
Holberton School

Average Rating4.27
80 Reviews
5 Courses

Holberton School is a software engineering school with campuses on 4 continents and over 20 countries that trains individuals to become Full Stack Software Engineers. All schools offer the 36-week Foundations of Computer Science program, with short- and long-term specialization courses in Fullstack Web Development, Machine Learning, AR/VR and Low Level. The school's mission is to train the next generation of software developers through 100% hands-on learning. 

The curriculum adopts a project-based, peer-learning approach. As an alternative to college and in lieu of formal classes, students solve increasingly complicated programming challenges with minimal instruction. Students will develop resourcefulness as they search for the tools they need to solve these challenges while working with their peers. Rather than focusing on tools and programming languages, students at Holberton have a framework that teaches them the mindset of "learn to learn" and develop problem-solving skills. Throughout the course of the program, students work on industry-level projects and build their own applications. Holberton School mentors ensure that the Holberton curriculum stays up to date. Holberton mentors work for rising startups and top-tier Silicon Valley companies such as Google, Apple, LinkedIn, Tesla and Airbnb.

No programming experience is required. Admission to Holberton School is based only on talent and motivation, with no consideration given to gender, nationality, ethnicity, age or social status.

80 Holberton School Reviews

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  • Hen
    Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
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    Mar 06, 2020
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    "Bad business practices, illegal contracts, fake statistics, deceiving marketing”

    They give out ISAs without approval from the government.
    https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2020/02/26/san-francisco-based-holberton-coding-school-facing-fraud-accusations-from-former-students/They committed fraud to get authorized as a school. Look it up on the BPPE’s website.They expel anyone who can’t keep up with their sink or swim methodology, or anyone who ch...

    Holberton School of Holberton School

    Community Manager

    Apr 19, 2021

    The BPPE and Attorney General have striked the accusations referred to in this review against Holberton School. Allegations around the Fraudulent license and false marketing have been addressed with the governing bodies and have been dropped.

    Read more: https://blog.holbertonschool.com/holberton-cleared-of-fraud-allegations-in-california/ 
  • Amy
    SRE • Graduate • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
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    Mar 02, 2020
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    School prioritizes expansion over student experience

    I attended Holberton school from January to October 2018 after a close friend attended for free as part of their first cohort.  My review has a lot of negative and positive points but ultimately, my choice led to a successful career change, but not without a hefty price tag related to living jobless in San Francisco and signing over a large chunk of my income in the deal.  I wish I had done more research into alternatives before signing on, but it wasn't all bad.

    Because I was in ...
  • Pilar Pinto
    Pilar Pinto
    electronic engineering student • Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • Bogotá
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 20, 2019
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    The best school of software

    Is the best school of software because you have learn a lot of things and you used every concept in the next project, and you start with C and learnt from the basis to the advanced topics in order to use that concepts in posterior python knowdledge 

  • Lady Marcela
    Lady Marcela
    Student of Software Engineer • Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • Bogotá
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    Nov 19, 2019
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    amazing challenger

    It's a great experience from every aspect, helps you grow personally and professionally, not only teach you programming also teach you soft skills to have a better performance in real life, create very strong ties with your peers, can make friends for life, as far as academics has a good management of the content they offer and encourage you to take out all the mental potential that one has, in general has been a great experience, maybe one thing that is against it is that many people do n...

  • Juan Marin
    Juan Marin
    Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • Bogotá
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    Jul 26, 2019
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    Learning at the speed of light

    Is a really good program to develop all your endemic an non-endemic skills .The projects are designed to feed and boost your hungry for knowledge. The framework is a remarkable way to polish your knowledge by teching othes and  letting others help you.

  • Laura Roudge
    Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
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    May 18, 2019
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    Thorough curriculum, awesome culture and no upfront tuition

    I am currently a student at Holberton School, in the middle of my first year (foundations).

