for students to participate in. Graduates will have lifetime access to Le Wagon’s learning platform.
Le Wagon offers various scholarships and financing options, such as installment plans, Income Share Agreements, public funding, and more.
It was really an experience that changes my life. Currently, I shifted my life to coding thanks to Le Wagon Buenos Aires.
The instructors are the best ones and they clearly chose well all their students because out batch was composed of excellent people!
I was a lab research assistant before coming to Le Wagon. My Bootcamp experience was quite a roller coaster, as I almost quit the first 2 weeks. However, with the help of the TA's and teachers, I became more confident and more comfortable with the assignments and lectures. I don't regret choosing Le Wagon because I'm so satisfied with the experience I had. The final two weeks were really good because that's where you actually put everything you learn into motion, which is very rewarding an...
I was a lab research assistant before coming to Le Wagon. My Bootcamp experience was quite a roller coaster, as I almost quit the first 2 weeks. However, with the help of the TA's and teachers, I became more confident and more comfortable with the assignments and lectures. I don't regret choosing Le Wagon because I'm so satisfied with the experience I had. The final two weeks were really good because that's where you actually put everything you learn into motion, which is very rewarding and I felt that I made the right decision in choosing Le Wagon. l would definitely recommend Le Wagon to anyone who wants to learn how to code.
I have a degree in computer science and 12 years of experience as a C++ developer. Who would have thought that I could have benefited from a 9 week intensive fullstack coding bootcamp ?
# Exec summary
Do it.
# Why?
Following my first life as a developer, I have progressively drifted to a more managerial position. And years after a years, I began to feel the frustration of knowing exactly what I wanted to code and being unable to.
Off course...
I have a degree in computer science and 12 years of experience as a C++ developer. Who would have thought that I could have benefited from a 9 week intensive fullstack coding bootcamp ?
# Exec summary
Do it.
# Why?
Following my first life as a developer, I have progressively drifted to a more managerial position. And years after a years, I began to feel the frustration of knowing exactly what I wanted to code and being unable to.
Off course I had started teaching myself through online courses. But believe me I was not completely satisfied with what I was able to produce.
Don't get me wrong, online platforms are great. But in a few months after deciding to commit to code again, I had only managed to complete a few courses. I was far from my objective of being able to give life to any idea crossing my mind using code.
Nothing will replace the expertise and the vision of a team of talented developers in touch with the tech ecosystem. I happened to know none in my close relations. And where to start?
I was lucky enough to know a couple of friends having attended Le Wagon in Paris and Bordeaux, France. Both of them had had professional experience in more business oriented positions and were completely code agnostic before Le Wagon.
After talking to them, I decided I should enroll in the program and give it a try.
Here is my review after having attended Le Wagon fullstack program, batch #250 in Paris, Q2 2019.
# Prepwork:
I think it is important to take the time to properly go through every aspect of the prepwork if you intend to take on a coding position. Everything that you see will be of use at one time or another.
# Daily life:
The teaching method has proven its value and is quite efficient:
- repetition (prepwork, morning courses, afternoon live code)
- practice (daily challenges + optional exercices)
- collaboration (coding buddies, end of program projects)
- energy (the educational team is ultra cheerful and high spirited)
- and some rest (parties, community events, yoga)
# Students:
I thought that the diversity of the profiles both in terms of background and age was very enriching.
Being in contact with beginners was for me the opportuniy to dive deeper into my understanding of the core concepts through the help of others students.
# Teachers:
The team both of teachers and non teachers is extremely supportive and helpful.
Many thanks to them for always taking the time to respond to my silly questions with no practical application whatsoever - what can I do, I think I came to like Ruby ;)
# You:
The fulltime program is quite intensive, even for someone already familiar with the underlying concepts of development and of the web. You will not get bored, as the daily challenges also include optional challenges with increasing difficulty.
I think you should start the program well rested and committed. The courses progressively jump from one notion to the next and you will not get the time to get overly comfortable in a specific area of expertise.
