

Average Rating4.99
221 Reviews
4 Courses

MySkill is an Indonesian-based training provider offering online, part-time bootcamps covering topics like data science (8 weeks), product management (10 weeks), UI/UX design (5 weeks), data analysis (5 weeks), and digital marketing (6 weeks). Students will graduate with a portfolio to show potential employers. MySkill is designed for complete beginners and no experience is necessary to apply. MySkill is designed to prepare students for roles in tech after graduation and job support is part of the curriculum. Career services include CV building, LinkedIn profile assistance, and interview prep.

221 MySkill Reviews

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  • Dikdik Muhammad
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jul 16, 2023
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    Saya ingin merekomendasikan Online Boot Camp Digital Marketing kepada siapa pun yang tertarik untuk memperdalam pengetahuan mereka tentang pemasaran digital. Boot camp ini adalah pengalaman pembelajaran yang sangat berharga dan menawarkan pendekatan yang komprehensif dalam memahami strategi pemasaran digital.

    Salah satu hal yang paling saya sukai tentang boot camp ini adalah materi yang disajikan secara sistematis dan terstruktur. Setiap topik yang relevan dibahas...
  • Satria Adi Prakasa
    Graphic Design • Student • UI/UX Research and Design • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 27, 2023
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    truly extraordinary

    Sangat bermanfaat untuk saya yang ingin mengarungi profesi sebagai ui/ux designer. Selama bootcamp langsung banyak sekali insight yang di dapat tertuama dari mentor berpangalaman yang bekerja di top company
  • Putu Hatesa
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Mar 20, 2023
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    MySkill sangat bermanfaat

    Ilmu-ilmu MySkill sangat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan keahlian (skill) ku terutama di bidang Digital Marketing. Sukses selalu MySkill. Diperbanyak lagi kursus-kursusnya. Semoga semakin banyak lagi orang Indonesia yang memiliki skill-skill penting, terutama high income skill. Demi kesejahteraan masyarakat negeri tercinta ini.
  • Dwi Farhan Rahmatulloh
    Auditor • Graduate • Product Management • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 15, 2023
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    Setelah mengikuti rangkaian pengajaran di my skill, jadi menambah ilmu tentang bagaimana menjadi product management yang handal. Good job untuk semua tutornya. sukses kedepanya dan bisa berkembang pesat
    Graduate • UI/UX Research and Design • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 12, 2023
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    Mantap Jiwaa MySkill

    Bermanfaat sekali bootcamp MySkill. Pembelajarannya menyenangkan dan kita bisa langsung mempraktikan ilmu yang diberikan dengan  mengerjakan project akhir yang bisa berguna jadi portofolio kita. Pokonya mantap jiwa MySkill. 
  • Muhamad Rizky Fadillah
    Student • Product Management • Online
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    Mar 09, 2023
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    Wajib kalian coba

    Kayaknya ini bootcamp paling affordable dengan kualitas tutor yang bukan kaleng kaleng. Dari materi yang dipaparkan gampang dicerna. Pokoknya kalian harus coba sendiri, gabakal nyesel ikut bootcamp di MySkill 
  • Nivan
    Student • Product Management • Online
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    Mar 07, 2023
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    High quality bootcamp without rob your money

    The curriculum is comprehensive and complete, the instructor is also good in terms of both explanation and experience as a product manager, and I can even build a portfolio from this boot camp
  • Dian
    Applicant • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Good and Helpful.

    Pengalaman ikut Bootcamp DigMar sangat membantu dalam memahami dasar-dasar DigMar. Selain itu, yang saya suka adalah peserta Bootcamp bukan hanya mendapat materi tetapi juga ada praktik nya secara langsung baik individu maupun project bersama team. Terakhir, saya suka dengan mentornya yang bagus komunikasinya dalam menyampaikan materi, bisa menghidupkan kelas yang diakan melalui virtual ini dan mentoring team project nya sangat membantu. Semoga MySkill terus bertahan dan berkembang untuk...
  • Faiz Hadiyan Firza
    Student • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Membahas dari banyak hal, marketing, riset, bangun bisnis, dan ketahanan dalam kegagalan. Mulai dari pengalaman kak Angga, kegagalan dalam berbisnis, dan strategi-strategi dalam mengembangkan marketing berbasis digital sesuai funnel yang ada
  • Risa
    Freelancer • Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Bootcamp Myskill Luar Biasa & Terjangkau

    Ikut Bootcamp Digital Marketing pada bulan April 2022 karena harganya terjangkau banget dari bootcamp lainnya. Setelah masuk kelas bootcamp, wow gak nyangka, ternyata ilmunya banyak banget yang didapat. Pengajarnya juga berpengalaman semua. Meskipun biaya bootcamp terjangkau, tapi ilmunya "daging" semua. Apalagi setelah jadi alumni bootcamp, masih dapet ilmu dari teman-teman yang lain. Gak nyesel lah ikutan Bootcamp di Myskill 👍👍
  • Indra Fernando Sianipar
    Applicant • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Bagus keren Susana hidup karena interiaksi. Terimakasih buat team my skill dan ceo nya sudah bantu kita. Saya harap tetap sesuai dengan visi misinya kalau nanti myskill lebih terkenal lagi 
    Dan saya harap juga kedepannya untuk materinya lebih spesifik lagi yah karma ini buat pemula
  • Nanda I. Hadiyanti
    Marketer • Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jan 15, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very Helpful

    Contains complete material and can be applied directly in the world of work.  Submission of material during learning is easy to understand. The material provided is very good even for people who are completely new to digital marketing. Very helpful!

MySkill Alumni Outcomes

Recent MySkill News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated December 04, 2024
Course Report · 2022: The Year in Review for Coding Bootcamp News As we wrap up 2022, we’re reporting on the biggest coding bootcamp news about fundraises and new campuses that we saw in December. A new study released this month detailed how to increase bootcamp graduate outcomes in today’s job market. A tech-recruiter-turned-software-engineer weighs in on why employers need to update th...

MySkill Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 200+ MySkill alumni reviews on Course Report, MySkill is praised for its variety of online, part-time bootcamps, including data science, product management, UI/UX design, and digital marketing. Alumni commend the well-structured curriculum, expert instructors, and the practical, project-based approach. A student commented, "The learning experience is extremely beneficial, especially for those venturing into UI/UX design." However, reviews also suggest that the bootcamps are quite new and may lack the depth of longer-established programs.
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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent MySkill News

How much does MySkill cost?

MySkill costs around Rp550,000. On the lower end, some MySkill courses like UI/UX Research and Design cost Rp350,000.

What courses does MySkill teach?

MySkill offers courses like Data Analysis, Digital Marketing, Product Management, UI/UX Research and Design.

Where does MySkill have campuses?

MySkill teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is MySkill worth it?

MySkill hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 221 MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill on Course Report - you should start there!

Is MySkill legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 221 MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill and rate their overall experience a 4.99 out of 5.

Does MySkill offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like MySkill offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read MySkill reviews?

You can read 221 reviews of MySkill on Course Report! MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill and rate their overall experience a 4.99 out of 5.

Is MySkill accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. MySkill doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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