    I already loved the innovative concept of the Income Share Agreement (ISA) before starting because I couldn't afford going to college or paying for a super-expensive bootcamp. Now I can focus on studying, and pay 17% of my salary for 3 years and a half once I land a job! Also, this makes the school super inclusive, and you can really feel that they're trying their best to bring more minori...

  • Ethan
    Student • Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
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    May 17, 2019
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    Project Based - Peer Learning - Perfection!

    I'm writing as a student halfway into the program.
    Coming from a background of studying Computer Science's in high school and one year of communal college, I was in awe after coming here. I always felt the way I was learning wasn't very efficient. Starring at a professor hours at a time while he goes line through line of code - I was processing 10% of the information coming in. I took multiple online courses on my own and was already learning more than I did in months in school.

  • Jose Ferney
    Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • Bogotá
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    May 09, 2019
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    Challenging experience

    I am from cohort 0 from Bogota Colombia and I just can say. if you are a person who wants to learn/improve your tech skills Holberton is the perfect place for you, therefore, you have to be willing to learn from scratch in a high-level. 
    Honestly, I learned more in three months here than a year in a traditional school. 
    Holberton has a disruptive method is not centralized only en tech skills also the program make you improve your social skills and make you learn how to work into ...

  • Robert
    Graduate • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
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    May 03, 2019
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    Recommended to anyone who has time and dedication!

    My experience at Holberton has been mostly positive. I will say that it is a commitment, and that I had to cut out various social aspects of my life to finish projects, but if you go into the program with the mindset of devoting large portions of your time to it, you'll be good to go.

    The content and projects were challenging and covered a wide spectrum in the realm of software engineering. I've attended one other coding bootcamp in SF and found it to be lacking in content and de...

  • Omar Martínez
    Omar Martínez
    Software Engineer • Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • Bogotá
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    Apr 02, 2019
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    The learning experience I always wished

    I love the self-training, learn the number of things I could find in reputable sources, I tried really hard to find something good enough to take as my professional route when I was close to taking my decision to be an entire autodidact. I meet Holberton, read the syllabus and feel secure that I finally could say, I find it, I found what I was looking for, the best way to learn the best technical abilities and engineer thinking, adding the possibility to interact with other extraordinary p...

  • Kiren Srinivasan
    Kiren Srinivasan
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
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    Mar 14, 2019
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    Intense but worthwhile

    Having gone through traditional university at NYU as an econ major, worked in the tech industry, and started my own startup, it was not easy to get an interview for any junior/intern developer position in tech. However, I was eventually able to get an iOS contract job at an early stage startup that took a chance on me for 3-4 months.

    It was after this iOS contract job that I started evaluating possible options for 1-2 year long coding schools (not a bootcamp, but not a traditiona...

  • Spencer Taylor
    Spencer Taylor
    Software Engineer, Naborly • Graduate • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Verified by GitHub
    Feb 21, 2019
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    From Food to Tech under a year.

    Hi I'm Spencer. I was in Cohort 5 at Holberton School SF and I started in Jan 2018. Before starting I was a chef, and before that a Navy vet.  I got a job at a startup called Naborly 2 months before I finished year 1. Holberton School was one of the best experiences that I've had at a school as well as being one of the most difficult points in my life. I'm a major fan of the project and peer based learning. I don't really do well in traditional learning enviornments. I don't want to sit an...


Holberton School Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does Holberton School cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Holberton School does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

Where does Holberton School have campuses?

Holberton School has in-person campuses in Barranquilla, Beirut, Bogotá, Bordeaux, Cali, Laval, Lille, Lima, Medellín, Montevideo, Quito, San Juan, Toulouse, and Tunis.

Is Holberton School worth it?

Holberton School hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 80 Holberton School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Holberton School on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Holberton School legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 80 Holberton School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Holberton School and rate their overall experience a 4.27 out of 5.

Does Holberton School offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Holberton School offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Holberton School reviews?

You can read 80 reviews of Holberton School on Course Report! Holberton School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Holberton School and rate their overall experience a 4.27 out of 5.

Is Holberton School accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Holberton School doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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