# Plaftorm:
The teaching platform is a very well crafted jewel and is very convenient. I am looking forward to produce an app of my own with this level of quality.
# Conclusion:
Overall, I think that the program is a perfect blend of energy, collaboration, technical expertise, UX/UI vision, and product approach.
After 9 weeks including 3 weeks of team projects, I found myself able to bootstrap or join any coding adventure.
Of course I will continue to teach myself using the Le Wagon teaching platform, community events, and other online courses.
Le Wagon gave me the kick start I needed to get back on track.
A big thank you to the Paris team!
I had been running my own media company for about a year and a half after deciding that teaching English was not challenging me professionally or personally anymore. I had reached a point where going it ‘on my own’ was my only real attractive option. Being a first mover came with certain advantages within my own market. However, this was short lived as the technology I was deploying became more user friendly, readily available and affordable. This slowly pushed me to want to stand ou...
I had been running my own media company for about a year and a half after deciding that teaching English was not challenging me professionally or personally anymore. I had reached a point where going it ‘on my own’ was my only real attractive option. Being a first mover came with certain advantages within my own market. However, this was short lived as the technology I was deploying became more user friendly, readily available and affordable. This slowly pushed me to want to stand out of the competition and offer something my competitors weren’t.
This is what initially made me consider learning how to code. I also felt that I had an innate knowledge gap that I was intent to fill and fulfill a personal objective. I visited various coding bootcamps in order to get a ‘feel’ for each one and see where I would best fit in. After having my initial contact with LeWagon I was convinced it was the best option. Their no-nonsense, personal, one-to-one approach during the initial communication is what finally made me decide that it was the bootcamp I wanted to attend. I haven’t looked back at that decision since.
From day one I noticed that I was surrounded by an intelligent, driven, passionate and international class. I came to know that it was in fact the most diverse batch even to have come out of Barcelona and it really showed throughout the course. I am naturally a slow learner; I like learning on my own pace and the bootcamp did feel overwhelming at times. The peer and teacher support however were incredible throughout, giving all the necessary support along the way. Every morning, teachers came to class with an unparalleled passion for their areas of expertise. This passion resonated towards me and helped me stay motivated through thick and thin. The most giving element of the bootcamp was definitely the inspiration that the staff gave me to learn and grown and I know many of my peers agree with me on that. During my time at LeWagon I pitched an idea for a mobile app to help airport passengers find interesting things to do during long transits. It was eventually voted on and chosen as a final project. I had the pleasure of leading an amazing team to build the application in the last 10 days of the bootcamp and finally pitching the prototype to an audience at the final demo day!
As for me, I took a long and well-deserved holiday immediately after finishing the bootcamp. I then went back to work in my media company. After two months I landed my first web-development project for company here in Barcelona. Not only am I able to create content for my clients, I am now able to integrate this content into their current websites or build new ones for them out of scratch. I now feel ahead of the curve again. The bootcamp was, for me, just the start. I’m more eager than ever to improve my coding skills, collaborate within different disciplines and stay on the ball!
To all the talented and inspiring staff at LeWagon,
Thank you.
When I started thinking about attending LeWagon, quite a few people tried to discourage me by saying that I can learn all of those things online or that the market is already saturated with developers. Some thought that I will find coding boring, even though nothing could have been more boring than my previous jobs.
I have signed up for codecademy a few years ago and found it really appealing but with a full time job and no one to ask for help whenever I enc...
When I started thinking about attending LeWagon, quite a few people tried to discourage me by saying that I can learn all of those things online or that the market is already saturated with developers. Some thought that I will find coding boring, even though nothing could have been more boring than my previous jobs.
I have signed up for codecademy a few years ago and found it really appealing but with a full time job and no one to ask for help whenever I encountered a difficulty I abandoned it quite quickly.
It was in the beginning of this year that I have gathered the courage to quit my job and enroll at the bootcamp and my only regret is not doing it sooner!
