Le Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wagon also offers part-time courses in Web Analytics, Python & Machine Learning, Growth & Data Automation, and Data Analytics Essentials. Le Wagon is aimed at individuals seeking to change careers or acquire specific skills. Le Wagon’s training has helped more than 18,000 students accelerate their careers, transition into tech, or launch startups. Le Wagon was founded in 2013 in Paris, and now has in-person campuses in over 40 cities and 25 countries.
Beginners are welcome at Le Wagon. Applicants of the Web Development bootcamp do not need any previous technical experience, but should be motivated, curious, and social. Applicants to the Data Science bootcamp should have basic knowledge of programming and mathematics.
Students at Le Wagon have access to comprehensive career services, such as 1:1 coaching, tech talks, and assistance with job materials and Github. Le Wagon offers students access to their extensive hiring network, and organizes regular recruiting events for students to participate in. Graduates will have lifetime access to Le Wagon’s learning platform.
Le Wagon offers various scholarships and financing options, such as installment plans, Income Share Agreements, public funding, and more.
我在去年七月加入了Le Wagon成都9个星期的bootcamp,当时我离大学本科毕业还有一年,急于寻找投行以及金融业的实习,但是害怕不会成功于是就报名了沃耕想要充实一下自己的hard skill。我了解到沃耕首先是在伦敦和欧洲,后来偶然发现中国大陆也有,机缘巧合去了成都。现在想起来那九个礼拜像是一眨眼过的飞快,在开头的三个星期学完了cs大学生第一年学的内容,我的整个大脑的信息更新从来没有这么快过,以致于九个礼拜里狂吃都瘦了七八斤,那九个礼拜是我人生到现在,成长速度最快的一段时间。最重要的是,在吸收大量信息的同时,有超级无敌耐心和聪明的助教和老师陪伴左右,有任何问题他们都会引导你去解决,而不是直接告诉你答案,他们会让你意识到很多看似困难的思维过程我们只是需要一些引导,一切都会变得很敞亮。不得不说我非常的累,但是无比的快乐。我在成都的batch里只有十一个人,所以享有的教育资源是相对于上海更有优势的,因为我们每天都有一个manager, 一个老师再加上一个tutor的陪伴左右,从早上九点到有时候晚上九点的live code,我会开始质疑自己的毅力,但是坚持下来的每一天我都会庆...
我在去年七月加入了Le Wagon成都9个星期的bootcamp,当时我离大学本科毕业还有一年,急于寻找投行以及金融业的实习,但是害怕不会成功于是就报名了沃耕想要充实一下自己的hard skill。我了解到沃耕首先是在伦敦和欧洲,后来偶然发现中国大陆也有,机缘巧合去了成都。现在想起来那九个礼拜像是一眨眼过的飞快,在开头的三个星期学完了cs大学生第一年学的内容,我的整个大脑的信息更新从来没有这么快过,以致于九个礼拜里狂吃都瘦了七八斤,那九个礼拜是我人生到现在,成长速度最快的一段时间。最重要的是,在吸收大量信息的同时,有超级无敌耐心和聪明的助教和老师陪伴左右,有任何问题他们都会引导你去解决,而不是直接告诉你答案,他们会让你意识到很多看似困难的思维过程我们只是需要一些引导,一切都会变得很敞亮。不得不说我非常的累,但是无比的快乐。我在成都的batch里只有十一个人,所以享有的教育资源是相对于上海更有优势的,因为我们每天都有一个manager, 一个老师再加上一个tutor的陪伴左右,从早上九点到有时候晚上九点的live code,我会开始质疑自己的毅力,但是坚持下来的每一天我都会庆幸自己的这个决定。
以前一直认为编程是一个迷,以为编程对自己来说可能难度会比较大,事实上它是一种全新的思维方式,我开始对后端编程(Ruby和Python类似的后端编程语言)展现出来非常大的兴趣,以致于改变了我对未来职业的规划。原本我打算读关于金融工程或者数据方向的研究生,但是也因为自己本科是经济和金融并没有一些编程基础而犹豫不决,仅仅一两年的金融课程是否能让我在未来职场中胜出。但是在沃耕度过了九个礼拜以后我完全消除了这种顾虑,我和一些cs本科毕业生或许只差了一些算法课程,通过两个礼拜编写我们自己的软件事实上我或许还有更多了实际经验。在训练营中间以及将尽之际,manager Allen和我们每个学员进行了非常仔细的沟通,希望我们提出意见以及是否有他能为我们做更多的地方。我大胆地提出了我关于我研究生方向上的一些疑问,谁能想得到Allen以前竟然是加州大学伯克利数据科学研究生项目的招生官,于是他就给了我很多有用的意见,我在参加项目之前的一些疑惑,不确定已经完全消除了,我从来没有觉得人生的方向这样的确定和明朗过。
