61 Best Quality Assurance Testing Bootcamps
Product Hall
4.9226Reviews2CoursesProduct Hall is a 10-week, online Product Management bootcamp that focuses on hands-on, practical learning. The bootcamp features live, interactive classes w... Learn more about Product Hall.Product Hall is a 10-week, online Product Management bootcamp that focuses on hands-on, practical learning. The bootcamp features live, interactive classes where students receive training, tools, and 1:1 mentorship from experienced instructors. The Product Hall curriculum covers customer development, strategic thinking skills, product design, agile methodologies, and product management technology and software. Learn more about Product Hall.Ramen Benyamin5Graduate • Course: Product Management Certificate Program (Online) • Online
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Says: Unparalleled access to mentorship and real world experience.
Unlike many other courses I've taken, this was a far more intimate and catered experience, allowing me to be more proactive in my learning and project work. TheUnlike many other courses I've taken, this was a far more intimate and catered experience, allowing me to be more proactive in my learning and project work. The course provides an in-depth dive into the product field, while examining real world examples and experiences. There is a lot of consideration into your own career path throughout, and they are committed to helping you reach your goals.- 25Reviews3CoursesChroma Tech Academy is an online tech training school that specializes in software test automation (16 weeks) and quality assurance analysis (8 weeks) bootca... Learn more about Chroma Tech Academy.Chroma Tech Academy is an online tech training school that specializes in software test automation (16 weeks) and quality assurance analysis (8 weeks) bootcamps. The Software Test Automation bootcamp covers topics like the software testing life cycle, Java, Selenium, behavior driven development, mobile testing, RESTful APIs, Git, continuous integration and continuous deployment, and web accessibility testing. The QA Analyst bootcamp covers topics like test cases, behavior driven development, manual API testing, manual database testing, and manual mobile testing. Bootcamps are project-based to give students practical experience in the materials they cover. Learn more about Chroma Tech Academy.
Daniela Pimentel
5Student • Course: Software Test Automation (SDET) • Online
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Says: I would choose Chroma Tech Academy again
I have been out of school for many years, and I was afraid that like many other classes, this was going to be hard to follow because the instructors was just noI have been out of school for many years, and I was afraid that like many other classes, this was going to be hard to follow because the instructors was just not motivated enough to teach us. However, taking this course with Chroma Tech Academy was the best decision I made. The instructors are very passionate and engaging. Not to mentioned how comprehensive this course is, and how knowledgeable the instructors are. If you are ready to put the work in, I highly recommended doing it with Chroma Tech Academy. SuperCode
4.8824Reviews4CoursesSuperCode offers bootcamps in Full Stack Development (22 weeks, full-time), Front End Development (30 weeks, part-time), and UX/UI Design (13 weeks, part-tim... Learn more about SuperCode.SuperCode offers bootcamps in Full Stack Development (22 weeks, full-time), Front End Development (30 weeks, part-time), and UX/UI Design (13 weeks, part-time) online and in-person in Düsseldorf, Germany. Each bootcamp cohort is taught by two, experienced instructors. Classes are taught in German. Learn more about SuperCode.Tolgay Özdemir5Graduate • Course: Full Stack Development Full-time (React) • Online
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Says: Ich bin super!
Entscheidung für den Kurs: Kurzfristig entschied ich mich, meinen alten Job aufzugeben, um über Entwicklung zu lernen und eine neue Perspektive auf TechnologieEntscheidung für den Kurs: Kurzfristig entschied ich mich, meinen alten Job aufzugeben, um über Entwicklung zu lernen und eine neue Perspektive auf Technologien, Apps, Websites und Produktentwicklung zu erhalten. Die Entscheidung fiel mir nicht schwer, da ich mich in meinem alten Job festgefahren fühlte.
Dauer und Classmates: Das Bootcamp dauerte 5,5 Monate und wurde mit fantastischen Menschen durchgeführt, sowohl Teilnehmende als auch Instruktoren. Die Teilnehmenden sowie einige Instruktoren hatten interdisziplinäre Hintergründe, sodass verschiedene Erfahrungen und Perspektiven bei Entwicklung und Lernfortschritt aufeinandergetroffen sind, die für interessante Gespräche, Lösungen und Herangehensweisen gesorgt haben.
Instruktoren: Keine Frage war zu doof – na klar – Selbstorganisation und Mitdenken waren Grundvoraussetzungen.
