

Average Rating4.86
310 Reviews
7 Courses

WBS CODING SCHOOL is a live online, instructor-led bootcamp based in Germany offering courses in Web & App Development (15 weeks full-time or 26 weeks part-time), Data Science (15 weeks full-time or 26 weeks part-time), Data Analytics (11 weeks full-time), UX/UI Product Design (15 weeks full-time), and AI for Business (8 weeks full-time). Students have the option to access any of their 280 locations across Germany to complete their courses. WBS CODING SCHOOL's supportive instructors and staff provide guidance from teaching to career preparation, ensuring a friendly and inviting atmosphere. Students can also add German or English language classes to their bootcamp with our SpeakTech program.

WBS CODING SCHOOL does not require applicants to have any previous coding experience. Applicants should be 18+ years old and proficient in English. 

WBS CODING SCHOOL aims to produce graduates who are job market-ready. Students will go through WBS CODING SCHOOL's structured Career Preparation Program, which is a self-paced online course with interactive soft-skill workshops. Students also receive 1:1 career coaching and networking opportunities. Successful students will receive a Graduation Certificate upon completion of the bootcamp.

WBS CODING SCHOOL offers a variety of payment plans, including installment payment plans and an Income Share Agreement. German residents may be eligible to study for free with a Bildungsgutschein. Austrian residents who are unemployed, soon to be unemployed, or on Kurzarbeit, may be eligible to access government funding from the AMS (Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich) or the WAFF (Wiener Arbeitnehmer*innen Förderungsfonds). Residents of Vienna, regardless of their employment status, may be eligible to receive funding through the Digi-Winner initiative.

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  • Shruti Yadav
    Student • Marketing Analytics Bootcamp (full-time) • Berlin
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    Aug 02, 2023
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    Best Bootcamp for Career Changer

    I just have to say how awesome my experience was at the WBS Coding school, Marketing Analytics Bootcamp! It was like a total transformation for me! The classes were super cool because they taught us important stuff without making it boring. Vyas, our instructor was totally amazing! He explained everything in a way that was easy to understand. We got to work on real-life projects and few dummy websites, which was so much fun and helped us learn a lot. The best part was the friendly atmosp...
  • Frederik Loy
    Data Scientist • Graduate • Data Science Bootcamp (full-time) • Berlin
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    Aug 02, 2023
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    A Transformative Data Science Journey at WBS Coding School!

    My four-month Data Science Bootcamp at WBS Coding School was truly life-changing. The instructors were passionate and knowledgeable, making complex concepts easy to grasp. The comprehensive curriculum and hands-on projects deepened my understanding. The collaborative and supportive community fostered lasting friendships and networking opportunities. The school's support and career services were exceptional, and the modern learning environment ensured a safe and comfortable works...
  • Saran Raju
    Graduate • Marketing Analytics Bootcamp (full-time) • Hybrid (Online & In-person)
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    Aug 02, 2023
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    Great bootcamp for those who want to get into Marketing and Analyst.

    I have enrolled in the summer cohort, spanning a period of 15 weeks. Throughout this duration, we've been introduced to a variety of tools and programming languages. Our instructor, Vyas, is exceptionally skilled in delivering effective teaching.
  • Pedro Duarte
    Marketing Analyst • Graduate • Marketing Analytics Bootcamp (full-time) • Berlin
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    Jul 31, 2023
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    Empowering experience

    Recently, I had the privilege of participating in the Marketing Analytics bootcamp at WBS Coding School, and I must say it has been an exceptional experience that exceeded my expectations in many ways. This hybrid program, which combined the convenience of online learning with the immersive on-campus experience during the final three weeks at a hotel near the river, proved to be the perfect formula for advancing my career in the digital marketing world.

    The learni...
  • Anne Pohlmann
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web & App Development Bootcamp (full-time) • Hybrid (Online & In-person)
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    Jul 30, 2023
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    A Transformative Experience at WBS Coding School's Web and App Development Bootcamp

    I recently had the incredible opportunity to attend the Web and App Development Bootcamp at WBS Coding School, and I must say it was nothing short of extraordinary. As someone with the desire to become a skilled developer, this bootcamp was the perfect choice for building up my skills and pursuing a career in the tech industry.
    The curriculum was comprehensive and expertly designed, covering everything from the fundamentals of web development to advanced app creation. Under the guidan...
  • Lakisha Adu
    Lakisha Adu
    Graduate • Marketing Analytics Bootcamp (full-time) • Hybrid (Online & In-person)
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    Jul 28, 2023
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    Top Marketing Analytics Bootcamp!