对我个人成长方面来讲,在参加沃耕之前我是一个不爱说话并且对公共场合演讲相对胆怯的一个人,但是沃耕让我勇敢的踏出了那一步,因为每天我们都会有buddy在一起coding,并且在最后两个project week我们几乎会和组员一起度过日夜,需要随时随地的交流沟通合作。每周好几天我们都会在晚上livecode结束后一起聚餐have fun,it is the kind of bond I have never felt before, and sometimes i really wish time could bring me back. Such a fantastic experience, I hope I can do it all over again x.
Before Le Wagon I used to work in sports marketing area. After a while I decided to change my career and focus on programming. Signing up for an on-line course, I was intending to learn it by myself. That time I used to live in Australia though and could not afford to stop working for a couple of months and focusing just on coding. I was seeking for other solutions then. In the meantime, a friend of mine has just finished a Le Wagon bootcamp in Berlin. Telling me how a great experience it ...
Before Le Wagon I used to work in sports marketing area. After a while I decided to change my career and focus on programming. Signing up for an on-line course, I was intending to learn it by myself. That time I used to live in Australia though and could not afford to stop working for a couple of months and focusing just on coding. I was seeking for other solutions then. In the meantime, a friend of mine has just finished a Le Wagon bootcamp in Berlin. Telling me how a great experience it was, she convinced me almost straight away.
I would totally recommend Le Wagon bootcamp to anyone who is looking for interesting and effective way of learn how to code. Le Wagon is not only about studying. It is more about amazing community and great people who are always eager to help any time at any stage. The great thing about the teaching system was that at the end of the bootcamp our task was to build a real product going through the whole process: prototyping, designing, developing, presenting. Additionally, working in a team and a buddy-system gave us a solid team work experience. After the bootcamp I feel well-equipped and ready to get into the job market.
Once you get into Le Wagon community, you'd probably stick to it for a loooong time :)
Learning how to code is not something easy!
It was a very big challenge to me and all the Le Wagon team were amazing during the entire process, not only teaching.
In 3 weeks we have the opportunity to work in teams, so we can feel how it is working in real life!
I would definitely take the course again, I learned a lot.
I actually enjoyed to code,I’m sure because of the beautiful experience I had at Le Wagon.
介绍一下自己的背景,美国UW Madison本科毕业,本科专业是电子工程和计算机,由于大学里面实习和实践都投入到了电子工程上面,计算机软件的那些知识和认知停留在大学的基础理论知识上面,没有网络开发的经验和全栈开发的能力。所以希望在le wagon快速教导下,熟悉整个现代规范开发的流程和学习相应的技能。总的来说,le wagon教学水平达到甚至超过美国前50的一些学校,特别是个体的关注度非常高,这点是在美国大学没有的体验。
我于2018年8月在成都的Le Wagon完成了为期9周的训练营。该课程教授Ruby,HTML,CSS,Bootstrap,JavaScript,SQL,git,GitHub,Heroku等网络技能,以及如何将所有内容与Ruby on Rails框架结合在一起进行完整的全栈开发。毕业生能够构建Web应用程序,包括后端,前端和托管以及微信小程序的开发框架。此外,该程序涉及重要方面,例如团队开发,测试,开发运营和设计。更学会了当一个产品经理所需要的必要的技能。训练营远远超出了我的期望,特别是在所教授的实践技能的广度和深度方面。每...
