University of Miami Boot Camps is closed
This school is now closed. Although University of Miami Boot Camps is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and University of Miami Boot Camps alumni reviews on the school page.
University of Miami (UM) Boot Camps offer 24-week, part-time web development and data analytics courses. The full stack curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, databases, MongoDB, MySQL, and Git.
The data curriculum includes programming in Excel, Python, R programming, JavaScript charting, HTML/CSS, API interactions, SQL, Tableau, fundamental statistics, machine learning, and more. Enjoy close collaboration with other professionals while receiving hands-on experience.
As the programs are part-time, UM Boot Camps are designed for working professionals and students who are actively pursuing a career change or looking to gain a new skill set.
Students will benefit from a wide range of career services to be positioned for success through graduation and beyond. Services include portfolio reviews, resume and social media profile support, high-impact career events, workshops, mock interviews, and one-on-one career coaching. Graduates will receive a Certificate of Completion from the University of Miami and will have a portfolio of projects demonstrating a working knowledge of web development, data analytics, or financial technology.
University of Miami Boot Camps are offered in collaboration with edX.
My name is Jaime Montero, and just like you reading this post, I was trying to find out some information, feedback or reviews about this University of Miami Coding Bootcamp. I didn't find much, but at the end I decided to give it a try.
My personal experience through this Coding Boot Camp was excellent, and that's what I'm sharing here.
I graduated in October 2018 from the FULL STACK WEB DEVELOPMENT program, started in ...
My name is Jaime Montero, and just like you reading this post, I was trying to find out some information, feedback or reviews about this University of Miami Coding Bootcamp. I didn't find much, but at the end I decided to give it a try.
My personal experience through this Coding Boot Camp was excellent, and that's what I'm sharing here.
I graduated in October 2018 from the FULL STACK WEB DEVELOPMENT program, started in May 2018 (6 Months).
Halfway through the program I decided to offer my services as a Web Developer; built 2 websites for free and then I got a paid client. At this point, 3 months are enough for you to start building beautiful websites, building up portfolio, and hopefully getting your first clients.
Before graduation I got an offer from the company I currently work at.
The program covers a lot ... I understand, “a lot” it's a very broad and abstract term, but, I mean it, A LOT; from the very basic HTML to functional React Web Applications, from your command prompt to data manipulation and databases, from your first lines of code “Hello World” to dynamic, interactive, responsive and potentially profitable $$$ real world projects.
Career services are great, they will absolutely help you to become employer-ready-competitive, to be more noticeable, and most important, they will guide you through the job search process.
Instructors are experienced, very knowledgeable and fun, they're in the industry, usually in different fields. which is great, and you get to learn a lot from them.
Thanks to this University of Miami Coding Bootcamp my life has changed for good, it's incredible how 6 months of hard work can transform everything, I got hired by a great company, in a role that I really enjoy and most important, where I'm able to apply everything I have learned.
This experience is just the beginning of a career full of awesomeness, professional growth and tons of lines of code. SUPER RECOMMENDED!
You really have to take it seriously, put the hard hours, study, practice, practice, practice, practice a lot, research, network, go the extra mile!.
Boot Camp Team of University of Miami Boot Camps
Community Team
Nov 27, 2018
University of Miami Coding Bootcamp is a starting point for all those who wish to learn a new career. The program includes the Front-End with a wide deployment of cutting edge technologies such as React, after creating solid bases in html, css, javascript, and the most used frameworks, as well as innumerable practices in the use of the APIs of the most big companies.
The second part of the program covers in depth the development w...
University of Miami Coding Bootcamp is a starting point for all those who wish to learn a new career. The program includes the Front-End with a wide deployment of cutting edge technologies such as React, after creating solid bases in html, css, javascript, and the most used frameworks, as well as innumerable practices in the use of the APIs of the most big companies.
The second part of the program covers in depth the development with the MERN stack, with MongoDB as database technology, NodeJS and Express supporting the backend and the integration with the React from the front-end.
The program is taught by professors with more than 10 years of experience and an extra support of technical assistants.
Boot Camp Team of University of Miami Boot Camps
Community Team
Oct 15, 2018
The UM Coding Camp was definitely an experience in which many lessons were learned. First of all, the curriculum was extremely challenging for all the students; even ones with prior coding experience. The timeframe alotted to learn all the information taught was the predominant obstacle most of the students faced. Also, the majority of the data taught had remnants of JavaScript; therefore, anyone wanting to undertake this course would be best served to know a bit (then eventually a lot) ab...
The UM Coding Camp was definitely an experience in which many lessons were learned. First of all, the curriculum was extremely challenging for all the students; even ones with prior coding experience. The timeframe alotted to learn all the information taught was the predominant obstacle most of the students faced. Also, the majority of the data taught had remnants of JavaScript; therefore, anyone wanting to undertake this course would be best served to know a bit (then eventually a lot) about JavaScript. With that said, even though we were all faced with a roller coaster of emotions due to the demands of this course, our guardian and Program Coordinator Chavon was absolutely amazing with her never-ending support, leadership, and understanding. Without her, most of us would probably not finish this course, myself included. Our instructor Jonathan Fields was absolutely fantastic; very knowledgeable and always willing to help. Last but not least, our TA Jonathan Morales was always there for us; always giving a helping hand; always gracious.
Boot Camp Team of University of Miami Boot Camps
Community Team
Aug 03, 2018
Boot Camp Team of University of Miami Boot Camps
Community Team
Mar 31, 2023
Boot Camp Team of University of Miami Boot Camps
Community Team
Oct 21, 2022
Boot Camp Team of University of Miami Boot Camps
Community Team
Sep 09, 2022
Boot Camp Team of University of Miami Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 24, 2021
Boot Camp Team of University of Miami Boot Camps
Community Team
Apr 24, 2023
How much does University of Miami Boot Camps cost?
University of Miami Boot Camps costs around $12,745. On the lower end, some University of Miami Boot Camps courses like Full Stack Flex - Part-Time cost $10,995.
What courses does University of Miami Boot Camps teach?
University of Miami Boot Camps offers courses like Data Science and Visualization - Part-Time, Full Stack Flex - Part-Time.
Where does University of Miami Boot Camps have campuses?
University of Miami Boot Camps has an in-person campus in Miami.
Is University of Miami Boot Camps worth it?
University of Miami Boot Camps hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 10 University of Miami Boot Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed University of Miami Boot Camps on Course Report - you should start there!
Is University of Miami Boot Camps legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 10 University of Miami Boot Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed University of Miami Boot Camps and rate their overall experience a 4.5 out of 5.
Does University of Miami Boot Camps offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like University of Miami Boot Camps offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read University of Miami Boot Camps reviews?
You can read 10 reviews of University of Miami Boot Camps on Course Report! University of Miami Boot Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed University of Miami Boot Camps and rate their overall experience a 4.5 out of 5.
Is University of Miami Boot Camps accredited?
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