Techmongers is closed
This school is now closed. Although Techmongers is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Techmongers alumni reviews on the school page.
Techmongers offers a 10-week full-time web development and 12- week part-time Cybersecurity academy in Amsterdam and online. Their program prepares students for full stack developer roles where professionals teach what they know and love through this unique course. In collaboration with industry professionals and employers, the Techmongers curriculum matches market demand. By starting with foundational knowledge of web development, students will then be equipped with cutting-edge technology skills by participating in code reviews, quality assessments, team collaboration, and more. All course materials and instruction are provided in English to best prepare students to work in an international coding environment.
Applicants do not need previous technical experience to join Techmongers, but they must participate in the Admissions Training Camp, a one-week bootcamp at the start of the Academy. After this week, they will be evaluated on their motivation, progress and technical skills. The evaluation will determine whether they continue in the No Cure - No Pay or Pay Upfront model. The Techmongers team believes that a strong motivation and dedication are the best drivers for success.
The Techmongers team works to ensure graduates are hired as junior web developers within 5 months of graduating. During the job application phase, graduates must do everything within reason to secure gainful employment in their field of study. Typically, employers pay the bulk of the tuition cost.
Techmongers was formerly known as Codaisseur.
Employed in-field | 100.0% |
Full-time employee | 100.0% |
Full-time apprenticeship, internship or contract position | 0.0% |
Short-term contract, part-time, or freelance | 0.0% |
Started a new company or venture after graduation | 100.0% |
Not seeking in-field employment | 0.0% |
Employed out-of-field | 0.0% |
Continuing to higher education | 0.0% |
Not seeking a job for health, family, or personal reasons | 0.0% |
Still seeking job in-field | 0.0% |
Could not contact | 0.0% |
How much does Techmongers cost?
Techmongers costs around €5,999. On the lower end, some Techmongers courses like Codaisseur Online Academy - No Cure No Pay Model cost €999.
What courses does Techmongers teach?
Techmongers offers courses like Codaisseur Online Academy - No Cure No Pay Model, Cyber Security Course - Part-time.
Where does Techmongers have campuses?
Techmongers has an in-person campus in Amsterdam.
Is Techmongers worth it?
The data says yes! Techmongers reports a 85% graduation rate, a median salary of $3,600 and 100% of Techmongers alumni are employed. Techmongers hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 81 Techmongers alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Techmongers on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Techmongers legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 81 Techmongers alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Techmongers and rate their overall experience a 4.65 out of 5.
Does Techmongers offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Techmongers offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Techmongers reviews?
You can read 81 reviews of Techmongers on Course Report! Techmongers alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Techmongers and rate their overall experience a 4.65 out of 5.
Is Techmongers accredited?
Registered at the Dutch CRKBO (Central Register for Short Vocational Education)Accredited member of NRTO.
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