

Average Rating4.67
2252 Reviews
33 Courses

BrainStation is a global digital skills training and workforce transformation provider that offers bootcamps and courses in data, design, development, digital marketing, product, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and leadership both online and at state-of-the-art campuses in New York, London, Miami, Toronto, and Vancouver. Established in 2012, BrainStation has worked with over 500 instructors from the most innovative brands to develop cutting-edge, real-world digital education. Whether students are looking for career transformation or professional development, BrainStation has a learning option, with full-time diploma programs, part-time certificate courses, and specialized skills training.

BrainStation’s courses and bootcamps offer a collaborative, project-based learning experience, with regularly updated curriculum to ensure professionals gain the most relevant skills in their field. The class structure combines engaging, live instruction with interactive sessions and a hands-on, project-based curriculum. BrainStation also provides a variety of flexible learning options, including a proprietary online classroom and learning environment. This environment lets students attend live lectures, collaborate with fellow professionals, and receive immediate, real-time feedback from instructors – from anywhere in the world. 

BrainStation has trained more than 30,000 alumni in over 100 countries across the world. BrainStation’s bootcamps offer personalized career services, including career coaching to help learners meet their career goals. Networking and career-oriented events are also available at BrainStation.

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2,252 BrainStation Reviews

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  • Mike McDowall
    Freelance Software Engineer / TV Producer • Student • Software Engineering Bootcamp • London
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Sep 07, 2024
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    Superb Quality Education

    I am not an average student. At the ripe old age of 59, I decided to pick up some new skills before hitting 60, and against the advice of a number of colleagues and friends I deliberately opted for what I imagined would be the toughest course around: a Software Engineering Bootcamp.  I like a challenge.

    I had limited computer science knowledge, but have been a technophile for decades, and unlike in my previous career as a TV producer, where creating anything requires vast resource...
  • Kinnari Buch
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Aug 23, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    An Invaluable Learning Experience

    I'm incredibly grateful to the educators, TAs, career services, and the entire BrainStation team for their unwavering support. Their encouragement boosted my confidence and pushed me to achieve more than I imagined. I learned so much during this journey and highly recommend BrainStation to anyone looking to make a career transition or enhance their skills. 
  • Jennifer Zhan
    Graduate • Software Engineering Bootcamp • Toronto
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    Aug 13, 2024
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    A Very Precious Three-Month Learning Experience

    An irreplaceable team collaboration experience, learning the latest and most standard programming techniques in the industry, with daily access to teachers and TAs for answering questions. Compared to self-learning, it greatly increases the chances of career transition, allowing you to see the gap between yourself and industry professionals, learn how to set goals, and complete your own independent project, taking the first step into the industry.
  • Justin Muir
    Back End Engineer • Graduate • Cybersecurity Course Online • Online
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    Jul 26, 2024
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    Great first step in the world of cybersecurity

    The Cybersecurity course at BrainStation offered a thorough and engaging learning experience. The course content was relevant and up-to-date, the instructors were knowledgeable and supportive, and the delivery methods catered to different learning styles. The practical applications ensured that students were not only learning but also applying their knowledge effectively. Overall, I would say this course is highly recommended for anyone looking to start or advance their career in cyberse...
  • Tabytha Jensen
    Director of TAB LLC • Student • Digital Marketing Course • Miami
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    Jul 17, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Empowering, Interactive, Introductory

    This was a very cool experience to go back to school and learn new skills. The content was very helpful and the final project helped us apply our new skills. It was be great to have more 1:1 time with the instructor. The class is introductory so it's very limited at only 8 weeks. It moves fast and you have to do a lot of work outside of class. Class was more helpful when we  got through all the slides and were able to ask questions while still having time to do the in-class activities. I...
  • Christine Coupet Jacques
    Student • Digital Marketing Course • Miami
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    Jul 16, 2024
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    Kickstarting Digital Marketing Skills - practice makes perfect !

    I recently completed an 8-week digital marketing course at BrainStation, and it was a truly enriching experience. The program provides a solid foundation, setting the stage for continuous learning and skill enhancement in the field of digital marketing. The instructors were incredibly open and supportive, fostering a collaborative and engaging classroom environment. The in-person class ambiance was dynamic and invigorating, contributing positively to our learning experience. A significan...
  • Zairah Khurshid
    Marketing Manager at Google • Student • Product Management Course • London
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    Jul 16, 2024
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    I can't recommend this course enough! I've taken several courses at Brainstation and the Product Management course at BrainStation was outstanding. The instructors were engaging and deeply knowledgeable. They made each class interactive and insightful through their own real-world examples. Their experience and passion for teaching made the class a rich learning experience. My class was filled with ambitious individuals eager to upskill, creating a collaborative and motivating ...
  • Steve Song
    Graduate • Data Science Course Online • Online
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    Jul 12, 2024
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    very helpful!

