

Average Rating4.89
160 Reviews
6 Courses

Course-Net is a tech training provider based in Indonesia offering hybrid bootcamps covering topics like UX/UI design (5 weeks), full stack JavaScript (7 weeks), data science (5 weeks), and data analytics (5 weeks). Bootcamp curriculums are project-based to reinforce the concepts students learn. Students are permitted to retake courses for free until they are comfortable with the material.

Beginners and students with no experience are welcome to join Course-Net bootcamps.

Course-Net is designed to help students land jobs after graduation and career services are provided for students that graduate with an acceptable grade. Course-Net will refer registered students to hiring partners after graduation.

Course-Net offers flexible payment options to increase accessibility.

160 Course-Net Reviews

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  • Annisa AF Suharto
    Annisa AF Suharto
    Student • Data Science For Business Development • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Dec 20, 2024
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    Practical, Fun, and Impactful: My SIB Journey at Course-Net

    Ikut program Kampus Merdeka di Course-Net bener-bener jadi salah satu momen yang mengubah hidup aku! Sebelum ikut program ini, aku sering bingung saat ngoding dan merasa stuck saat harus analisis data. But after learning at Course-Net, my skills improved significantly. Sekarang aku jadi lebih lancar menggunakan Google Colab, Jupyter, dan berbagai tools analisis data lainnya. Not only that, my critical thinking and analytical skills have sharpened a lot.

    The coaches at Course-Net a...
  • Ferdiansyah Anggana Putra Harahap
    Student • Cyber Security Specialist • Online
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    Dec 20, 2024
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    Practical, Fun, and Impactful: My SIB Journey at Course-Net

    “Cool, Think Smarter, and Be Mindful"-three things that immediately came to my mind after joining Course-Net! Through the Batch 7 Independent Study Independent Campus program, I chose the Cyber Security Specialist path and had an amazing learning experience.
    The material provided is really structured, starting from basics such as Algorithms using C++ and Java, Net...
  • Rangga Ryantico
    Student • Cyber Security Specialist • Online
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    Dec 20, 2024
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    Practical, Fun, and Impactful: My SIB Journey at Course-Net

    Initially, I felt quite confused when I received several MSIB partner offers. However, my belief in CourseNet's quality, which has been proven by various international awards, especially in cybersecurity, made me firmly choose this partner. That decision turned out to be incredibly right.

    CourseNet offers many advantages, including high-quality materials, competent coaches, and adequate mentor support. Additionally, this program provides participants with opportunities...
  • Ade Prabowo
    Student • Cyber Security Specialist • Online
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    Dec 19, 2024
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    Practical, Fun, and Impactful: My SIB Journey at Course-Net

    During my participation in the Independent Study Batch 7 at Course-Net as a "Cyber Security Specialist," I gained a wealth of extraordinary experiences.

    Firstly, through learning with the ITBox LMS, which contains courses on basic IT programming and cybersecurity from basic to advanced levels, I found it easier to understand the content presented in the video lessons. Secondly, through face-to-face learning sessions with professional mentors, I gained invaluable insights, especial...
  • Abdilbar Ainur Ridla
    Student • Cyber Security Specialist • Online
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    Dec 19, 2024
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    Practical, Fun, and Impactful: My SIB Journey at Course-Net

    Menjadi bagian dari Studi Independen "Cyber Security Specialist" di Course-Net adalah sebuah langkah signifikan dalam perjalanan karier saya di bidang keamanan siber. Keputusan untuk mengikuti program ini didasari oleh kurikulum yang komprehensif, yang tidak hanya memulai dari dasar, tetapi juga bergerak maju ke tahap lanjutan seperti Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) dan Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI). Ini adalah kombinasi yang sempurna bagi siapa saja yang ingin memperdalam...
  • Dimas Maulana Rizky
    Student • Cyber Security Specialist • Online
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    Dec 19, 2024
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    Practical, Fun, and Impactful: My SIB Journey at Course-Net

    Selama mengikuti program Studi Independen Kampus Merdeka di Course-Net Indonesia, saya mendapat banyak wawasan baru di bidang IT. Proses pembelajaran yang menggabungkan teori dan praktik membantu saya memahami materi dengan lebih baik.Materi pembelajaran dimulai dari pengenalan database dan jaringan komputer, kemudian berlanjut ke topik keamanan siber. Saya mempelajari web app security, exploit development, dan digital forensik dengan panduan yang jelas dari mentor berpengalam...
  • Nadila Hardiyanty
    Student • Cyber Security Specialist • Online
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    Dec 19, 2024
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    Practical, Fun, and Impactful: My SIB Journey at Course-Net"