Lerninhalte und Ergebnisse: Die Lernkurve wuchs langsam, aber stetig, von einfachem HTML und CSS zu komplexeren Anwendungen, die erst skizziert und dann in React mit Typescript programmiert wurden, um zum Schluss zu einem fertigen Produkt zu kommen, sei es eine Website, eine Webapp oder eine Anwendung, um seinen Tagesablauf zu organisieren oder ein Katalog mit deinen Lieblings Pokémon.
Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen: Mit dem Beginn des Bootcamps ging es für mich darum zu erkunden, was mir liegt und was mir nicht liegt. Auf welche Weise lerne ich am besten oder welche Art des CSS liegt meinen Denkstrukturen näher, einfaches CSS, SCSS oder Tailwind? Hier musste ich mich mit mir selbst auseinandersetzen und einen Weg finden, Code zu schreiben, nach meinen Vorlieben, den man auch nachvollziehen kann.
Mein Erfolg: Zum Schluss kann ich von mir behaupten, dass ich nun in der Lage bin, einen Entwicklungsprozess zu skizzieren und selbst ausführen kann.- 23Reviews3CoursesThe Hacking School offers 13-week full stack web development, 24-week cybersecurity, and 24-week data science at campuses in India and Australia. The Hacking... Learn more about The Hacking School.The Hacking School offers 13-week full stack web development, 24-week cybersecurity, and 24-week data science at campuses in India and Australia. The Hacking School has a long list of hiring partners, and offers career services to students, such as placement assistance. Learn more about The Hacking School.
5Graduate • Course: Full Stack Web Development (online) • Hyderabad
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Says: Had an amazing experience!
THS is the best place to enhance your coding skills. The whole journey in the Bootcamp was awesome. My instructors Prashanth, Pranish, and Akhil are excellent.THS is the best place to enhance your coding skills. The whole journey in the Bootcamp was awesome. My instructors Prashanth, Pranish, and Akhil are excellent. They will teach you from every basic thing and will make you a professional.The atmosphere is very awesome. They
Motivated me in every way possible to improve myself.
Thanks to the whole team for improving my skills. Deep Dive Coding
4.0519Reviews7CoursesDeep Dive Coding teaches data science, internet of things, digital media, web development, and Java+Android bootcamps in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The curricu... Learn more about Deep Dive Coding.Deep Dive Coding teaches data science, internet of things, digital media, web development, and Java+Android bootcamps in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The curriculum is constantly updated so that students learn the latest, most relevant technologies. Students build personal projects as well as a team capstone project during the bootcamp, culminating in a Demo Day with employers and other community members. Learn more about Deep Dive Coding.Tucker
5Graduate • Course: Deep Dive .NET • Albuquerque
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Says: Took both the PHP and the .NET
Fantastic crew. Considering they all work for the college (CNM) and that this bootcamp is held to a collegiate standard, there is a certain level of vetting thaFantastic crew. Considering they all work for the college (CNM) and that this bootcamp is held to a collegiate standard, there is a certain level of vetting that takes place that you may not find at other bootcamps. For those taking a bootcamp towards an end-goal, here are my suggestions (please note that I have not taken the Java course)
I suggest the PHP/Fullstack for CS Majors or Wordpress oriented peeps,the .Net for entrepreneurs/startups who want to "spin up" apps with a framework,
and the Java for code-competent professionals that want to up their game, or CS students.
Out of the gates each one will offer jobs at a different availability. Some have a huge gap between the Jr level and the Senior level, and some have a very strong mid-level range but few Jr level. Based on my observation, the PHP or Java course will compliment a CS degree very well; however, PHP offers more jobs than Java, but at a much lower pay bracket (Mostly Wordpress stuff). The irony is that PHP is easy to get into, but has lower paying mid-level availability when compared to Java. If you are code savvy, taking the Java may result in finally being worth decent money, but if you over estimate yourself you may come out of it not quite good enough. As I said, a CS degree would greatly compliment either of these. If you already know wordpress, the PHP course may be a solid bet because you will gain value in the wordpress sector by being able to create plugins, etc. The PHP course also seems to have the most "front-end", design oriented lessons as well.