     The Marketing Analytics Bootcamp at WBS Coding School deserves my wholehearted recommendation! From start to finish, the experience was exceptionally enriching. The well-structured curriculum provided a balanced blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on application, while our highly qualified instructor, Vyas, guided us through the material with great enthusiasm.

    I was particularly impressed by the practical approach of the bootcamp. We had the opportunity to an...
  • Anokhi Maniar
    Student • Marketing Analytics Bootcamp (full-time) • Berlin
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    Jul 28, 2023
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    A Roller coaster of 15 weeks of Marketing Analytics Bootcamp

    I had a fantastic experience in the Marketing Analytics bootcamp with an excellent instructor, Adithya. The teaching techniques, material, and module structure were top-notch. The campus phase was enjoyable as I worked with and met other colleagues, making it a great opportunity to boost skills. I highly recommend WBS CODING SCHOOL to anyone interested in enhancing their Marketing analytics abilities.
  • Almuth Hattwich
    Almuth Hattwich
    Junior Analytics Engineer • Graduate • Data Science Bootcamp (full-time) • Hybrid (Online & In-person)
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    Jul 18, 2023
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    I undertook the Data Science Bootcamp and it was a wonderful experience. I learned al lot but what is even better for me - I feel now I will be able to learn what I need in the future. Thank you instructors and team!
  • Daniel Quandt
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web & App Development Bootcamp (full-time) • Berlin
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    Jul 10, 2023
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    This bootcamp changed my life!

    I am switching careers and I am so so happy that I have chosen the WBS Coding School for that!
    I've just finished the Full Stack Web and App Development Bootcamp.
    The materials are very well designed, the classes are very well structured and the instructors and the whole community are just lovely, helpful and patient.
    I managed to learn how to work with MERN Stack from scratch and it just feels great!
    It is a challenging experience, but it is absolutely worth it! 
    The two ...
  • Yu Ting Weng
    Student • Full-Stack Web & App Development Bootcamp (full-time) • Berlin
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    Jul 10, 2023
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    Once in a lifetime experience

    Once in a lifetime experience, everyone in the campus is super nice, and the location is nice too, it's next to the Spree, with green area, the food they provide is amazing.  I won't forget the time I spent in the campus.
  • Stephan Ullmann
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web & App Development Bootcamp (full-time) • Hybrid (Online & In-person)
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    Jul 09, 2023
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    encompassing enganging ride

    The WBS Coding School Full-Stack Web- & App-Development Bootcamp is a 17-week intensive and comprehensive learning experience, that begins with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript fundamentals and concludes with complex NoSQL queries and JWT-User-Authentification. Not only are theoretical fundamentals taught, but actual engaging group projects train remote teamwork and collaborating via git/github. But not only is sound knowledge imparted,  there is also a lively community and relatable and s...
  • Miroslav Ljubicic
    Web designer • Graduate • Full-Stack Web & App Development Bootcamp (full-time) • Hybrid (Online & In-person)
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    Jul 08, 2023
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    best learning experience

    WBS Coding School offers several advantages, including highly organized learning structures, a strong sense of community, and exceptional instructors. In my experience, the instructors at WBS have been unparalleled. However, it's important to note that, being a boot camp, the program can occasionally feel overwhelming. 



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WBS CODING SCHOOL Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 200+ WBS CODING SCHOOL alumni reviews on Course Report, the school is highly regarded for its immersive and comprehensive bootcamps, particularly in Full-Stack Web & App Development and Data Science. Students praise the school for its knowledgeable instructors, hands-on learning approach, and supportive community. A review highlighted, "The instructors were knowledgeable, supportive, and passionate about teaching. The curriculum was well-designed and covered a wide range of topics."​ However, some students noted the intensity of the courses, requiring significant dedication and effort.
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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does WBS CODING SCHOOL cost?

WBS CODING SCHOOL costs around €10,500. On the lower end, some WBS CODING SCHOOL courses like Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Business Course (full-time) cost €4,900.

Where does WBS CODING SCHOOL have campuses?

WBS CODING SCHOOL has in-person campuses in Berlin. WBS CODING SCHOOL also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.


WBS CODING SCHOOL hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 310 WBS CODING SCHOOL alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed WBS CODING SCHOOL on Course Report - you should start there!


We let alumni answer that question. 310 WBS CODING SCHOOL alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed WBS CODING SCHOOL and rate their overall experience a 4.86 out of 5.

Does WBS CODING SCHOOL offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like WBS CODING SCHOOL offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read WBS CODING SCHOOL reviews?

You can read 310 reviews of WBS CODING SCHOOL on Course Report! WBS CODING SCHOOL alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed WBS CODING SCHOOL and rate their overall experience a 4.86 out of 5.

Is WBS CODING SCHOOL accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. WBS CODING SCHOOL doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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