It is very intensive and if you have not used your brain in a long time it can be quite difficult at first, but the good thing about LeWagon is that there are plenty of teachers and teaching assistants that are there to help and you can also ask other classmates for advice.
The real fun starts halfway where you can put everything you learn to practice and create real projects and be creative, no one tells you what to do - you decide!
During those 9 weeks I acquired skills that I never imagined myself having and now have a kit of valuable tools!
First time in my life where I felt that instructors were truly approchable.
Étudiant et intéressé par le côté entrepreneurial je suis venu au Wagon Bordeaux avec la volonté d’avoir les compétences nécessaires afin de concrétiser mes idées.En plus de compléter mon cursus d’école de commerce, cette formation m’a permi de découvrir toutes les opportunités que pouvaient offrir ces compétences techniques.À présent, je souhaite me diriger vers le métier de Product Manager puisque cette une fonction m’a particulièrement plu lors de notre p...
Étudiant et intéressé par le côté entrepreneurial je suis venu au Wagon Bordeaux avec la volonté d’avoir les compétences nécessaires afin de concrétiser mes idées.En plus de compléter mon cursus d’école de commerce, cette formation m’a permi de découvrir toutes les opportunités que pouvaient offrir ces compétences techniques.À présent, je souhaite me diriger vers le métier de Product Manager puisque cette une fonction m’a particulièrement plu lors de notre projet de fin de batch où nous avons choisi de créer une plate-forme permettant d’améliorer le service en pharmacie.Au-delà des compétences, Le Wagon m’a permis de faire des rencontres super et enrichissantes avec des personnes de différents profils!
I was working as a project manager in tech before I decided to learn to code. I find coding an incredibly powerful and creative way to solve problem. I tried to do a couple of online courses, but it never stick to me. So I decided to take the leap, commit all of my energy to doing the in person course. Le Wagon was the perfect choice - not only because of the incredibly curated curriculum but also because of the amazing community and support that continues even after the bootcamp.
<...I was working as a project manager in tech before I decided to learn to code. I find coding an incredibly powerful and creative way to solve problem. I tried to do a couple of online courses, but it never stick to me. So I decided to take the leap, commit all of my energy to doing the in person course. Le Wagon was the perfect choice - not only because of the incredibly curated curriculum but also because of the amazing community and support that continues even after the bootcamp.
My greatest takeaway was that I learnt to absorb great amount of information. At first it all seems daunting but later it all falls into place. My advice for anyone joining is to try to prep as much as you can before the course, commit to it and don't give up, it will all pay off. '
Soon after finishing the bootcamp, I stared working as a full stack developer, using React and Node JS.
I joined Le Wagon Bootcamp with a rather precise product idea that I wanted to develop, without knowing how to execute it. I left Le Wagon with an Minimum Viable Product (MVP) properly developed with my team thanks to the help of the outstanding staff.
I kept on developing the app for a while with my co-founder that I met during the bootcamp, but eventually our paths separated and I decided to keep working on the product that will be released soon.
If you want to create a web pro...
I joined Le Wagon Bootcamp with a rather precise product idea that I wanted to develop, without knowing how to execute it. I left Le Wagon with an Minimum Viable Product (MVP) properly developed with my team thanks to the help of the outstanding staff.
I kept on developing the app for a while with my co-founder that I met during the bootcamp, but eventually our paths separated and I decided to keep working on the product that will be released soon.
If you want to create a web product and that you don’t have any concrete knowledge about code, Le Wagon is a good first step to master this technical environment.
I’ve been interested in programming for a few years now, starting with a little bit of Javascript that I learned on Internet. Then when it was time for me to go to university I decided to learn physics because I knew that I would find a way to learn to code elsewhere at some point in my life.
That’s when, a year later, I’ve heard about Le Wagon and decided to go for it! And that’s how I took one of the best decisions of my life! To go to Montreal and do this two mon...
I’ve been interested in programming for a few years now, starting with a little bit of Javascript that I learned on Internet. Then when it was time for me to go to university I decided to learn physics because I knew that I would find a way to learn to code elsewhere at some point in my life.