The .Net is a different story all together. It is part time and is far more "startup" oriented than the other two. It has some CS material, but the gist of the course is how to spin up a project quickly, easily, and it be able to scale. You don't even really need to know how EVERYTHING works (like in a CS degree), but rather how to IMPLEMENT something that works. I would compare this to "Ruby on Rails" but .Net being a much better framework than Rails in the long run. There are also tons of jobs as this is a Microsoft stack and every company and their mother needs more of these devs.
At the end of the day, this is nothing more than my own observation and interpretation, and should not be the deciding factor. Contact the staff, talk to the professors, and you will quickly figure out which one suites you best. Point being, there is a course for anyone.
In regards to my results. I doubled my income after this bootcamp and I was already paid decently well as a Software Tester. My current role is a Software Engineer with the US Govn't. I graduated PHP mid 2017, landed the job Dec, 2017, and took the .Net course after landing the job as my PHP experience wasn't as relevant as C#/.Net, but the transferable CS and fullstack knowledge from the PHP course helped me extensively with landing the role.Codecool
4.1918Reviews3CoursesCodecool is a full-time, 12-month coding course in Hungary, Poland, and Romania with a job guarantee. The developer program is like an apprenticeship, where ... Learn more about Codecool .Codecool is a full-time, 12-month coding course in Hungary, Poland, and Romania with a job guarantee. The developer program is like an apprenticeship, where students will learn Linux, Python, JavaScript, HTML, Java, C# and more. Codecool focuses on the following principles: craftsmanship, growth mindset, teamwork, self-study, interactive events, and a tailored curriculum. Students are guided by mentors who directly support the development of individual students and continuously align the curriculum with the student’s interest. Learn more about Codecool .Gligor Avram5Graduate • Course: Full-stack developer course • Bucharest
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Says: They deliver, even if everything is sugarcoated
About me:This section is just so that you can gauge if what I wrote below applies to your situation. I learned programming mostly on my own and only became a CoAbout me:
This section is just so that you can gauge if what I wrote below applies to your situation. I learned programming mostly on my own and only became a Codecool student because I found I needed help in getting a job. I also followed the courses of another company (Scoala Informala de IT <- would not recommend), but this was after I had a decent understanding of the Java programming language. I started learning Java at about 32 years old, and I joined Codecool when I was 36. I finished their courses in 8 months and got hired about 2 months after I finished.
The good:
- You will be surrounded by a community of people willing to help you learn how to code. I'm not talking here about the mentors necessarily (though they will definitely help you... if you set your shame aside and ACTUALLY GO ASK THEM), but about the other students.
- The curriculum is decent and, based on what I heard, it somehow got better AND shorter.
- The job guarantee, although not a guarantee per se (more about that in the next section), is real. If your attitude is not that of a jackass, you will get hired through them. This was the main selling point for me, because even though you can indeed learn to program from Udemi, that doesn't mean anyone will actually hire you.
- You will also learn how to hold presentations for your projects, a skill that, from recent experience, seems to be just as important as writing code.
The bad:
- The curriculum is a roller coaster ride to go through for somebody with no experience in programming. As people have probably already told you if you're planning on becoming a student, the course is a full time job, and you will most likely not be able to also work for the majority of the courses duration.
- Some of the mentors attitude towards mastery based learning can degrade to "figure it out yourself" without them leading you to the right way of doing things. This statement needs more clarification, as for somebody who hasn't programmed before it probably means that the mentor should be there to help with their the majority of their problems. This is not the case though because learning how to research and troubleshoot are also things that students need to learn. I'm talking about stamping out bad solutions that would make your potential employer shake their head in disagreement if they read the code.
- The HR/marketing team will sugarcoat the contract terms heavily. Now I don't blame them, in fact I'd do the same if I were them, however I still want to point it out. If you read the contract though you will know exactly what you're getting into. The terms are not for the faint of heart. If you won't read them, you'll grieve about how horrible the service is. Either way, it's on you. For example you're not actually guaranteed a job, you're guaranteed 6 interviews, but if needed the number of interviews you're allowed to take can be increased (the way I read this paragraph from the contract is that if you're a decent human being they will help you get hired. If not, they'll provide the 6 interviews and then "bye bye". And also it helps protect against abusers who will wait for a year and not have to pay for the course. Bottom line, read the contract).EducaciónIT
5.017Reviews7CoursesEducaciónIT offers live online bootcamp, with programs in Java Standard 11 Web Programming (7 weeks), Python Programming (4 weeks), Data Analytics (4 weeks),... Learn more about EducaciónIT.EducaciónIT offers live online bootcamp, with programs in Java Standard 11 Web Programming (7 weeks), Python Programming (4 weeks), Data Analytics (4 weeks), and Software Tester QA (4 weeks). All EducacionIT bootcamps require a time commitment of approximately 6 hours per week. These programs are taught by instructors who are industry professionals. Learn more about EducaciónIT.Alejandro Pundyk5Student • Course: Bootcamp Full Stack Web Developer • Online
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Says: Gran espacio para el aprendizaje!!!