    This course is very helpful! It delivers all what I need  when I have decided to find a  job as a data scientist. The interaction in class, capstone project, all kinds of this stuff  are great. 

  • Benedikt Middelstaedt
    Graduate • Data Science Bootcamp • London
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    Jul 12, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Intensive but great experience

    An intensive and exhausting but really enjoyable time is coming to an end and I have to say it was really empty. I was lucky with the class, there were relatively few of us and that was an advantage given the amount of material. The teaching team is very committed, the course is manageable but you have to do something. You have to see it as your full-time job and sit down in the evenings and do the assignments or recaps. The material starts at a certain level, but you can certainly catch...
  • Paula Sanchez
    Student • Digital Marketing Course • Miami
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    Jul 05, 2024
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    BrainStation's Digital Marketing

    If you're a beginner looking for a comprehensive and well-structured introduction to digital marketing, BrainStation is an excellent choice. It provides a strong foundation in all the essential areas, preparing you to navigate the exciting world of digital marketing with confidence.Highly Recommend!
  • Nicolas Martinez
    Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp • Vancouver
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    Jun 21, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Great use of time

    Very intense 3 months where you learn a lot with tons of hands on practise, following a well structured course curriculum. 
    Educators are very helpful too. 

    I was lucky to get a BC government grant as unemployed. That said, I think the regular $16000 is very expensive. 
  • I-Chun Chang
    Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp • Vancouver
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    Jun 17, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Learned so much more than expected

    I enjoyed my web development bootcamp at BrainStation so much. It was an amazing experience with clear explanations of the instructors for each topic and all the support from the TAs. The curriculum was well structured, I just needed to show up and absorb all I could without thinking about learning by myself during the whole process. The projects that we worked on each week always matched the subject we were learning and allowed us to apply our skills straight away. We also had a chance ...

BrainStation Alumni Outcomes

Recent BrainStation News

Harry Hantel
Harry Hantel
Updated July 22, 2021
While coding bootcamps can produce stellar developers, Product Management is another integral part of a company's technical team. It’s an organizational function that entails a combination of marketing, development, and analysis. The ability to get into the nitty-gritty of coding is obviously a powerful skill, but product management ensures that the code is maximizing the effectiveness of t...
Liz Eggleston
Liz Eggleston
Updated May 07, 2015
Jason Cassidy is the digital marketing manager at Cara Operations, Canada’s largest full-service restaurant company. He was recently named to Marketing Mag’s "30 under 30," but Jason realized the importance of technical skills in marketing and saw the potential to unlock new opportunities at his company. After attending a marketing seminar at Brainstation, Jason decided to take their 10 wee...
Harry Hantel
Harry Hantel
Updated July 22, 2021
Apple’s newest, beginner-oriented programming language Swift has made developing for the iPhone a possibility for new and experienced developers alike. iOS developers earn over $100,000 on average, so it's a perfect time to learn to program for the iPhone. With the help of one of these iOS bootcamps, you could find yourself developing mobile apps utilizing Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, and Swift....
Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated May 21, 2024
We’ve all seen the statistics, and the verdict is clear: women are vastly underrepresented in technical fields. While women are the leading adopters of technology, the software development industry is only made up of 20% women. Course Report wants to see more women in technical roles, and coding bootcamps have a unique opportunity to boost these numbers. One way to attract women to apply and ...

BrainStation Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 2,000+ BrainStation alumni reviews on Course Report, students often highlight the quality of the curriculum, experienced instructors, and effective career support services. Particularly, the Full-Time Software Engineering and Data Science Bootcamps are frequently commended. One reviewer says, "The program was challenging but extremely rewarding, offering real-world projects that truly enhanced my skills." However, some students noted the high cost of courses as a consideration.
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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
PBSS - New York, United States, CIE - Florida, United States, PCC - Ontario, Canada, PTIB - British Columbia, Canada
Recent BrainStation News

How much does BrainStation cost?

BrainStation costs around $16,500. On the lower end, some BrainStation courses like Social Media Marketing Course cost $2,450.

What courses does BrainStation teach?

BrainStation offers courses like Artificial Intelligence Course Online, Cybersecurity Bootcamp Online, Cybersecurity Course Online, Data Analytics Course and 29 more.

Where does BrainStation have campuses?

BrainStation has in-person campuses in London, Miami, New York City, Toronto, and Vancouver. BrainStation also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is BrainStation worth it?

BrainStation hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 2,252 BrainStation alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed BrainStation on Course Report - you should start there!

Is BrainStation legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 2,252 BrainStation alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed BrainStation and rate their overall experience a 4.67 out of 5.

Does BrainStation offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like BrainStation offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read BrainStation reviews?

You can read 2,252 reviews of BrainStation on Course Report! BrainStation alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed BrainStation and rate their overall experience a 4.67 out of 5.

Is BrainStation accredited?

PBSS - New York, United States, CIE - Florida, United States, PCC - Ontario, Canada, PTIB - British Columbia, Canada

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