That’s when, a year later, I’ve heard about Le Wagon and decided to go for it! And that’s how I took one of the best decisions of my life! To go to Montreal and do this two months INTENSIVE bootcamp was for me a life-changing experience. I insist on intensive because it really is! You’ll breathe, eat and dream (literally) of code! But thanks to an incredible team and teachers, everything will be fine and you’ll enjoy it!
This experience at Le Wagon Montreal, of course, taught me to code but also about team work, and showed me how hard I was able to work on a project if I was passionate about it. It also helped me develop the ability to ask for help! (Because let’s face it you’ll need it at some point, which is fine because the team and your buddies are there for you!)
Now I can’t wait to do more and more projects! Your only limitation after Le Wagon will be your own determination and motivation to learn more!
Le wagon a été pour moi une expérience incroyable.
J’ai découvert des outils technologiques et j’ai appris à les maitriser. Ça été aussi une véritable expérience humaine.
Ces 9 semaines sont passées à une vitesse folle et me voilà aujourd’hui armé de compétences techniques dépassant mes attentes.
Au Wagon on n’apprend pas qu’a coder, on apprend également à apprendre, à tel point qu’il m’a fallu à peine 2 semaines pour apprendre un...
Le wagon a été pour moi une expérience incroyable.
J’ai découvert des outils technologiques et j’ai appris à les maitriser. Ça été aussi une véritable expérience humaine.
Ces 9 semaines sont passées à une vitesse folle et me voilà aujourd’hui armé de compétences techniques dépassant mes attentes.
Au Wagon on n’apprend pas qu’a coder, on apprend également à apprendre, à tel point qu’il m’a fallu à peine 2 semaines pour apprendre un autre langage complémentaire (Python) et il m’a fallu autant de temps pour décrocher un gros contrat avec un client asiatique.
Les professeurs sont tout simplement géniaux : pédagogues et présents. Ils ont été un élément clé aux nouvelles compétences techniques que je suis fier de posséder aujourd’hui ainsi qu’à l’obtention de mon Certificat Niveau 2 (RNCP).
Pour réussir au Wagon, il faut simplement y croire et s’accrocher. On se rend alors très vite compte de notre progression quotidienne. Ça va vite, même très vite, mais avec simplement un peu de rigueur, vous aurez rapidement l’impression d’avoir appris autant en 2 mois qu’en 2 ans !
Prior to Le Wagon I had no tech background at all. Le Wagon has been by far the most intensive and efficient training I have ever followed. In fact, by the end of the bootcamp I was easily able to complete take-home assignments and started working as a developer shortly after completing the bootcamp.
The methodology, the staff and people were amazing!
After 9 weeks at Le Wagon, I was able to make a web app by myself and had enough confidence to keep on learning.
How much does Le Wagon cost?
The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Le Wagon does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!
What courses does Le Wagon teach?
Le Wagon offers courses like Data Analytics Bootcamp, Data Analytics Bootcamp Online, Data Analytics Essentials Skill Course, Data Engineering Bootcamp and 12 more.
Where does Le Wagon have campuses?
Le Wagon has in-person campuses in Amsterdam, Bali, Barcelona, Berlin, Bordeaux, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Casablanca, Cologne, Dubai, Lausanne, Lille, Lisbon, London, Lyon, Madrid, Marseille, Mauritius, Melbourne, Mexico City, Montreal, Munich, Nantes, Nice, Paris, Porto, Rennes, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toulouse, and Zurich. Le Wagon also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.
Is Le Wagon worth it?
Le Wagon hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 3,573 Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Le Wagon legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 3,573 Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon and rate their overall experience a 4.95 out of 5.
Does Le Wagon offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Le Wagon offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Le Wagon reviews?
You can read 3,573 reviews of Le Wagon on Course Report! Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon and rate their overall experience a 4.95 out of 5.
Is Le Wagon accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Le Wagon doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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