Una de las mejores experiencias de aprendizaje.Excelente combinación de horas presenciales, material disponible en Alumni, y tareas orientativas para consolidarUna de las mejores experiencias de aprendizaje.Los docentes, un capítulo aparte, siempre dispuestos a acompañarte en el proceso de aprendizaje, impulsando la investigación y proponiendo espacios de relación con compañeros.
Excelente combinación de horas presenciales, material disponible en Alumni, y tareas orientativas para consolidar los conocimientos transmitidos en clase.Sin lugar a dudas repetiría la experiencia con nuevos temas y conocimientos, y recomiendo a mi grupo de amigos que se sumen en próximas ediciones.
Un consejo, disponer de tiempo para concentrarse en estudiar e investigar, ya que en poco tiempo se ve una infinidad de temas...- 16Reviews11CoursesGeeksHubs Academy is a coding school that offers 10- and 12-week bootcamps in Full Stack Development, Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cyber... Learn more about GeeksHubs Academy.GeeksHubs Academy is a coding school that offers 10- and 12-week bootcamps in Full Stack Development, Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cybersecurity, and more. The full-time Full Stack Development bootcamp is taught in-person. The part-time Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cybersecurity bootcamps are taught live online. Learn more about GeeksHubs Academy.
Centriq Training
3.6916Reviews2CoursesCentriq Training is an IT technology training firm in Kansas City, Missouri that hosts two, 14-week training programs: a Full Stack Coding program and the Cl... Learn more about Centriq Training.Centriq Training is an IT technology training firm in Kansas City, Missouri that hosts two, 14-week training programs: a Full Stack Coding program and the Cloud and Security Specialist program. There are virtual and in-person training options in Kansas City and St. Louis, and night classes are available. During the 4-month programs, classes are held in a live, instructor-led format with hands-on activities. Each cohort is limited to 15 students. At the end of the course, students prepare a final project to present to their peers, instructors, and prospective employers. Learn more about Centriq Training.Celestina Ogidi5Graduate • Course: Cloud & Security Specialist Program • Kansas City
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Says: Cloud and Security Specialist
Centriq Cybersecurity boot camp will teach you how to build and configure virtual machines, analyze security protocols, device security and management. You willCentriq Cybersecurity boot camp will teach you how to build and configure virtual machines, analyze security protocols, device security and management. You will use real life scenarios to complete projects. The school will work with you from anywhere to ensure you achieve your dream career in IT. I will recommend Centriq to anyone who is starting with little or no knowledge in IT.Tel Ran
4.415Reviews6CoursesTel Ran is a coding bootcamp based in Germany that offers 36-week, full-time or part-time bootcamps in front end development, back end development, and QA ma... Learn more about Tel Ran.Tel Ran is a coding bootcamp based in Germany that offers 36-week, full-time or part-time bootcamps in front end development, back end development, and QA manual and automated testing. Students will complete individual works as well as group work to ensure they have mastered the concepts taught in class. Courses are taught in Russian with English for IT. Learn more about Tel Ran.Yudina Veronica
5Student • Course: Front End Development • Online
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Says: Спасибо учителям!