介绍一下自己的背景,美国UW Madison本科毕业,本科专业是电子工程和计算机,由于大学里面实习和实践都投入到了电子工程上面,计算机软件的那些知识和认知停留在大学的基础理论知识上面,没有网络开发的经验和全栈开发的能力。所以希望在le wagon快速教导下,熟悉整个现代规范开发的流程和学习相应的技能。总的来说,le wagon教学水平达到甚至超过美国前50的一些学校,特别是个体的关注度非常高,这点是在美国大学没有的体验。
我于2018年8月在成都的Le Wagon完成了为期9周的训练营。该课程教授Ruby,HTML,CSS,Bootstrap,JavaScript,SQL,git,GitHub,Heroku等网络技能,以及如何将所有内容与Ruby on Rails框架结合在一起进行完整的全栈开发。毕业生能够构建Web应用程序,包括后端,前端和托管以及微信小程序的开发框架。此外,该程序涉及重要方面,例如团队开发,测试,开发运营和设计。更学会了当一个产品经理所需要的必要的技能。训练营远远超出了我的期望,特别是在所教授的实践技能的广度和深度方面。每天早上,我们都会进行两个小时的讲座,然后是独立学习的挑战,您可以在其中与学生伙伴交流想法,或者在需要时从助教那里获得帮助。在一天结束时,将有live code的挑战,即一个学生到大屏幕上面现场编码,其他同学一起帮助他,大家一起完成一个编程挑战。
我最喜欢该程序遵循的方法论和教学方法。尤其是通过游戏化方法可以完美应对日常挑战。定期的成功保持了很高的动力,并且我每天感觉都过得很快。坐标成都,真的很感谢带我们那一期的老师,真的非常有耐心和责任感来帮助我们,每天我们都有一大堆问题去问他,没有偷懒的学生,老师比学生还要勤快,每天的讨论络绎不绝,我可以100%推荐Le Wagon训练营作为全栈Web开发亲自程序。
After 4 years working for Ubisoft, I understood that developing a game has a
lot to do with Product Management; defining players needs, rationalizing
technological choices, and of course setting up an efficient daily production routine. However I was still feeling frustrated when interacting with developpers, as I was lacking technical knowledge. That’s why I decided to follow the Full Stack bootcamp of Le Wagon. Not only I was amazed by the qualit...
After 4 years working for Ubisoft, I understood that developing a game has a
lot to do with Product Management; defining players needs, rationalizing
technological choices, and of course setting up an efficient daily production routine. However I was still feeling frustrated when interacting with developpers, as I was lacking technical knowledge. That’s why I decided to follow the Full Stack bootcamp of Le Wagon. Not only I was amazed by the quality of the lessons, but it also allowed me to get to know the Parisian tech ecosystem better, thanks to the events they regularly organize. I have to admit I was a bit skeptical about the “change your life” tagline, but 2 months later I have to admit they were right; On top of making new friends and integrating a strong community passionated about dev and products, I’m currently developping a new app with some friends from my batch.
I didn't know anything about code, so that was something completely new and different from everything I've done in my life before. I was not happy about my career, so I decided to change completely what I was doing.
I attended to the batch #330, in the end of 2019. I was so glad that they have a Le Wagon in my home city, so I wouldn't have to spend more money moving to a different city, at the same time I would have the opportunity to practice English and meet people from differe...
I didn't know anything about code, so that was something completely new and different from everything I've done in my life before. I was not happy about my career, so I decided to change completely what I was doing.
I attended to the batch #330, in the end of 2019. I was so glad that they have a Le Wagon in my home city, so I wouldn't have to spend more money moving to a different city, at the same time I would have the opportunity to practice English and meet people from different countries.