    Pengalaman Belajar saya di program Cyber Security Specialist melalui Kampus Merdeka Studi Independen di Course-Net adalah salah satu pengalaman belajar yang paling berharga dalam hidup saya. Sebagai seseorang yang baru mulai mendalami dunia Cyber Security, saya awalnya merasa sedikit cemas. Namun, program ini dirancang dengan sangat baik, sehingga saya dapat dengan mudah memahami dan menikmati setiap langkah dalam proses belajar. Selama mengikuti program ini, saya mendapatkan pemahaman y...
  • Adelia saputri
    Adelia saputri
    Graduate • Cyber Security Specialist • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Dec 18, 2024
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    Practical, Fun, and Impactful: My SIB Journey at Course-Net

    This program is truly impactful. Over the past four months of learning at Course-Net through the Kampus Merdeka program, every live coaching session has been incredibly informative and valuable to me. The coaches are highly skilled and experienced in their fields. The facilities provided by Course-Net, such as the Learning Management System (LMS) so helpful in supporting my learning journey. The LMS was well-organized, easy to navigate, and packed with resources that enriched my understa...
  • Muhammad Edwin Firjatulloh
    Graduate • Cyber Security Specialist • Online
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    Dec 18, 2024
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    Practical, Fun, and Impactful: My SIB Journey at Course-Net

    My journey through the SIB program at Course-Net has been an incredibly rewarding experience. As I reflect on the past few months, I can confidently say that this program has not only expanded my technical knowledge but has also shaped me into a more confident and competent individual in the field of Cyber Security and Computer Forensics.Mentoring and Coordination: A Collaborative ExperienceThe mentoring sessions throughout the program were one of t...
  • Arfian Sarianto Pendang
    Student • Cyber Security Specialist • Online
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    Dec 18, 2024
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    Practical, Fun, and Impactful: My SIB Journey at Course-Net

    Mengikuti program Cyber Security Specialist melalui Kampus Merdeka Studi Independen di Course-Net  merupakan salah satu pengalaman belajar terbaik dalam hidup saya. Sebagai seseorang yang baru benar-benar mendalami Cyber Security, awalnya saya merasa cukup gugup. Namun, program ini dirancang dengan sangat baik sehingga membuat saya lebih mudah memahami dan menikmati setiap proses belajar. Selama mengikuti program ini, saya mendapatkan pembelajaran yang sangat lengkap tentang berbagai top...
  • Federic Margery
    Student • Cyber Security Specialist • Online
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    Dec 18, 2024
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    Pengalaman Studi Independen Cyber Security Specialist di Course-Net

    Pengalaman belajar saya di Program Studi Independen Course-Net sangat berkesan. Saya mengikuti kelas Cyber Security Specialist, di mana saya mempelajari dasar-dasar pemrograman seperti C, Java, dan Database, serta materi tentang Computer Networking dan Cyber Security (CEH & CHFI). Kelas ini juga menyediakan berbagai soal dan studi kasus nyata yang dilengkapi dengan latihan untuk mengasah kemampuan saya.Saya juga mendapatkan wawasan baru, terutama di bidang Digital Forensic...
  • Celvin Januar
    Student • Cyber Security Specialist • Online
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    Dec 17, 2024
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    Practical, Fun, and Impactful: My SIB Journey at Course-Net

    Joining the Cyber Security Specialist program at Course-Net through the Kampus Merdeka Independent Study Program (SIB) has been an unforgettable and transformative experience for me. This program successfully combined technical expertise, practical applications, and an enjoyable learning environment.Learning ExperienceThe course provided an excellent balance between theory and practice. The modules ...

Course-Net Alumni Outcomes

Recent Course-Net News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated April 01, 2024
This March, AI literacy, skills-based hiring, and apprenticeships continued to be top of mind in the coding bootcamp space. Three reports released this month detailed the rising importance of upskilling the current workforce on the use of AI. The federal government issued an executive order on creating more apprenticeship opportunities, and skills-based hiring saw a boost in overall job listi...

Course-Net Alumni Reviews Summary

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Recent Course-Net News

How much does Course-Net cost?

Course-Net costs around Rp21,500,000. On the lower end, some Course-Net courses like UX/UI Design cost Rp12,000,000.

What courses does Course-Net teach?

Course-Net offers courses like Cyber Security Specialist, Data Analyst, Data Science For Business Development, Fullstack Application Developer and 2 more.

Where does Course-Net have campuses?

Course-Net teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Course-Net worth it?

Course-Net hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 160 Course-Net alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Course-Net on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Course-Net legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 160 Course-Net alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Course-Net and rate their overall experience a 4.89 out of 5.

Does Course-Net offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Course-Net offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Course-Net reviews?

You can read 160 reviews of Course-Net on Course Report! Course-Net alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Course-Net and rate their overall experience a 4.89 out of 5.

Is Course-Net accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Course-Net doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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