Преподаватели в Tel-ran настоящие профессионалы! Учился с удовольствием, каждый урок был и теоритических и практическим, здорово, что была возможность прям общаПреподаватели в Tel-ran настоящие профессионалы! Учился с удовольствием, каждый урок был и теоритических и практическим, здорово, что была возможность прям общаться с учителями.Их отзывчивость и терпение заслуживает отдельных аплодисментов и внимания!GOMYCODE
4.4410Reviews21CoursesGOMYCODE is an online tech training provider offering online or in-person, full-time or part-time bootcamps covering topics like design (20 weeks), DevOps (1... Learn more about GOMYCODE.GOMYCODE is an online tech training provider offering online or in-person, full-time or part-time bootcamps covering topics like design (20 weeks), DevOps (12 weeks), full stack JavaScript development (20 weeks), digital marketing (20 weeks), and data science (20 weeks). GOMYCODE is dedicated to serving students across Africa and the Middle East. GOMYCODE also offers intro courses for students interested in learning foundational skills before committing to a bootcamp. Learn more about GOMYCODE.Binar Academy
4.3810Reviews10CoursesBinar Academy is an Indonesia-based tech training provider offering 16-week, part-time, online bootcamps covering topics like data science, web development, ... Learn more about Binar Academy.Binar Academy is an Indonesia-based tech training provider offering 16-week, part-time, online bootcamps covering topics like data science, web development, UX/UI design, and QA testing. Binar Academy was founded in 2017 with the mission to advance Indonesia’s technology ecosystem and close the education gap. The programs are designed to provide learners with first-hand exposure to the real world while shaping them into leaders with strong character and capabilities for the global stage. Learn more about Binar Academy.Refdi Wiedaya5Graduate • Course: UI/UX Research & Design • Online
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Says: Exceptional
I've known Binar Academy from a friend, and this is my first Online and Boothcamp experience ever, so at first I have my own doubts. But after finishing my courI've known Binar Academy from a friend, and this is my first Online and Boothcamp experience ever, so at first I have my own doubts. But after finishing my course, I can confidently say overall it was a great experience for me. From developing new skills to improving my known skills, not only we studied about the course we also have the chance to put the knowledge we gained to practice and work it together as a team, we even have the chance to work together with PM (Project Management) course and gain new insight on how stuff work on corporate level. The only feedback I can give is; Binar App improvement and Facilitator and Staff communication about the chapters challenge. The Rest is EXCEPTIONAL- 9Reviews2CoursesKickstart Coding offers a part-time, online 4-month full-stack coding bootcamp. The curriculum consists of two sequential phases: Kickstart Backend (a rigoro... Learn more about Kickstart Coding.Kickstart Coding offers a part-time, online 4-month full-stack coding bootcamp. The curriculum consists of two sequential phases: Kickstart Backend (a rigorous Python class) and Kickstart Frontend (a crash course on modern JavaScript practices and React JS). Lessons consist of a varied mix of lectures, guided hands-on activities, and group project work. Kickstart Coding looks for serious learners who are passionate about learning in an inclusive and collaborative environment. No prior coding experience is necessary. Learn more about Kickstart Coding.
Phuong Anh Hoang
5Graduate • Course: $4000 for 4 months part time - Full-Stack Coding • Oakland
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Says: The best coding bootcamp I could have chosen!
I found Kickstart Coding’s course content, instruction, and involvement in my learning process to be really amazing. They totally exceeded my expectations everyI found Kickstart Coding’s course content, instruction, and involvement in my learning process to be really amazing. They totally exceeded my expectations every step of the way!
After graduating from college, I really felt lost and anxious about not being able to find a job. I was looking for a coding bootcamp to review the knowledge I picked up in college and improve my skills. Kickstart Coding looked like it had a solid curriculum at a reasonable price so I decided to give it a try after attending some of their information sessions.
I recently landed my first front-end developer job two months after starting the course. I can confidently say that I was shocked at how quickly they prepared me for the transition.
The lessons were really easy to follow along with, and the approach is totally different from anything I experienced before. Instead of overloading me with all kinds of theoretical stuff, Michael focused on the fundamentals of programming, and provided a lot of activities to solidify my knowledge. He covered everything that was required to become a full-stack software engineer, starting with the basics like HTML, CSS, GIT, and Bash, to back-end technologies such as Heroku, Python, and Django, and finished with front-end projects using JavaScript and React. The 1-on-1 lessons were awesome, even if I didn’t always come with questions ahead of time about the course material. We also talked about the tech industry itself, their previous experience as software engineers, their and my current projects, and a lot more.
The custom-pacing structure was definitely a key factor of my success in landing my first developer job. At my request, Liam started my career activities within the first month of my start date alongside my coding lessons. This was crucial to landing an interview after sending out my first application!