Learning how to code was a very big challenge to me and all the Le Wagon team were amazing during the entire process, not only teaching. They have a lecture during the morning, every day and after that we spend all day practicing and the teachers are there all day long to assist the students.
One thing that is nice for me is that we always do the challenges with one classmate, so we can think together about the solutions and share our point of view about the challenges.
In the last 3 weeks we have the opportunity to work in teams, so we can feel how it is working in real life. It was also nice to use GitHub in a team and at the end we have two projects to our portfolio.
I would definitely take the course again, I learned a lot.
I actually enjoyed to code, probably because of the experience I had at Le Wagon.
After several years working in Data Analytics and Digital Media, I was looking to make a career change. I started by study via free online courses and soon decided that I needed a more structured learning environment to progress to the level of Web Developer. Since I live in the U.S., I started by researching local coding bootcamps. I was introduced to Le Wagon after I learned of two friends who had completed the bootcamp in Berlin and Madrid. These friends were a huge resource and h...
After several years working in Data Analytics and Digital Media, I was looking to make a career change. I started by study via free online courses and soon decided that I needed a more structured learning environment to progress to the level of Web Developer. Since I live in the U.S., I started by researching local coding bootcamps. I was introduced to Le Wagon after I learned of two friends who had completed the bootcamp in Berlin and Madrid. These friends were a huge resource and helped me in making my decision to enroll.
Many people were curious why I chose an international coding bootcamp. I was drawn to Le Wagon for the opportunity to work alongside classmates from across the globe. Having had experience working in Spain, the Barcelona program seemed to be a natural fit.
The bootcamp started even before I arrived in Spain, with several hours of prep work. I was immediately drawn to the coursework and was eager to put what I was learning into practice. Thankfully, the format began with lectures to learn the days topic, followed by challenges to put what we'd learned into practice. The bootcamp curriculum allowed for us to be introduced to new concepts and really understand each subject matter. The teachers and teaching assistants were always available to help and support students along the way. In the final weeks, we leveraged all of the skills we'd learned to build a clone of Airbnb and our own web-based application. It truly is incredible how much we accomplish in just 9 weeks!
Finally, after the program students have access to all lectures and coding challenges as well as a community of over 6,000 fellow alumni, teachers and staff. This network offers resources and support for navigating the job market post-bootcamp. I'm excited to see what's next for me as I continue to learn and land my first job in web development.
I'm a bachelor in engineer that was unhappily working in marketing until january 2019 when I finally decided to change my carrer path and go after something that made more sense for me.
A friend of mine told about the world of coding and how he thought would really suit me, he also told about Le Wagon. After searching a bit and talking to other people I decided to enroll. That was easily one of the best decisions I've ever made.
From the classes that focused a lot on doing it ou...
I'm a bachelor in engineer that was unhappily working in marketing until january 2019 when I finally decided to change my carrer path and go after something that made more sense for me.
A friend of mine told about the world of coding and how he thought would really suit me, he also told about Le Wagon. After searching a bit and talking to other people I decided to enroll. That was easily one of the best decisions I've ever made.
From the classes that focused a lot on doing it ourselves instead of theory to the teachers and TAs that were always willing to go the extra mile to help us, I not only learned a lot but also got a world of opportunities to choose from. Le Wagon not only teaches you all the tools you need to begin trailing your path but also gives you all the tools to go after it not only in your country but the world.
All in all, I loved it and recommend anyone that is giving a thought about pursuing this path to do it too!
I studied at le wagon Barcelona in autumn 2019. My background was mainly digital marketing and growth hacking which meant that I spent most of my career finding innovative ways to connect users with innovative digital products. However, I always felt like something was missing... I needed to have more control over the products i was working on, I wanted to create my own products... That's why I decided to do le Wagon, and I wasn't disappointed.
The learning curve in 9 weeks is im...