Liam walked me through how to write resumes and cover letters, how to prepare for interviews, and basically everything I needed to know to feel prepared for the process. Michael would also dedicate time to preparing me for technical interviews. Even after I failed the last round at the first company, Michael and Liam were always encouraging me and pushing me to go beyond my limits and stay motivated. With that said, I landed my first developer job with less than a dozen applications, which I never had been able to do without the help of Michael and Liam.
I can’t stress this strongly enough, the Kickstart Coding bootcamp was worth every penny! It was such an amazing and inclusive environment. There were people totally new to programming alongside more experienced coders who were there to review their skills, and people who had asked for a more tailored curriculum to help them build their passion projects. It was a really special experience for me. I can’t thank them enough.
5.08Reviews2CoursesRenasTech offers online Full Stack Automation Tester and Data Analytics bootcamps. RenasTech instructors are industry professionals presently employed in the... Learn more about RenasTech.RenasTech offers online Full Stack Automation Tester and Data Analytics bootcamps. RenasTech instructors are industry professionals presently employed in their career field. All material is taught so that students gain experience and hands-on knowledge in the form of team projects. RenasTech is based in Virginia, but operates internationally. Most RenasTech students are from the U.S. and Canada. Learn more about RenasTech.Avin5Graduate • Course: Data Analytics • Online
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Says: Data Analytics Bootcamp
If I could give it more than 5 stars I would! This Data Analytics Bootcamp has changed my life in more ways than one & I will forever be grateful to the instrucIf I could give it more than 5 stars I would! This Data Analytics Bootcamp has changed my life in more ways than one & I will forever be grateful to the instructors for all their hard work & support along the way. I joined this boot camp with no prior experience in the tech world & a bit intimated if I’m being honest. However, the first week of going through this I was shocked at how much of an amazing job the instructors (Media, Mustafa, Mehmet, Ness) did at breaking the material down. During my time I was not only able to easily learn the tools needed to be a successful analyst but was also provided with help to prepare me for the job market (mock interviews, polishing up my resume, networking, etc.) The Data Analytics Instructors truly do go above and beyond for their students & make sure your journey towards becoming an analyst is as smooth as possible. Thankful is an understatement!CodeFish
4.888Reviews4CoursesCodeFish is a technical training provider located in Des Plaines, Illinois offering online or in-person bootcamps covering topics like DevOps (24 weeks), cyb... Learn more about CodeFish.CodeFish is a technical training provider located in Des Plaines, Illinois offering online or in-person bootcamps covering topics like DevOps (24 weeks), cybersecurity (28 weeks), and software development engineer in test (24 weeks). The bootcamps are project-based to give students practical experience in the materials they cover. Learn more about CodeFish.- 6Reviews4CoursesBondar Academy is a technical training provider offering a 6-week, self-paced bootcamp in software development engineer in test (SDET) with Playwright. The S... Learn more about Bondar Academy.Bondar Academy is a technical training provider offering a 6-week, self-paced bootcamp in software development engineer in test (SDET) with Playwright. The SDET with Playwright bootcamp covers topics like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, GitHub, Playwright, Typescript, and automation techniques. Students have access to a private mentor to answer any questions they might have. Bondar Academy also offers a free JavaScript foundations course for students with no coding experience. Learn more about Bondar Academy.
5Graduate • Course: JavaScript Fundamentals • Online
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Says: Well Structured Java Script Course
I took this course on Bondar Academy to refresh my JavaScript knowledge and it checked all my tick boxes:- Easy to follow instructor (the most important)- WelI took this course on Bondar Academy to refresh my JavaScript knowledge and it checked all my tick boxes:
- Easy to follow instructor (the most important)
- Well structured course with assignments
- User friendly platform
After following courses on other platforms created by different teachers and experiencing other teaching styles I can definitely say that Artem has a great talent in explaining things. Thank you the instructor for the valuable work. - 6Reviews4CoursesNebula Academy is a 22-week, full stack software engineering bootcamp in Syosset, New York. Nebula Academy’s bootcamp is structured in 4-week sprints where s... Learn more about Nebula Academy.Nebula Academy is a 22-week, full stack software engineering bootcamp in Syosset, New York. Nebula Academy’s bootcamp is structured in 4-week sprints where students learn, practice, and implement new and previously covered technologies. Students finish the 4-week cycles by creating real-world projects. Students will learn Javascript, HTML, CSS, DOM manipulation, and React. Bootcamp students will also learn to think critically and computationally and build strong problem-solving skills. All Nebula Academy software engineering bootcamp instructors are AWS certified, and bootcamp content is aligned with the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam. Learn more about Nebula Academy.Deboraht N.
5Graduate • Course: Fullstack Software Engineer (PERN) - Full Time • Long Island
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Says: Software engineer
I learned coding at Nebula, I was part of the first bootcamp. It was not easy at the beginning but it was amazing to see all you can do with a few lines of codeI learned coding at Nebula, I was part of the first bootcamp. It was not easy at the beginning but it was amazing to see all you can do with a few lines of codes and that changed everything. I also learned many other skills among them, problem solving which is very important because it will help you in your entire life either you are in technology or not. Great online environment and support learning, great teachers, great school. - 4Reviews6CoursesDublin Coding School is a bootcamp based in Ireland offering part-time online courses in data analytics (8 weeks), automated testing (7 weeks), manual testin... Learn more about Dublin Coding School.Dublin Coding School is a bootcamp based in Ireland offering part-time online courses in data analytics (8 weeks), automated testing (7 weeks), manual testing (7 weeks), full stack web development (8 weeks), UX/UI design (6 weeks), and cybersecurity (8 weeks). Dublin Coding School also offers a co-working space for students to work on projects and learn outside of class. Learn more about Dublin Coding School.
- 3Reviews2CoursesDented Code Academy offers a 22-week, part-time Full Stack Developer bootcamp at its campus in Rockdale, NSW, Australia. The course covers the MERN stack and... Learn more about Dented Code Academy.Dented Code Academy offers a 22-week, part-time Full Stack Developer bootcamp at its campus in Rockdale, NSW, Australia. The course covers the MERN stack and also covers HTML, CSS, Github, JavaScript, AWS, unit testing, API integration, project management, and more. Dented Code Academy’s founder has been coding for 15 years and is committed to teaching quality programmers. Instructors are experienced coders with industry knowledge. Learn more about Dented Code Academy.Ronish Lopxhan
5Graduate • Course: Web Development Bootcamp (Job- Ready) • Sydney
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Says: The Best Software Development Bootcamp in Sydney
I recently completed the Frontend Development Bootcamp at Dented Code Academy in Sydney, and without a doubt, it is the best bootcamp provider in the city! FromI recently completed the Frontend Development Bootcamp at Dented Code Academy in Sydney, and without a doubt, it is the best bootcamp provider in the city! From the comprehensive curriculum to the outstanding learning environment, every aspect of my experience was top-notch. The instructors at Dented Code Academy are not only highly knowledgeable but also incredibly approachable. They were always available to answer any questions and provide guidance whenever needed. Having an instructor at hand throughout the day made the learning process seamless, ensuring that no concept or query went unresolved. One of the standout features of Dented Code Academy is the availability of a dedicated learning space that remains open all day. This open learning environment allowed me to immerse myself in coding and practice at my own pace. It provided a conducive atmosphere for focused learning, and the fact that an instructor was present to assist with any questions made it even more valuable. The curriculum covered all the essential frontend development skills and technologies, from HTML and CSS to JavaScript frameworks like React and NEXT. The hands-on coding exercises and projects were challenging yet rewarding, allowing me to apply my knowledge and strengthen my skills. What truly sets Dented Code Academy apart is the emphasis on collaboration and support. The bootcamp actively encourages teamwork and provides opportunities to work on group projects. This not only helped me improve my technical abilities but also enhanced my communication and collaboration skills, which are vital in the industry. The staff at Dented Code Academy are incredibly supportive and helpful. They were always ready to provide guidance, feedback, and assistance whenever I needed it. The personalized attention and genuine care for my learning journey created a warm and inclusive environment where I felt comfortable asking questions and seeking clarification. Additionally, the facilities at Dented Code Academy are excellent. The learning space is well-equipped and accessible throughout the day, providing a dedicated area for students to focus on their coding projects. The availability of resources, coupled with the presence of instructors, ensures a productive and efficient learning experience. If you're looking for a web dev bootcamp in Sydney, Dented Code Academy is the ultimate choice. Their commitment to excellence, knowledgeable instructors, comprehensive curriculum, and exceptional learning environment make it the perfect place to kickstart your software development career. I am immensely grateful for the invaluable skills and experiences I gained during my time at Dented Code Academy. Thank you for providing the best learning environment and being the best in the business! - 1Reviews6CoursesEmbedded Academy is an Israel-based tech training provider offering comprehensive, part-time, hybrid career accelerators covering topics like full stack deve... Learn more about Embedded Academy.Embedded Academy is an Israel-based tech training provider offering comprehensive, part-time, hybrid career accelerators covering topics like full stack development (36 weeks), data science (36 weeks), DevOps (36 weeks), data analytics (36 weeks), cybersecurity information security (36 weeks), and QA software testing (36 weeks). Embedded Academy also offers abbreviated and self-paced courses for students that already have experience with tech. Students are provided with private tutoring sessions at no extra charge. Learn more about Embedded Academy.