I studied at le wagon Barcelona in autumn 2019. My background was mainly digital marketing and growth hacking which meant that I spent most of my career finding innovative ways to connect users with innovative digital products. However, I always felt like something was missing... I needed to have more control over the products i was working on, I wanted to create my own products... That's why I decided to do le Wagon, and I wasn't disappointed.
The learning curve in 9 weeks is impressive, I am now able to create complex web applications and give life to my ideas. I also improved one of my favorite skills, Design. The ambiance at the school is really motivating, like a big family we all struggle through the 9 weeks while helping each other and filling the room with energy and creativity. I can't recommend enough the Bootcamp and the staff working there.
I joined Le Wagon Barcelona right after graduating from a three years’ bachelor in Business.
I decided to learn to code as it is a very valuable skill to have in the business field. I was also attracted by the creative aspect and all the challenges that come with it.
At first I was not sure how much I would like coding and if I would want to fully pursue it but I knew that either way I would use it to my advantage no matter the path I wou...
I joined Le Wagon Barcelona right after graduating from a three years’ bachelor in Business.
I decided to learn to code as it is a very valuable skill to have in the business field. I was also attracted by the creative aspect and all the challenges that come with it.
At first I was not sure how much I would like coding and if I would want to fully pursue it but I knew that either way I would use it to my advantage no matter the path I would choose to follow after finishing the bootcamp.
Le Wagon was really an eye opener. I enjoyed every day of the bootcamp and LeWagon Barcelona’s team made it very special as they were all very kind, patient and open minded. I also had a great time getting to know my teammates and working with them. Meeting people of such diversity was very enriching.
After finishing Le Wagon I can finally say that I have enjoyed coding so much that I will be looking for a job as a web developer. Le Wagon has helped me to know what I want to do with my life, I could not be more thankful to have been part of this adventure.
Before attending Le Wagon Barcelona, I was working in the IT department for an accountancy firm. I’d wanted to transition into a career in web development for a while, and thought working in an IT department would get me closer to that. I found Le Wagon soon after starting full-time work, and set my sights on it immediately. What appealed to me was being able to learn transferable skills and industry-standard languages/frameworks, allowing me to work for either myself or within a com...
Before attending Le Wagon Barcelona, I was working in the IT department for an accountancy firm. I’d wanted to transition into a career in web development for a while, and thought working in an IT department would get me closer to that. I found Le Wagon soon after starting full-time work, and set my sights on it immediately. What appealed to me was being able to learn transferable skills and industry-standard languages/frameworks, allowing me to work for either myself or within a company, and Le Wagon offered that.
Le Wagon provided me with the tools needed for me to build a career in a field I am excited about. I feel comfortable in everything I was taught at the bootcamp, and feel as though I have a great platform to expand my knowledge going forward. A world of job opportunities has opened up for me, and I have even had companies come to me, instead of me to them. I couldn’t recommend Le Wagon enough!
How much does Le Wagon cost?
The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Le Wagon does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!
What courses does Le Wagon teach?
Le Wagon offers courses like Data Analytics Bootcamp, Data Analytics Bootcamp Online, Data Analytics Essentials Skill Course, Data Engineering Bootcamp and 12 more.
Where does Le Wagon have campuses?
Le Wagon has in-person campuses in Amsterdam, Bali, Barcelona, Berlin, Bordeaux, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Casablanca, Cologne, Dubai, Lausanne, Lille, Lisbon, London, Lyon, Madrid, Marseille, Mauritius, Melbourne, Mexico City, Montreal, Munich, Nantes, Nice, Paris, Porto, Rennes, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toulouse, and Zurich. Le Wagon also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.
Is Le Wagon worth it?
Le Wagon hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 3,532 Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Le Wagon legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 3,532 Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon and rate their overall experience a 4.95 out of 5.
Does Le Wagon offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Le Wagon offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Le Wagon reviews?
You can read 3,532 reviews of Le Wagon on Course Report! Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon and rate their overall experience a 4.95 out of 5.
Is Le Wagon accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Le Wagon doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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