- 1Reviews4CoursesPortnov Computer School is a tech training provider offering online, part-time QA Testing bootcamps. The QA Testing bootcamps cover topics like Scrum, Waterf... Learn more about Portnov Computer School.Portnov Computer School is a tech training provider offering online, part-time QA Testing bootcamps. The QA Testing bootcamps cover topics like Scrum, Waterfall, Agile, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Rest, Linux, SQL, mobile testing, and Selenium. Students will complete projects in small groups to simulate a real working environment. Portnov Computer School offers this bootcamp in both midday and evening formats to ensure all students have an opportunity to attend. Learn more about Portnov Computer School.
- 1Reviews1CourseTech Joy Academy is an online training provider offering a 12-week, part-time, online Interdisciplinary Internship for AI & Data Science. The Interdiscip... Learn more about Tech Joy Academy.Tech Joy Academy is an online training provider offering a 12-week, part-time, online Interdisciplinary Internship for AI Data Science. The Interdisciplinary Internship for AI Data Science covers topics like Python, AWS, full stack development, mobile development, AI, DevOps, and QA testing. Students will master the basics and have a chance to try different disciplines in tech before choosing a specific focus for their internship. Learn more about Tech Joy Academy.Danielle Arnett
5Graduate • Course: Interdisciplinary Internship for AI & Data Science • Online
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Says: Such a valuable experience!
Tech Joy was the second bootcamp I enrolled in. I was looking for a job and not having much luck, so I decided to try it because it included an internship. ItTech Joy was the second bootcamp I enrolled in. I was looking for a job and not having much luck, so I decided to try it because it included an internship. It was worth every penny! I was able to learn my second programming language as well as experienced being a part of a team, using a ticketing system and collaborating on GitHub. The Discord server was also a great place for networking with other techies with its welcoming atmosphere. Best of all, after being in the program for 7 months, I found a paid apprenticeship in tech! I highly recommend Tech Joy Academy! Fortray
4.01Reviews32CoursesFortray is a United Kingdom-based recruitment agency and tech training provider offering online, full-time or part-time programs in full stack MERN developme... Learn more about Fortray.Fortray is a United Kingdom-based recruitment agency and tech training provider offering online, full-time or part-time programs in full stack MERN development (26 weeks), data science (26 weeks), cybersecurity (12 or 22 weeks), digital marketing (26 weeks), project management (17 weeks) and more. The Career Path programs include live online lectures, mentorship, and support. Students will complete real world projects to give them practical experience in the topics they cover. Learn more about Fortray.- 0Reviews8CoursesYDev Academy offers Full Stack Software Development (24 week), IT-Ops (20 week), Data Science (12 week), Product Management (8 week), and Design (8 week) bo... Learn more about YDev Academy.YDev Academy offers Full Stack Software Development (24 week), IT-Ops (20 week), Data Science (12 week), Product Management (8 week), and Design (8 week) bootcamps designed to equip Africa’s emerging workforce with in-demand technology skills. All Ydev Academy bootcamps combine online and in-person learning in Nigeria. Weekend class schedules are available. Learn more about YDev Academy.
- 0Reviews1CourseHack Academy offers a 12-week, full-time intensive Web Development bootcamp that can be completed online or in-person at Hack Academy’s campus in Montevideo,... Learn more about Hack Academy.Hack Academy offers a 12-week, full-time intensive Web Development bootcamp that can be completed online or in-person at Hack Academy’s campus in Montevideo, Uruguay. For beginners, Hack Academy also offers 5-week intensive courses in Front End Development, Back End Development, or React/React Native. Learn more about Hack Academy.